Can we remove layering?

30K on a single server?! So broken.

How are you guys not seeing anyone? I am on a server with no queue and always seeing players everywhere I go.

Source on the 30k number?

We don’t know that, is my point.
I’d like to see what happens.
Also, I see people keep claiming the server population cap is 30k.
How do you know this?

Let me know if you get one please! Don’t know how anyone could know this, but multiple people are saying it confidently.

I believe it was information gained early on, or based on hardware info or datamining. Ill dig around

It’s annoying when you go looking for your friend and you know right where he’s at but can’t see him if you aren’t in a group…

This is incredibly lame.

#No Man’s Warcraft

Only problem I see are the elitist abusing this problem for personal gain, whether it be farming mobs, or mats. Other than that I personally don’t mind because I’m casually enjoying the game right now, If I was more serious about things then it would be disturbing. But I won’t change layers just to get Broken Tooth. Not worth it I just want to enjoy the game again

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Yes please!!!

as terrible as this would be… I… am I wrong for wanting to see a sea of humanity in Stormwind?

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I was really disappointed to walk into SW and see only a few people :frowning:

You tried your hardest, and sometimes that’s all you can do.

If layering was gone from servers right now, every single zone in the game below level 40 would be lagging to unplayability, your screen would be crawling with players, and everyone would be demanding layering returned or for a dozen new servers.

imagine being a level 12 rogue questing … suddenly
2000 people spawn in your area killing the same pigs that you need!

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Same. I see a lot of numbers thrown around with confidence, but zero reliable sources.

99% of people have probably not noticed a single meaningful impact from having layering.

If anything they need to add more layers to get rid of queues on the highest pop servers and just come up with a better post-phase 2 plan for the highest pop servers. If a server can’t get a small enough pop for no layering by phase 2 for world bosses, just make them spawn a lot more often and give people a weekly lockout so they can’t just farm the boss a dozen times on one character. Congrats, now everyone can play without a queue even on herod/faerlina. You’re welcome.

If every server goes down to one layer everyone on layers 2 and up go to the queue, on many servers you get queues with layers, taking out layering is a non-starter until everyone who isn’t staying for the long term quits completely.

Seriously? When servers are still having queues thousands of players long on servers with population caps you want to remove layering which is what letting as many people get in as there is?

You remove layering and all you get servers that will feel just as empty with longer queues. Because I don’t know what you call empty but I’ve been able to group for every kill one named mob quest because there is always a few people there waiting on spawns and grouping to share the tag.