Can we please have a new race for demon-hunters?

really don’t wanna have to play as a night-elf or blood-elf to be a demon-hunter…


Gonna have to wait for the next demon expansion for demon-hunter pandas i’m afraid.


did’nt really mean pandaren demon-hunters, but anything’s better than playing as a race that looks like a stiff-breeze could knock’em down.


Demon hunter Mecha gnomes…

Half gnome, half robot, half blind, half hunter… half math major dropout


Male NE’s are pretty buff, dude. And tall. I think they’re kind of hot for pixels.


They’re the hero Murder Hobos deserve.


Probably not unless you see Illidan returning AND him needing more Demon Hunters for some reason.


I mean anyone ‘can’ be a dh but I suspect they don’t allow it because oh how weird it would look.

I’ve done some pretty crazy transform stuff and it really matches very little.

It’s funny pandas was mentions. I used transmopher beacon to get shadow pan once and everything felt like it matched my DH. The ninja like revolving blade and the dark red wings I have.

Maybe it’ll be pandas after all that will get em.


you realize he’s not the only one who can train demon-hunters, right?

Yep, but no one else does and hasn’t since he was captured.

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Lots of halfs + sacrifice everything = It works.


hmmmmmmm nope

I think Orc and Draenei would be perfect. These races have more reasons to hate demons than anyone and I could imagine they’d do anything to kill them all.


Demon Hunter is an Elf-only club dude. Illidan couldn’t trust races with such short lifespans with the training, he needs people with long lifespans to be able to fight against the Burning Legion for the long haul.

Elves can live for literally millions of years if they don’t get killed.

Practically every other race can die in less than 100 years.

If you were picking a race for an elite army to hone into a demon-hunting force, would you prefer something with a short lifespan, or a long one for a long campaign?

Warcraft lore has already established that elves are a hard counter to the burning legion in terms of magical affinity. Which is why the Legion was so hellbent on getting rid of the elves as part of their endgame for Azeroth. The humans and other races were just in the way.



Generals and highly trained specialties are for the ones with long lifespans. Don’t need to retrain as often and they can advance their skills longer for higher proficiency.

Basic grunts and cannon fodder use the short lifespans. Less invested and easily replaced.



If sending short-lived races in to fight demons were viable, Illidan would have gladly wasted his time with gnomes. The easiest to kill race, and likely easiest to replace. HOWEVER, there is no long term sustainability with having to repopulate short-lived races as soldiers.

To an elf, a human, gnome, or dwarven lifespan is a flicker, a spark that burns out all too quickly.

It’s considerably more demanding in a variety of resources to have short-lived races procreating to repopulate their losses. To repopulate short-lived races, there would need to be a planet’s worth to maintain any land claimed. It would require colonization efforts to maintain a short-lived population of grunts.

Elves living long lives get invested in each other, grow bonds, and fight more passionately beside each other for the sake of protecting each other. A mentality similar to the Roman army of our real world. The only real difference is, since elven armies employ both men and women, they can procreate and repopulate any losses. The Roman army was strictly fellas who were into fellas, fighting beside their crush or lover to protect him.

An army like humans for example, humans would need to colonize each world taken for their elven masters, and begin recovery efforts, growing crops, raising livestock, raising families… Creatures with shorter lives would just end up costing more resources than creatures with longer lives.

In a campaign over 10,000 years, you could spend substantially fewer resources in terms of consumed with an army that lives long lives and is known for agility and intelligence, compared to having an army with a lifespan of only 100 years.

Short-lived races would either be livestock, or they’d be burying their dead after every battle, or those who reached old age would be buried/honored.

Long-lived races would be less poised to bury their dead, fewer burials, fewer possessions to bring home to moms who wait to see their babies, overall, Illidan had a good idea making the Illidari an elf-only club.


Yes, lets encourage this plague of a class even more please so that even MORE people play this tryhard godmode 2 button class.


Ehhh. We’re about to get Vulpera death knights. Imo they should open the demon hunter class to more races. Like someone else said, Orcs and Draenei would be perfect.


Demon hunter gnomes

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