Can we please stop making mechanics of an encounter all the same color?

Palette implies a larger variance in color.
This stupid tree lady has almost entirely the same shade of green for all of her mechanics except for the grass effect on the floor that periodically gets activated by various means throughout the fight.

It also used to describe a limited selection of colors for a particular use, style or meaning.

While thereā€™s good and bad aspects to this, I suspect designers have a lot of freedom to do whatever they feel like. Not really a climate that emphasizes standards, traditions, or style guides.

And casuals claim the game is catered to the 1% :wink:

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Amusingly, I have good eye sight. And Yazmaā€™s mechanics are a nightmare for me as well. Purple swirlies with purple arrows over peoplesā€™ heads with purple lines all over the place and purple spirits the size of your character, not to mention having to chameleon eyeball your keyboard to avoid the already active spiders while avoiding everything else.

Too much visual noise. Way too much.

Too be fair to blizzard hereā€¦ some coffee grabbing intern accidently bumped into the dev working on the frontal on ozumat and put a white outline on the edges of it.

They just need to figure out who that guy was and promote him.

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Smolderonā€¦ there are like 10 fire mechanics with similar names and appearance on a redish orange arena.

Someof these fights i think are far harder because of bad visuals.

You donā€™t like Fire Fire Bad, Burnt Burny Orb Grabby, Large Lava Fire Bad circle, and Giant Bad Soaking Burnt Circle? You sure?

Go to bed.
No wonder youā€™re so tired every raid, youā€™re awake on the forums instead of sleeping. We have keys to brick tomorrow.

I honestly differentiate the mechanics by shape and size.

I normally do too, but problems arise when mechanics appear to meld into each other, made worse when one is something like not being hit by the one, and the other needs soaked.