Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

Because this is a true statement in-general. You pay in money and time to rent pixels for dopamine hits.

Same here. I ignored the challenge sets because I didn’t like the appearances of the weapons nor armor, same with the MT appearances I thought were ugly.


I pay money and time to play something with a friend for a few hours a month.

So dopamine hits and fulfilled social needs. My point doesnt change

Dopamine is the main chemical of pleasure. I don’t get that from this game.

Most of the time I’m half afk on Hulu or something.

Getting gear in transmog runs is not the same as getting something presented in a limited time for cosmetic reasons. They’re not going to redo instances and remove or change models of gear.

You want 120 challenges? Great! I want them as well with a whole new line of rewards and if I get them that’s cool and if I don’t?


You did it has zero impact on my character but so do any other past stuff you can easily steamroll right now, and mind you I am not asking for it to be given on a silver platter, you have yet to present a logical argument why it shouldn’t come back other than it affecting your personal self achievement.

AoTC is different than mage Tower as it would be kinda redundant and the achievement changes each major patch.

Exclusivity is a big drive and carrot for players to chase. Personally I took days off of work, spent entire weekends farming, grinding to get gear, drums, pots, potions, legendaries and the required currency. I was able to get 10 skins put of the many out there. If this event was not exclusive I would never have done that. If Blizzard goes back on their promise many players like myself would be very upset and feel betrayed.

I think you should advocate for a Mage Tower with nice exclusive skins for BFA instead.


You must be something special.

Raid gear has stats on them. Stats make your character stronger. Therefore, stats have an impact on chatacter power. Ergo, raid gear is not a purely cosmetic reward.

Edit: ive presented many reasons. You just dont like them and have decided that because of that, they are invalid.


I am only trying to follow in your footsteps of special Amorix

How does 110 raid gear affect me as a 120?

Or level 60 heritage armor?

And all your reason come back to the same it will affect your self achievement if they bring it back in any form. Stop dancing around it. Just admit it you want to stay that way so you can look at the have nots and feel proud you have something they don’t

Unfortunately, that won’t happen. That would basically require Blizz to go back and rework the challenges (as our classes aren’t the same as they were back then), and that’s just too much work.

Because you’re not the only person in this game. There are many characters below level cap. Some people like having twinks for which that raid gear makes them stronger.

Heritage armor wasnt ever announced to be time limited. I’m not sure what your point is with that.


Because 110 raid gear served a purpose as loot for character power at that level of content to increase power. Were they supposed to remove loot in Mythic at some point in the expansion and just let guilds that weren’t there never be as strong as others? When the next expac hits all that stuff that’s really there for the purpose of character progression becomes useless halfway to the new level cap. It just has a benefit of a different model.

I keep seeing this argument but it’s not like playerbase already felt this way. WoD being a prime example when many stuff got scrap.

Even this argument came up when they brought back ZA and the bear mount.

They even stated prior to removing that they may open up the door for the skins some day. So it’s not like they haven’t thought about it.

Doesn’t matter when shadowlands hit all Azeroth gear will be useless loot just like Relics now.

They can easily remove Mythic raid tier all together from that raid after its relevance was done. To encourage the exclusiveness or mythic raiding. They won’t because it will bad and just like removing skins is bad.

Don’t worry OP. They’ll be in the BMAH one day. It’s almost a guarantee.

No, they won’t because its not the intended design. The intent of Mage tower was to be limited and it was. Mythic gear is not designed to be limited. PvP appearances are designed that way, mounts included, the mount from SoO was intended to be limited.

People run mythic even if its an older tier in the current expac. I guess what the next tier drops we should remove mythic from the current raid and just screw any guilds working on it.

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Because it was announced that it wouldn’t for the entirety of it’s life span. No other reason is needed.


Would literally bet my life they wont.

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you clearly don’t

just to add to all this… a lot of the mage tower challenges were literally impossible without a specific legendary, or legendaries period.