Can we put Teldrassil comments to rest?

I get it, it was an emotional event that really impacted night elf players.
You all deserve “Justice” whatever that means to you.

But unless it’s a thread about Tyrande’s vengeance arc, there really isn’t a need to bombard posts about Sylvanas/ Forsaken/ Horde narratives with: “Are we just justifying Teldrassil now?” No, we are just talking about it like an event that happened in lore, or talking about character motivations sometimes unrelated to the actual event.

As some point we are going to have to take the personal emotions and RP out of the discussion because it’s a bit redundant. It’s been two years since the burning of Teldrassil. Let us digest and dissect it without bringing your emotions to the party.


Short answer: No.



If people back down from Teldrassil, can they back down from crying about Calia too?


I say we get all our Teldrassil issues and put them in a book…

You must be new here.


Was this in response to the other thread where you said that Sylvanas was right and justified with everything?


Munches on popcorn Who called the NEFPAs?


You guys are really getting work out of that fantasy elf name generator, huh. I think it’s spitting up too many E names though, its becoming noticable.


What do you mean?

No. Calia isn’t a Forasken and I won’t stop.



Fair’s fair, I guess. But, the crying about Night Elf posters is a put on.


Unfortunately, nope. People will complain about these things FOREVER.

Saw a post a few weeks ago asking if the Culling of Stratholme was justified. If that is any indication of how long an issue will last, Teldrassil’s got a long way to go.


Well I wasn’t the one making that point.

Hahahahahaha. That’s optimistic that you think it’ll ever stop.

Yeeeah dude.

Ah, another post that seems to have been designed for no other reason than to attract Night Elf posters and create drama.

Well, you did it. I’m here. Let’s talk about some drama.

One of the recent changes to the form 1040 is a $300 deduction for charitable contributions if you take the standard deduction. This is a great way to allow for those who can’t itemize to recognize some of their charitable deductions, but it once again raises the question of why we have schedule A deductions in the first place. If the point of the tax code is to tax income, then why are we making certain expenses that we have to include so that we can get to the accounting notion of income harder to charge off than others? I understand that the standard deduction is intended to be a general “blunt force” measure for all kinds of necessary expenses - but that probably ought to be something that just exists anyway. People see things like food and lodging for instance as things that you don’t have to factor for the accounting notion of income for a person, but you wouldn’t reasonably tell a business that it can’t deduct energy or fuel costs. Past that - medical, interest, state tax and other Schedule A deductions should just be deductions for AGI.

Death to Schedule A!


For all the hate we NE players get, people sure love talking about us.
If we don’t post something NE related then someone else will.
I understand now how they secretly need us to keep their “fire burning”.


Dude… put a spoiler alert on the spoilers please.

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Gives them something to talk about in this horribly boring time of the year with no future content in sight.
Just look at the front page of SF, it’s full of garbage topics.


The Purge of Dalaran happened in November of 2012.

Taurajo happened in 2010.

Can we put those to rest too?