Nymue, as a chief example, is the perfect example of how confusing having extremely similarly colored mechanics makes for an annoying and exhausting experience.
Green plants that need soaked that look the same as the green plants that boop (from the green circled bomb) you away, all while green lines course through the encounter with even more green lines that also form a wire trap going through the entire encounter.
All could be made simple by making the tripwire lines a vibrant yellow, bomb plants orange, and the soak plants a toxic green.
Please stop doing this, Blizzard.
Honorable mentions to Yazma using purple for everything and making spider spawns practically unnoticeable if you have any form of ground spell active.
Look. When they get a theme going they go really hard in that theme.
Also. I agree.
It’s obnoxious and it hurts my eyes
Half of my guild are older and appear to have poor eyesight, and mention that they have trouble seeing everything in that particular fight.
We’re approaching our third week of prog on this dumb fight and people are still running into the threads because they can’t see them. I’m younger and still sometimes don’t see them when I’m checking for circles to soak because they don’t pop out to me in my peripheral vision.
A functional varying color palette on this fight would go miles.
I have a friend who is colorblind and Amirdrassil has been a nightmare for him 
I am not colorblind and even I have a hard time seeing certain mechanics, I can’t imagine how hard it is for him.
It’s been many years of this exact same issue, and things are not improving, so I think it’s obvious that if this feedback is indeed getting to Blizzard, they’ve decided that they prefer sacrificing visual clarity for some nebulous sense of aesthetic value.
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We had a guy who was green colorblind in Legion and the guild figured it out because he literally just couldn’t see mechanics and was ignoring them.
He wasn’t even actually aware of most mechanics in Tomb because it never had been a huge concern for him until that point.
I mean there’s a case that he should’ve had settings done already but I’m not aware of it was even that robust at that time, or if it was crippling him prior. He just might not have been raiding previously.
Point still stands that having mechanics that can just kill you be borderline unnoticeable due to excessive visual noise just detracts from an encounter’s enjoyment.
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One of the worst things about the game at the moment. Fights are a cluster bomb of effects and you can’t see what is what. That’s one of the reasons why everyone uses GTFO and addons because most of the time you can’t tell if you’re standing in something bad or not. Visuals need to be more clear and easily distinguishable!
World First race used Inky Black potion so they could see better…So you’re telling me, even the best players in the game have trouble seeing effects and you STILL wont change it?
But my immersion! What immersion? We can’t see anything anyway!
Needs more green… LOL JK it is wild tht boss alone is just well, no tunnel vision for you. the bars that come across the matrix are the worse to dodge.
yes, please.
it is terrible.
Jaina is where this nonsense started. light blue on light blue on bluish gray. no.
The council fight in Everbloom with the green puddles on green ground can be annoying if you’re not looking for the bubbles popping up off the poisons puddles
Another honorable mention to that one rug that blocks visual indicators in Blackrook Hold right before Dreadlord. You guys know which one I’m talking about.
While not entirely related to color overload, it’s yet another dumb oversight that can get people killed.
The shocking part is that it’s been in the game since Legion. Stairs doing the same thing is also equally baffling.
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There’s one or two rugs like that in Waycrest where the Enthralled Guards shadow cleave gets hidden underneath them.
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Not sure why carpets cover so many effects in this game and more concerning is why Blizzard keeps putting them in.
I’m fine with dying to something that was very clearly a telegraphed frontal cone. That’s entirely my fault unless a tank purposely is trying to prank me, which is also fine because I can dig a good joke.
But it becomes a bit more of a problem when the telegraph is covered by some stupid dead bear pelt.
You don’t like how the green dude sits in a green room with green flowers and green lines and slightly less green other lines with green circles and green soaks?
My favorite color is green and I want to burn this dumb tree tailor and her dumb plant room to the ground.
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I think we all just have to be thankful blizzard hasn’t discovered the color black yet or we might aswell all play with our monitors off.
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We gotta get in to get out
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they always do it. reminds me at the end of bfa how everything was shades of purple ontop of purple. for a partly colour blind person like me it was beyond annoying
now its green on green stuff and isnt any better
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Hey can I talk to you about our Lord and Savior, Ink of Ozumat? Bringer of properly telegraphed effects and visual clarity?
Sorry, story first.
If the encounter has a color palette that fits the story, game play be damned.