You can always talk about auditing.
There are in my case as well - you’ve been in some of those threads. That said, I see nothing wrong with specialization and subject matter expertise.
Speaking of…
Regarding Horde payment, that has been something where we’ve been encountering difficulties - and to understand that - consider your typical orc. He’s self employed, he doesn’t keep mileage records, he doesn’t keep track of his expenses, and his repair bills are extremely high. Typically he puts off paying his taxes until the very last minute - meaning that he gets hit with an astronomical-looking tax bill because a) he’s paying it all at once, and b) because he’s self-employed, he has to pay self-employment tax. The Horde can do better than this.
It used to be that adventurers were not employees in a typical sense. They could set their own hours and they could choose their projects. But, as the options for what to do for the Horde dwindle, and an increasing number of grinds encroach on the idea of being able to set their own hours, we could make the argument that adventurers are really just employees of the Horde, which would allow them to effect withholding to avoid these huge all-at-once tax bills. It would also mean that the Horde would have to pay their half of FICA taxes.
So yes, the Horde SHOULD pay!.. into their heroes’ medicare and social security obligations.
False. There is a specific and oft mentioned difference between a Night Elf poster and a NEFPA.
For example: Amadis is not a NEFPA.
This word has no meaning.
Except, Droite and others actually have and make sound arguments. NEFPAs do not. You can look at their history and see that there is a clear difference.
With Droite I’m noticing that she arrives to threads with a script. The Horde has it incredibly bad (true), and it’s only going to get worse (prediction) - and conversation in that thread is immediately diverted to that, usually revolving around the classic and pointless “who has it worse” argument, and/or agreeing or disagreeing with the comment that the Horde’s content can’t be saved, or fixed, or improved.
How would you react if I did that? Like, let’s say that in every thread that was in any way tangentially attached to the Night Elves, I showed up telling you how bad Night Elves had it, and stating things like “Tyrande is going to die and Sylvanas is going to be redeemed” as if that prediction was a fact?
Trick question - I don’t have to imagine how you would react to that - I know how you did react to that.
Specific topics typically, like “how to redeem the Horde” etc.
NEFPA will go into a topic about the amount of fish Tauren eat on the regular and turn it into a lamenting of the Night Elves.
Actually no, she brought that script to a proposal on changing Warsong Gulch and to my opening thread on my thoughts on walking around in a vacant Darnassus. We’ve had good conversations as well, granted, but this issue does cut both ways.
Here’s your kicker.
Now, before ANY other misguided comparisons get thrown out about any posters (Horde or Alliance) I will direct you to this post:
Thus NEFPA is the “Night Elf Furious” from non-American forums.
But Teldrassil is a part of those narratives. It’s a big deal. It can’t and shouldn’t be ignored.
People aren’t gonna stop talking about it just because you’re tired of it or don’t like it. Sorry. That’s a part of the Horde’s story. A big part. Forever.
“”“NEFPAs”"" have perfectly fine conversations as well until you and others decide to show up and start your standard whataboutisms and flinging insults.
Can we put Alderaan comments to rest?
I get it, it was an emotional event that really impacted Rebel Alliance fans.
You all deserve “Justice” whatever that means to you.
But unless it’s a thread about Princess Leia’s vengeance arc, there really isn’t a need to bombard posts about Grand Moff Tarkin/ Death Star/ Imperial narratives with: “Are we just justifying Alderaan now?” No, we are just talking about it like an event that happened in lore, or talking about character motivations sometimes unrelated to the actual event.
As some point we are going to have to take the personal emotions and RP out of the discussion because it’s a bit redundant. It’s been a long time since the destruction of Alderaan, and it happened in a galaxy far, far away. Let us digest and dissect it without bringing your emotions to the party.
-Sincerely, a Grand Moff Tarkin stan, currently halfway through Episode 4
Sylvanas understood them just fine, until the writers decided she didn’t.
I don’t think that’s the same people, for the most part.
Sometimes it is the same people - although I’d object to how Micah is framing it. There are a fair number of Horde players who want their team to win, and they want to be seen winning - but they don’t want to be called evil for it. I see these people in the “Lordaeron should have been hit first” crowd, or the “Teldrassil was great until the very end” crowd. The error as I see it is that they’re seeing things only from their perspective, and either not considering or not caring about the other side and their desire not to be portrayed as these peoples’ victims, regardless of how it’s framed.
But enough about Jaina… let’s talk about something more interesting
That’s totally different from wanting to be evil, though, which is what Micah described.
Which is why I disagree with Micah’s framing, as I stated previously.
Can’t rebut an argument if you don’t make an actual argument.
Jaina doesn’t have black tears running down her face, from some past trauma that no one cares about, which she hides with a hood. Try again.