Can we really fix blood dps

No they quite literally didnt.

Do you know how much the spec changed from pre 3.2 and post 3.2 when they changed where Howling Blast and Gargoyle was in the talent trees? Almost nothing. They took out Obliterate from Might of Mograine, and they added in Improved Death Strike which increases the damage of Death Strike by 30%, increases its crit chance by 6% and increased its healing by 50% putting at the same level of Unholy Death Strike healing due to having 3 diseases on the target making it a 15% max health heal for both of those specs.

They did not make it the tanking spec until cata.

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Here is the truth.

It won’t let me post links, i don’t know how, but here is what it says. Here is what it says

In a complete about-face, Ghostcrawler just announced that there will be a dedicated tanking tree in Cataclysm for Death Knights: Blood. Rather than having all three trees try to be good at both DPS and tanking, Blizzard will be taking the tanking talents from the other two trees and adding them with some other changes to the Blood tree. They announced this today, knowing that this news will overshadow the rest of the DK class preview.

The complete text is after the break.

We’re doing our Cataclysm preview on the death knight changes later this week, but we knew one change risked overshadowing all the others, so we figured we’d go ahead and drop the proverbial Blood bomb today.

In Cataclysm, death knights will have a dedicated tanking tree, much like the other three tank classes. That tree will be Blood.

We’ll go into more detail in the upcoming preview, but we wanted to take the opportunity to explain the reasoning for such a big change.

Why the about face? We actually thought the “tri tank” experiment worked out okay. We suspected there would always be a “best” tanking tree, because that’s the way these things shake out, but we hoped it would be close enough that many players could tank with their favorite tree. When we tried out this design for Wrath of the Lich King, we were using it as a test case to see if we wanted to do similar things with the warrior and paladin talent trees.

A lot has happened since that time. We introduced the dual-spec feature, allowing players to have a tanking spec and dps spec that they could switch between. We introduced Dungeon Finder, which makes it easier to find players who want to tank, and even let players level up using a dedicated tank spec. In Cataclysm, we are introducing the concept of passive talent tree bonuses and we think that feature is a lot stronger when the talent tree has a particular focus (such as damage, tanking or healing). For example, it’s safer to give more passive damage to a tanking tree than we can a dps tree. Above all, we were just spending a lot of effort trying to balance three trees (though it was really six trees, since each tree was trying to do two things).

It started to feel unfair to the other tank classes that we had to spend so much effort tweaking three types of DK tanks, and it even started to feel unfair to the DK that we couldn’t focus their tanking experience. One bit of feedback that really struck home was the DK players who said, essentially, “I look at the Protection tree and I’m jealous of all of the cool tools they have to help their tanking. As a DK, I have to pick and choose tanking talents from within a sea of dps talents.” Rather than have a strong focus, the trees felt a little watered down because they were trying to do so much. With Frost as a dual-wield, spell and runic power focused tree, Unholy as a disease and minion focused tree, and Blood as a self-healing, defensive cooldown, tanking tree, we think the focus of each tree is a lot clearer and cooler.

In Cataclysm, Blood will be the death knight version of a Protection tree. It will have passive talent tree bonuses that reflect tanking. It will have tools, such as a Demo Shout equivalent, necessary for tanking. Several of the more fun tanking talents from Frost and Unholy will be moved into Blood. We will be able to revise (or even remove) clunky mechanics like Rune Strike and focus on letting DKs generate threat with their normal Blood tanking rotation.

This is major change, and we understand it will be met with some disappointment from players who really liked the flexibility, those who appreciated the unorthodox talent tree design, or those few of you who really liked Blood dps. Nevertheless, we are convinced that this is the right change for the game.

More exciting death knight news coming up soon in the preview.

If you are going to challenge someone at least make sure don’t try doing it with someone that was there and knows. lol. pathetic actually.

Yes they quite literally did. And any fricken person that has played the game since that time would know. Do you think that blood being the tank spec was just imagined one day and EVERY DK decided to pretend it was the tanking spec ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

you obviously were not around. so stay out of what you don’t know.

This is too easy jeeze. pick a different topic, cuz u are going to get schooled.

and no sht they didn’t admit it till Cata. thats what i said, the end of wrath. they tried the entire expansion and then gave up. Its not rocket science here. They tried and failed and gave up. Blood was the tanking tree. Im not wasting another word debating with you turds.

Are you alright? I link you some blue posts that confirm they didn’t make Blood a dedicated tank tree until Cataclysm and they had no plans to do so until Cataclysm and you say it’s:

Are you okay? This is WoTLK.

Yeah, I can see that. Apparently you don’t know how to read either.

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This classic.

If you want changes. go play r*tail

Sorry, that can of worms has already been opened, and frankly, launching at the final patch has destroyed the historical aspect of WotLK anyway.

Theres no demon hunters in wotlk, back to r*tail

Tell em! Most idiots know nothing about wrath and keep thinking it’s retail.

I dont think they will fix blood DPS, its a sign of their weakness for using the wrong patch.

Blizzard, fix your bugs please. Literally made DRW worse then it’s supposed to be.

Imagine going to fix something and breaking it even more.

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Then you didnt play during that time because they quite literally did not make it the tank spec and no person during that time ever uttered the words “blood is the tank spec you noob”.

They also didnt fail, I dont know what the hell you are talking about, but Blood was not the tanking tree, you are just one hateful sad little man that needs to get off these forums because you are just flat out wrong. Take the L and leave.


Its not even the patch, its the dev team. The dev team cared more about renaming Hysteria than they did making the spells work as they should. Why even change it to say “Body 1 and Body 2” if people in game are going to call one a man and the other a woman anyways? Their focus was more on not offending people, which ended up offending people because they just messed the game up entirely by putting things in the game that wasnt there and not fixing the things that were. Like DRW.


Its a bit of both its a shame we didnt get to experience true frost and unholy DK tanking and blood dps.

Wasted resoruces on random things does not help the core game.

You can tank as Frost and Unholy right now. Unholy just doesnt have the snap threat that Frost has and is harder to do so thats mainly why its not used. Frost and Blood were used throughout the expansion while Unholy was a great solo spec.

i only blood tank. algalon and ic

frost dps/tank the rest. ot obviously

I main tanked as Frost in wrath proper.

Even the tier sets arent directed towards any one spec.

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