Can we Pretty PLEASE have tails for worgen?

pls give the dogs tails

I’m starting to see a pattern of players by chosen character race on this forum. Why do belf players always have to try to ruin everything for everyone else?


Okay except you. You’re the exception to above rule.

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lol we are in dire need of cc in all places but how
hard is it to put a damn tail on the model? lol its just funny simple request = 20 yrs+

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I mean all the argument that’s really needed is “they don’t have tails”. You can look at them in game, you can read that tweet that makes it clear that they’re not supposed to have tails and anything depicting them as such is a mistake.

Conversely, your only argument for tails is “I want them anyways”.

So spite is as good a motivator as any, since there’s not really any “argument” to be had here lol

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There absence is not really a good argument to deny a completely reasonable request. I mean you are free to have that argument, but I dont think people should be taking that seriously.

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I mean it kinda is, unless you have a valid argument for why they should appear out of nowhere, despite never having existed in canon for worgen, and I’ve never really heard one.

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I’m not against it. I don’t much care.

I just never understood the adamant desperation for Worgen to have tails.

is it some sort of kink or something?

eh. whatever. give em tails, who cares.

People in the other thread have brought up many ways they can “appear out of nowhere”

We know that they were at one point designed to have tails from early concept art and the worgen model having a tail skeleton attached.

If nothing changes about Worgen if they get an optional tail just like Orcs got straight backs, then why does an argument need to be made about it?

Its not like they will look identical or even similar to any other race.

I’ll take your word for it because I’m not about to step foot in that cesspool

I dunno if fixing your posture is really equitable to growing a new appendage that wasn’t there yesterday lol

In the sense that both additions simply add to the racial fantasy, seems perfectly equitable. I mean Worgen are already a race that shapeshifts between man and beast, so an extra appendage does not seen that far-fetched.

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Hold on, let me do all this in one sentence…

Because it’s a fictional universe with lore that is forever changing and an entire species of dragon-lite just appeared out of nowhere meaning the law of canon is quite loose in this universe and player happiness should supersede the limitation of trivial matters like whether a race or not has a tail.



Save your words.

He always seems grumpy. I wish he wasn’t one day

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Well put!

And good on the above poster who actually admitted they do not want a optional decorative element on a fictitious race, mainly because other players want it so much.

We humans are incorrigibly petty.


A blessing from Goldrinn allowing Worgen to fully embrace their beastly nature.


Can we also add paint for my hooves? They don’t match my tattoos


Y’all keep asking if you want, I guess. But the immediate dogpiling (pun intended) on anyone who dares to ask “but how does this make sense though” just proves my point.

Again, they wouldn’t ruin anything for me but I do think it would be stupid to add them and I really don’t want Blizzard to concede to every inane player request just because they’re obnoxious enough about it.

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White Wolf gives Werewolves tails in Werewolf the Apocalypse and they are THE Werewolf RPG. Give Worgen Tails.

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Worgen are literally werewolves, just more along the lines of a D&D style werewolf. Also lots of werewolves don’t have tails, Van Helsing for example!

Worgen having tails makes as much sense as elves having long pointed ears. Seems more like you are just trying to make an excuse as to why they shouldn’t.

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