Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

Obviously not true, or else we wouldn’t have threads like this.

How exactly?

It does, as it was advertised for over a year as limited time. Bringing it back would leave the playerbase with a “so what do we believe or not believe now?” Mentality.


Hey, you said “healing was harder”… so you’re making an amendment to your statement… that’s fine.

I don’t know about the others as I never made another healing class. All I know is that all mechanics were made stupidly easy if they weren’t one-shot mechanics (I believe I beat the arms one as a one-shot at that point because it’s the exact same one as the Havoc DH which I did multiple times to defeat it on the first Mage Tower completion).

So I do believe the healing could be harder in the final phase, I don’t know. I was just giving an example as a rebuttal to your first statement.

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ugh… can you re-read that and re-word that into english please…
on top of the fact that whatever you are trying to say there… sounds wrong.

My only question is how OP says they started playing after Legion but one skin for one spec that was already no longer available is the one thing that made them go from playing 2 hours a month to playing every day.

If you started playing after the BFA pre-patch then you would know they are not available. It says right on that row that they are locked forever.

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cause he saw something cool, someone else had and said… HEY I WANT THAT… DADDY BUY IT FOR ME!..

saddly that’s not how the real world works…

Sorry, I should’ve added an asterisk or something when I originally wrote that post.

For some classes certain challenges were drastically easier than others. For example the tanking challenge as a DK or Paladin, one mistake in positioning + bad goblin glider timing and you’d get booted off the map. Every other tank could completely ignore that mechanic due to charge which made it drastically easier for those classes.

Again I should’ve specified when I wrote my post originally. Apologies for that.

Untrue - tons of people, myself included, stayed sub through a huge chunk of Legion, even though they might not have been raiding or PVPing. All thanks to the Mage Tower.

And while there’s always the rando “Pshh, they weren’t that hard.” or " They were only hard if you did them in sub 880 gear", most of the time a Mage Tower topic comes up, it turns into a thread of camaraderie and trading “war stories”.

Oh -

A number crunch would not work. They’d need to instance you in with the artifact, the traits and concordance levels.


yes,… and for example… the RET challenge was trivialized with repentence…

Unless you have no better use of your time please stop feeding this guys low-effort trolling.


I think Blood DK was actually the hardest for me for this reason. Guardian and even Prot Pally I was able to do in less than 10 attempts (sword buff!) but DK really punished your mistakes.

dk with any decent gear tho, and you could basically ignore the dude in the middle, and just focus on adds with a focus interupt macro.

deseases ticking, and DnD on him 24/7, not to mention AMS basically trivialized phase 2

-It does not, it’s used as a gimmick content, minibosses for a skin. I can more or less understand ratings rewards but not skins.

  • as in this thread you see few immediately attitude was “ too bad you should have earn it when it was live” when the OP is a returning player.

  • bringing it back will make Broken shore active zone again. Anything that generates activity is a good thing in game. Limited time stuff for expansions outside of legendary effects and rating esports is a gimmick

Yeah I dont even want to think about the amount of tries it took on my BDK…

Which I now no longer play due to their horrid design in BfA, to add insult to injury

They do so with time walking and the AV pvp event currently. You can instance someone back to 110 with artifact and all.

For veteran players, having things that say “I did a challenging limited-time thing and have this to show for it” is good for them. Providing that in small doses shouldn’t be a problem for anyone, not everything needs to be available to all players at all times.


Because the topic is about the Legion ones? im completely against removing stuff, and i think they should come back too, same for other removed stuff

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Seems pretty straight forward.

I’ll make it easier. The generation defined as “Baby Boomers” aka “boomers” is literally the generation that grew up with most social saftey net being created during their generation.

Also to clarify I don’t think calling someone a boomer or millenial is inherently political since its a meme anyways.


Like i said, keep the content, remove the rewards.

If you missed out, sucks to suck.


There’s this thing called feat of strength tab in your achievements.

If you want to pat yourself on your back you have that.


Except hitting 100 now and going through legion your artifact weapon is dead and has no traits? They would need further work and redesigning of talents from 100-110 just for mage towers. They’re not going to do it.