Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

Absolutely not.

I don’t mind seeing recolors, especially if the content remains difficult.

Then you understand that you won’t be getting them.

Glad we had this chat.


But why should you get the same reward for not doing the challenge around when it was designed? It’s not just a numbers scaling issue. Classes were fundamentally different and had artifact talents.

Besides if they ever were to snapshot people back to a legion character for a MT return, i would bet that you wouldnt be scaled to antorus level gear. It would be scaled to Nighthold levels at which point those challenges were a huge pain.


It’s stupid.

Oh yeah. I’m a huge elitist, me and my level 55 neck.

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To go off-topic, this is why that word has no weight on these forums.


Really this made you can’t trust what they say? Remember we suppose to get dance studio for how long now? Yeah not buying it

If you are going to complain about grammar, at least use capital letters in your own writing. Periods also indicate that you are ending a sentence. :slight_smile:

Also, stop derailing the thread with your nonsense. It’s not cute and no one is impressed.


You can easily create similar challenges concept but for 120 same reward. It’s no different that you guys burning through old content for transmog purposes or Mounts with low drop rates.

And some of those content I did when it was live and it never bother me some one did it couple expansions later. The only reason many are upset because it will take away their “flex”

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When you timewalk with the artifact weapons, they’re just stat sticks: no active ability, no major/minor traits are activated. That’s what I meant.

For example: BDK had a major trait that gave you (and your party) leech following Consumption. This was KEY to surviving any of Kruul’s annihilates after the first/first two.

Guardian had RoTS and Adaptive Fur, seriously a step up in magic mitigation from the current iteration of Guardian. Even with Ekko/Luffa combo, Variss was still gonna truck you down with casts. Would be impossible without Adaptive Fur.

The shield absorb major trait gained from AS splash for Protadins was WAY better than the current design (I forget if prot pally gets an absorb due to an Azerite Trait, I’m pretty sure that’s it, and it is weaksauce by comparison) and if you had the legendary pants and got all five wraiths, you could bubble yourself up nicely enough to survive a mistake.

The work needed to make these challenges playable again, beatable, and not a cakewalk, would be far more than a slider scale.

If you can’t see the difference between them talking about potential features and them announcing limited time content, i don’t know what to tell you.

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I read the whole thing. I still don’t care. It’s unfortunate. But time sensitive means time sensitive. Seek bigger and better challenges going forward.


Okay then make 120 challenges.

The difference is that it was announced to be time-limited from the get go as a single player challenge mode. The rewards had 0 impact on character strength which is completely different from raid gear.

Mounts, the mythic cosmetic reward, have a 1% drop chance after the raid tier ends. Aotc mount rewards also go away after the raid tier ends.

Would you honestly be satisfied if you could do the MT challenge and only have a 1% chance at getting the transmog?

I’m not going to rule out the possibility that I was just bad. My gear wasn’t super great either. It’s just that one caused me more problems than most of the other tank ones. I did less pulls as a Prot Warrior months before the insane artifact buff and legendaries raining from the sky.

Meanwhile I did Guardian in 2-3 pulls and got lucky and nailed Prot Pally the first time I tried it.

1000000%. I would prefer NEW challenges with new rewards (or additional rewards) but I would settle for reliving the MT.

That being said - 8.3 is already in the oven and it doesn’t look like Anything is being tied to it in the sense of transmog rewards.

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Just contradicted yourself so there’s no impact if all Mythic cosmetics and mounts go bye bye after it was relevant. They did so with the original ZA mount and Mage tower.

So arguing to remove content so you can “e-flex” isn’t a solid excuse to have anything remove in game period.

It makes a bad game. Time limited stuff is just a gimmick to try get people playing that’s all. No other justification.

Hard to scale Mage Tower? Okay fine Create new challenges where you have an option obtain same skins. Would that be fine cause now you have to “work” for it ? No of course it won’t it would interfere in being more concern about having things others don’t than adding content that majority of players can enjoy.

Yeah, but I don’t feel like anything I have in the game is something I own, so I’m rather indifferent. I get it if I like the look and I ignore it if I don’t, no matter how “exclusive” it is.

You can have a currency in the challenges you can pick skins. Have the old ones there as an option done.

I didnt contradict myself though…

I pointed out that purely cosmetic stuff has always been time limited. That’s consistent with the mage tower being time limited. Did you accidentally reapond to the wrong post or something?