A new player's thoughts on this game

I’m debatting telling you about an addon called All the Things. It shows you how much of the game you have completed/collected.

I think for a new player its not necessary and might actually drain your positivity seeing how much there is as its overwhelming even for players who have been at it for years.

Once you get used to the game though its a great tool and I highly recommend it.



Yeah, wow’s combat is for sure one of the cleanest I’ve played.

Yeah, sadly mythic dungeons and mythic plus has a decent barrier to entry. Need any tips though, I’d be happy to help.

Blizzard has been and always be bad about this. “Dodge the green circle in the green room on the green floor and the sky is green as well, while the boss throws green balls of crap at you.”


If you die to that boss I hope he wishes you a happy Saint Patricks Day.

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Top of the mornin’ te ya lass.


So I don’t know how to quote reply to the various questions - so hopefully those of you that asked will see this.

@ Sendryn: I played SWTOR since it launched. It’s being handed off to a “life support” developer and it breaks my heart.

@ Moo: Yep that’s the boss, yep that’s the vendor, and finally yes I’ve been googling a lot of stuff. Part of the problem is because the information in the game is sometimes so cryptic or not explained well, it’s hard for a new player to KNOW what to google.

@ Tricks: I had heard that addons were big in this game, so I went through “Curse” and looked at the most popular ones. Then I found a UI called ElvUI and have been using that for several weeks.

@ Malgronk: Mythic keystone dungeons have been super fun overall.


It’s crazy that you didn’t even need to say Nyume but based on this, anyone who’s done the fight automatically knows that it’s Nyume.
I have my own particular thread about this myself (Can we please stop making mechanics of an encounter all the same color?)
I’m glad you’re enjoying the game and getting an overall positive experience. If you don’t have a solid M+ group to run with, my push group is looking for a DH and newer players are great since they have less bad habits (and egos) built up from years of playing, making it way easier to work with them.
Hit me up on bnet sometime and we can run some together! My btag is RavageDionne#1430, and I’m primarily active in the late afternoon (EST) and all night on the weekends unless something comes up.
Either way if you decide you’re fine on your own/with your own group, it’s actually heartening that this didn’t turn into some of the horror stories I hear from people’s fresher experiences to WoW.

edit: I see you’ve met our tank, Malgronk, already.
This is excellent.



Welcome to the game! Good time to be a demon hunter.

Gotta get some cool mounts now! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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There’s a red circle on Mythic.

If not removed (with multiple players soaking) in 10 seconds, it wipes the entire raid.

The red circle CERTAINLY stands out. Which is good since it’s a fast raid wipe if not handled immediately.

(So the green design actually makes sense, once you’re playing with all the fight mechanics implemented.)


It’s honestly a good mythic fight for its place in the raid. Then again it comes right after the council fight so anything would be good in comparison :thinking:.


I hate Council so much.

(EVERYONE I know hates Council…)

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It’s just a bad fight. Nothing about it is worth salvation.

Do you know any dps shams :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

My enhancement loves that fight lol. Maybe it worse on mythic though


  • Ultimates now overlap. You will always have to deal with two different ultimates at the same time.
  • There are three different ultimate combos that rotate: First Urctos and Aerwynn, then Aerwynn and Pip, and then Pip and Urctos.
  • Players poisoned by Aerwynn need to move out to get dispelled. Dispelling it now deals massive damage to nearby players.
  • Pip launches tornadoes around the room while channeling Emerald Winds. Dodge them.

From mythictrap - an amazing resource!

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this sounds disgustingly awful
is it always the same ults or can you get some degenerate stuff like winds with vines while trying to aim the charge?

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There are 3 combos of 2 each, always in the same rotation. You can’t get all 3 at once.

But vines while aiming charge, while Pip is doing winds? Sure.

(I hate that fight…)

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Oh I probably wouldn’t even be able to run poison cleansing totem without trolling rip.

Idk I think I’d still enjoy it because enh sham is designed very well for that fight.

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Mythic is all about duck management.

  • You need a duck to break Ursoc’s channel. (his ultimate)
  • You get ducks from Pip.
  • Pip won’t create ducks while he’s doing his ultimate.

You need to have designated “nobody eat this” grass puddles so people can get safe during Pip ultimate… but you also need ducks to break Ursoc ultimate, which means either timing out the ducks (since they duck nearby people when the duck expires, even if you ate no grass)… and… and it just makes my head hurt, on Mythic. :sob: :duck:

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Generally speaking Blizzard tend to go for abilities looking somewhat thematic instead of say, FF14 where all the abilities are very clearly outlined and coloured regardless of how it’d look for the bosses aesthetic.

Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, but Nymue and Smolderon are…yeah. Not Blizzards best work on the spell effects department.

Though WoW’s raiding difficulty curve in general is a little weird. Normal tends to be pretty significantly easier than LFR, simply because Normal has to be manually organized so groups by default have a plan, whereas on LFR the only time people don’t just kinda zerg stuff is on bosses where zerging will explictly wipe you, like on Raszageth earlier this expansion.

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That boss has too much green.

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Welcome to the first month of the next 10 years of your gaming life :open_mouth: Also, if you managed to take on the Mage Tower as a newer player and beat that then you’re probably a much better player than most. Hell I must’ve tried Havoc 150 times and never got to phase 2, perhaps it’s lag or my older computer on a 1080 monitor tho who knows.

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