Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

If you think it wouldn’t justify the time sure I can see the argument but I would also argue that more people will see this content if they do than the next Mythic raid they’re focusing on.

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To deny the importance of exclusivity is to deny human nature. There are entire studies done in consumer sciences that focus solely on the power of exclusivity in driving consumer behavior.

People like having exclusive things and fulfilling that need in limited doses isn’t an issue. We got a handful of exclusive weapon skins, how is your enjoyment impacted by this?

Under that argument everyone wearing heritage armor shouldn’t have access to them at all. If you didn’t play in vanilla you shouldn’t have heritage anything.


Deny human nature? What?

This is a game, strictly removing stuff for a one time event isn’t good for growth of the game. Leveling is boring because all the features are at end game. If you were instance into the expansion timeline and get to experience it as we did at the time then new players would enjoy leveling a lot more.

So when BFA is finish and the heart and AZ Gear are deactivated and become another stat stick that’s perfectly okay ?

again… this is not english… grammar my man… please use it.

“that grew up with most social saftey net being created during their generation” ?

that grew up with the most “socially safe net” being created?? - not true
that grew up with the most “Safe, social net” being created?? - also not true
that with up with the “biggest safety net for social created”?? - again… not true

please think about what you are trying to say, and run it through google translate or something… I am assuming you are ESL, that’s fine… but what you are saying, is not english…

I wish I had known what the mage tower was when I came back but unfortunately I didn’t. I went in to it once as a fresh 110 (?) without any gear even of my level and got wrecked. I never went back cause I had no idea wtf it was or what I was suppose to do.

After it had be discontinued I saw a really cool Druid bear form and looked it up and found out it was a mage tower exclusive and I am kicking myself for it now. Not sure what the other looks were but that bear form just rocks imo.

Time limited stuff should not be reintroduced imo. If they want to add in a look that is similar but toned down, less bells and whistle, kind of a basic version of the past looks then that could work. Now if they would like to add in new looks to a new mage tower type thing then I am all for it. It was a very cool thing and those that got the looks worked for them.

Gratz to everyone that got even one mage tower look. :clap:


No that’s another design issue in the game. Artifacts were fairly rough at the start and by the end hitting 110 and getting an artifact to max level and into a few ranks of concordance was trivial. Sucked they went away after all that time and investment and unfortunately HoA is going to be even worse since hitting 120 on an alt requires much much more work than artifact weapons did(and that was the great part about them at the end).

They need to move away from these expansion gimmicks altogether and go back to investing in the player with gear and not some expansion only time sink.

you want to do the content, sure all the power to you. or the reward can be a grey version, that’s unequippable that you can only sell for gold. “a valuable relic of a time long past” like they’ve done in the past

You’re literally choosing to misinterpret what I say. I’m over this conversation. Call people “millennials” I really don’t care.


Did you miss the point of my diatribe? Humans like obtaining and showing off exclusive things and the Mage Tower appearances are an exclusive thing.

And this is my question for you since since this seems to be the root of your argument… How is the growth of the game negatively impacted by having a small handful of exclusive weapon appearances in a game that has thousands? Can you point to a single person who claims to have quit because they couldn’t get one exclusive weapon appearance?

Im fine with this, hell I agree with it. If they opened the MT back up I wouldn’t care less as long as the rewards are unobtainable. Again, providing exclusive rewards in small limited doses is perfectly okay.

Nope, and that’s where I agree with you. My disagreement is only concerning the small number of exclusive rewards, I personally think the Artifact weapons and eventually the HoA being made inert is a poor design decision that likely feels awkward for new players who have limited if any context for why.


Absolutely not. Those skins should only ever be use able by people who earnt them at the time. I say this as someone who has none and really like them.

That being said… They should bring out something similar for bfa that it genuinely challenging for an aesthetic limited time reward.


I honestly think the reason they removed it was because they were changing too many classes and the challenges were built around Legion classes. I think adding in a 120 level challenge equal to the difficulty of the old challenge would be fine and allow you to get those skins, but I doubt it will ever happen. Ignore the people who think doing those challenges meant something and should be regarded as a sort of “prestige.” They fail to remember how easy it was to cheese at the end.

Exactly my issue is the skins not that challenge is gone.

i dont think they will allow it mostly because they can’t scale the difficulty. it’s one of those exclusive things where if you didn’t play at the time to bad. it really has nothing to do with gameplay as well it’s all cosemetics.

if you actually look at all of the content like this such as PvP mounts, PvE based mounts they are ALL cosemetics. i think the only note worthy one to have due to it’s nature is druid bear form one as it totally changes your bear form

Wanna be able to do the challenge? Fine by me. Should you be able to get the skin? Hell no


You snooze you lose bud

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Well in that case I disagree with you fundamentally. No point in a back and forth in that case.

My line is drawn in the sand on the skins never being offered again.


And it comes back to why I say it’s elitist. Just because you felt you earned it no one else can or should.

But agree to disagree

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why do people always fall back on the “elitist” excuse… when they can’t get something they want…


Bringing it back will mean we can’t trust anything they tell us again, so i fail to see how that’s a good thing in any capacity.

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