Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

That is not actually true having done them all some like affliction were outrageous hard without the right trinket or cheesing though.

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Thats not how this game works. If it did, they wouldnt have needed to make classic servers haha.


I have yet to see a counter argument aside that Blizzard occasionally changes their mind, where does it end.? Will Blizzard reopen Vanilla exclusives, or exclusives from other expansions?

Blizzard will lose more customer trust if they end up offering expansion exclusives again after the expansion is over. Players will react by asking for another prior expansions stuff and at the same time stop caring about when blizzard announces exclusives.

Blizzard will also have a rough time because they used legendaries, items and artifact weapons to balance all these fights. I highly doubt they would reintroduce all that gear and reprogram everything just so some players can get this. It will be a very big project and they are having alot of issues with small projects.

Exclusives is a gimmick, and have been tired since MOP. Not a fan of it at all. If the gimmick is really fun it gets scrap (artifact talents) the following expansion for something not as fun (Azeroth gear). What the game needs is continuity build upon not scrap and rebuilt each expansion.
Then some exclusives only exist for like 3% of the playerbase (ATOC mounts). When Artas still drops invincible and he was one of the harder bosses introduced in game.

sure Artifact weapons were a Legion exclusive but skins from Mage Tower shouldn’t if you can still get all the rest.

They could easily create a BFA challenge mode with new skins and old skins under the guise of a currency system that you have to grind out.

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Two entirely different things. One actually affects gameplay while the other just affects your appearance.

No. New skins only. You missed out on the old ones.


Why no old skins? I know why and you just don’t want to admit it? It’s more of a you thing than a game thing. Old skins won’t affect the game nor trust like you’re implying I would almost guarantee the majority of players will be grateful.

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People like you are why the gaming industry is ruined with rampant microtransactions today.

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I don’t have a lot of the skins I’d want.

I’m still glad they’re gone. I’m happy that most things are achieveable after the fact, but for some it’s nice to have them be special and limited.

I’d say not because that would upset the players who actually put in time and effort with the understanding that these items would disappear within the time given by Blizzard.

Oh pray tell inform me of my evil scheme as to why I don’t want old skins back.

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Level squish upset all the players who put in the time. But they still went with it.
And before you say they did a survey not everyone got it. Point being that won’t stop them from implementing stuff.

Skins won’t affect game play, nor character then all brining it back will remove the I’m special feeling.

So if skins won’t affect gameplay, why is it so important that it’s opened up to you? It shouldn’t matter right? Also tell me what I won’t admit.


I have to disagree they should remain a rare prize to the people that earned them.


So true
 The only healing one I got was the disc priest one
 lol. It was the same encounter as some of the other skins, which I don’t remember right now. The healing ones were also verrryy long challenges so I never did them.

I got like maybe
 20? or 21 mage tower skins in total. I got at least one or two skins for each class though. The only class I didn’t play at the time or had a toon for (still don’t) is a warrior.

The tank ones (monk and DH) took me like 200+ tries each
 TWO HUNDRED + tries
 It was nerve wracking but I eventually got it
 And I felt sooo good when I got them finally.

Also on topic, I also don’t think we should get the mage tower skins back again. They should remain special for those who got it during that time. I didn’t get the feral and guardian druid mage tower skins at that time because I knew LOTS would have it eventually. Now, maybe I might want to use them but I can’t since I can’t do it anymore AND that’s fine. But more of me is leaning towards not wanting to use those feral glow kitty and werebear 'cause I see a lot of people with them and I like ones that are more

It doesn’t matter me, I am not arguing like I need it, I am arguing that it’s terrible to remove stuff from game to make players feel special.

They easily add it back under different colors. And guess what you guys wouldn’t make a noise because that simple change when essentially it’s the same skin design. Which is exactly what they did with a lot of mounts.

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I think it’s an even worse move to pull players who put in time and effort down to those who don’t. Like you said it doesn’t matter to you therefore you should have no problem with the items in question being removed.

Okay. That doesn’t really change much. Also I’m still waiting on what I won’t admit.

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No matter how many times people stamp their feet for the challenge skins to be brought back.
It’s not gonna happen just because you asked them. Had to do it at the time when Legion was current. If you missed out, that’s it. They’re not bringing back the mage tower.

Why? I come in peace, im genuinely curious. If this occurred on a regular basis you’d have a point and i’d be standing right there with you
 But small handfuls of limited time rewards being given during a limited time event once every blue moon impacts the game negatively in what way?

Everyone I know who drives a luxury car doesn’t drive it because they have a genuine interest in the brand and want to support it, they drive them due to the fact that it’s a status symbol. A surface-deep judgement gives themselves and others the sense that they have achieved success in some myriad form when they’re witnessed behind the wheel.

Again I ask the question, visual confirmation that someone successfully conquered a challenging limited time event in the extreme occurrences they’ve been offered impacts the game negatively how?

It does occur particularly with mounts
ZA mount was removed and added back under different skin.
Horde exclusive mounts this expansion get reskin and become world drops.

If you guys want to keep the same skin colors as your exclusive fine. But I can see someone tmog hunting and would want a similar skin design.

I can see why mage tower won’t be coming back from a balance perspective but don’t see why those particular skin design must die, it’s not like they are legendaries (none Legion) which made a lot more sense to be rare exclusive.

Your comparing limited time low effort items to the rewards of a challenging limited time event that players actively strived for yet couldn’t obtain. These aren’t compatible comparisons.

That’s unfortunate for them.

But they’re not dead
 I haven’t logged onto this character in days and you can see im using the Resto MT appearance right now.

To go back to the topic I spoke on before of exclusivity being an extremely potent driver of consumer behavior
 I’m just not seeing how your belief is in any way aligned with our time on this Earth and what we’ve come to understand about human nature.

People use the appearances because they personally like them and enjoy the prestige and exclusivity that comes with it
 Do you truly believe the lines outside of Supreme stores would continue if their apparel was mass-manufactured and sold somewhere like Walmart? The brand would die overnight. To speak on the designs dying, make it some effortless reward anyone can obtain by quickly stomping content they outlevel. The appearances would be dead by the end of the week.

And that makes you feel entitled to things that were marketed as limited from the get go?

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