Blizzard if you can’t do your job right then don’t publish fake news and try to get credit for it. Blizzard said they fixed the dance rune weapon for blood so it will be doing what it supposed to do, doing 50% of dk dmg.
However the only thing they really fixed is the death coil dmg to be at 50% and all other abilities are still around 20~30%.
And they introduced a bunch of new bugs like Rune weapon auto dmg will not scale with dks weapon, missing auto attack etc, not inherit glyphs.
Not to mention they already said he can’t do anything for inherit arp b/c they can’t code.
Blizzard you guys really need to find ppl who can code and stop doing false advertising
Blood was NEVER supposed to be a “tanking spec”. Blood was supposed to be more of a physical type dps spec and it was before nerfs. UH was more of a hybrid caster /Physical type. Frost if any of the DK specs was originally more for tanking.
The only part I agree with you on, but for implementing battle tags on the forums to mitigate sock puppets making spam threads and trying to stir up the pot.
Because it did both in Wrath of the Lich King, with Blood enjoying some tiers as the dps spec to play. You know, the same way Ferals and Bears share a talent tree in WotLK. And speaking of, guess which class just got a disgustingly large buff, and their rotation fixed for “historical reasons?”
Blood was supposed to be a tanking spec, along with a dps spec. So were frost and unholy.
It was an experiment that failed, not in that it didnt work, but they were trying to see if dps specs could also tank if it would help with the poor tank population. It didnt so it was scrapped.
And by the end of wrath they gave up on that design and told us they were going back to the 1 treee for tanking and one for dps. They have stated at that time blood would be the best tank spec. They couldnt fix it the first time around and these clowns rumning the show now sure as heck are not going to do it. All they know how to do is add retail features and remove the most important features from the original.
Well ok. But it wasnt fixed in wrath at all. I would love to go back to each patch of the expansion though. Dks were broken op for a long time. I would love that
Other than the arp, which we can consider it’s not a bug for now.
Then what happened to the auto attack from the rune weapon. Ppl doing test in ptr showing that the auto attack dmg from the tune weapon is not scaled with the weapon dk is holding. So doesn’t matter if the dk is holding frostmourn or lv 1 trash weapon. The auto attack dmg is the same for the rune weapon. Now tells me that’s not a bug