Can we please have a new race for demon-hunters?

Lol, you really think so?

Did someone say Dwarven Demon Hunters? I really think someone said Dwarven Demon Hunters. Check is written Blizz, balls in your court

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Elves living for that long makes no sense. Even without aging, you should live 2,000 years max. Hear me out. It’s not from natural causes. Over a long enough period of time your luck runs out and you get hit by the tram or some errant goblin rocket bus. Really old elves must be incredibly cautious and paranoid to have made it that long.

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Well the hierarchy of demons organized under Sargeras that was named The Burning Legion has been defeated but demons still exist. Perhaps some will band together in a Legion Remnant or the power vacuum would be an opportunity for one of more to take over and create a new faction etc.

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Watch them add Void elves as DH

Yes. But also because with the Legion seemingly defeated and Illidan leaving…there is no impetus to create more DH’s.

Remember the individuals that are DH’s are cut a certain way, normal folks didn’t just go say hi to Illidan and say “hey bro sign me up”. There would need to be a REASON to make more DH’s.

Fel orc, Man’ari, Broken, and Naga would all be great choices as they’re already Illidari.
Expanding it to some others would be nice as well.

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don’t need more NPCs questioning about what i sacrifice,

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Let’s add the fact that infusing demon souls into the body may extend the life of the bearer. Kinda like lifespan steroids… As bad as it sounds as an analogy, perhaps Illidan’s idea of Illidari may greatly extend the lifespan of his forces to be nigh-immortal. Functionally immortal so they can live off of rations and MREs, and as long as the Illidari don’t suffer mortal damage and maintain their tattoos to maintain their control over the fel, they won’t die. Making it less necessary to replace fallen troops with breeding to get new troops.

Elves have a natural magical affinity, and turning elves into demon-powered warriors to make them nearly immortal, it makes sense from a military standpoint. Forces that learn and can grow more experienced over long lives that will not end as long as they keep killing in general. Every demon slain is another lifetime of extended survival.

It makes sense in the sense that the fel is fueled by life, so if you spent a single lifetime hunting demons, killing them, and absorbing their life energy or fragments of souls, you could effectively live forever as long as you don’t run out of demons to kill, and as it seems, demons reproduce at a rate faster than humans, some reproducing like insects or arachnids. Some in large numbers.


I use more than two buttons, just saying.

Same, I use at least half the buttons on my bars to survive.

sorry but as leader of the Illidari, in my game anyway, I regret to inform you we can’t do this.

All our facilities were moved to the fel hammer. Which has for reasons we are looking into disappeared.

Not sure how or why but we took a boat to BFA lands and it just vanished.

If somebody finds and returns our ship maybe we can talk about employment opportunities in our fine organization.

We know Demon Hunters is an elf-only club. It’s how Illidan structured it, and it’s because Illidan knows from experience that elves can handle the fel better than any of the other races of Azeroth.

Elves have a natural affinity to magic, the fel is fueled by life, so an elf who has imprisoned a demon’s soul in their body and using that immortal demon soul as fuel for the fel to kill other demons to turn their souls into fuel, and by majority not be overtaken by the demon… Illidan had the right idea.

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Maybe one day we will get Zandalari demonicas. Until then you’ll just have to be content with the elf only party. Be patient, it took a long time for trolls to become Paladins and Druids. It’s only a matter of time until we get demon hunters too :smiling_imp:

I’m sure Illidan riding off into the sunset is Blizzard’s way of introducing future DHs. He probably won’t be back for Shadowlands but I wouldn’t be surprised if he shows up for the xpac after that.


Ok, what do you want to play as?

Agree, I support this message because Elves are bummers. I believe Gnome and Vulpera shall be the new demon hunter races.


Thats the only reason i cant play a Demon Hunter on horde side. Its a bad situation for straight guys out there.

Who else in the game can train Demon Hunters with the same level of experience as Illidan? (Genuinely curious if I missed any key NPC’s in Legion or anything)

Yes, please and lift the restrictions so we can have more than one per server considering they’ll be starting at level one in Shadowlands.