Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

So now you’re asking Blizzard to reintroduce a limited time reward and also redesign said encounters around current mechanics. Now it’s an even bigger issue for Blizzard than just annoying people who did it when it was current.

I play strictly with an Xbox controller and got the tank skins I wanted without much of a fuss…

I quote this to say that bar none the healing challenges were WAYYYYY more difficult then all of the others by far.

paladin was only a joke if you had the right leggo’s for it…
without, it was FAR from a joke, arguable the hardest tank one to get second only to prot war. druid was very easy, I did it without bracers… I have MANY mage tower appearances across all 9 of my toons…

Why do millennials always think they are entitled to everything? it’s sad, it’s pathetic.


So why did you even post? No, they can’t and won’t be brought back. Same with the MoP challenge mog and mounts, same as the WoD challenge mog.

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Or, none of it was relevant to our responses so we chose not to respond line by line. I feel the way I do about it because it was advertised from the beginning as limited time. We knew it would end. As it got closer they even told us the date it would end.

I feel differently about the Brutasaur for the exact same reason. It was not advertised as limited time.

I understand you didn’t play at that time. That is a you thing, not a Blizzard thing. However, posters not breaking your original post up line by line and sayi g the same thing over and over and over to each line does not mean it was disregarded. It means it didn’t change our answer

That’s a complete waste of resources.

For all I care, they can snapshot people to default Legion classes so people can do the mage tower challenges. However, I’m adamantly opposed to them bringing back the cosmetic rewards.

You missed it, sucks for you, dont miss the future ones. You dont see me crying about the MoP CMs that I missed.


Shame you missed it. Better luck next time.

Ok boomer.


It’s funny you should say that the way you did.

I think this sums it up perfectly. If it were not advertised as a limited time availability I would feel differently about this. Is it were not advertised as such I would not have any issue with somebody facerolling it an expansion later. I certainly would for my druid.

Well said.


You sure don’t.

And I wasn’t playing during legion as well.

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The thing is if they wanted them to be challenging, they’d have to go back and retune them all. That’s not just ‘adjust a few numbers and gtg’ they have to account for talents that exist now that didn’t then, abilities we had then that we don’t have now, and that takes developer time that could be used to make new things.

Then where does it end? Do they spend X amount of weeks retuning and playtesting the mage tower every new expansion?

That’s the whole reason why they make these challenges specific to the time and the expansion they came out in. Because they aren’t going to go back in and retune them every time they make sweeping changes to the game. Which happens every expansion. Stat squish, level squish, class reworks, etc.

Now that said I think you should be able to at least attempt the challenges because I feel they are part of the story of Legion and its silly you can do all the quests leading up to the challenge and then you never know what happens to Kruul or Agatha or see the end of Sigryn’s story.

But you shouldn’t unlock the appearances for winning.


As a millennial im perfectly fine with Mage Tower appearances never coming back.

Why do people feel the need to make these cringe political statements in an otherwise healthy discussion?


None of them were difficult by the time NC and Antorus came out. I did it on my pally for holy when NC/Antorus were out and it took me like 3 tries… and I’d say healing is my worse spec of anything I do in this game.

it’s not cringe, it’s not politically driven… it’s simply facts.
guarantee you the OP is no older than 25

just because you are the “exception” to the milenial way of thinking, doesn’t make my statement any less true

Firstly, I’m sorry you missed your chance. The Mage Tower was some of the best content in WoW in the last 5 years. It was definitely a ‘You had to be there’, and that’s how Blizz designed it.


Kindly gtfo with this stuff.


Wasnt Pally the easiest to do it on though? I dont believe any of the other healers came close to H. Pally burst healing for that final boss spirit phase in the challenge

Im not older than 25 and I question the mental capacity of anyone who makes blanket statements and actually believes them


reading comprehension… it’s a thing

You’ve still made a generalization about a generation off some meme. Im 28 and am against tower coming back?

I guess I should just reply “Ok boomer” thats the correct term right?

Also boomers are literally the generation handed all the entitlement programs in their generation…


Limited time rewards doesn’t add nothing to the game and continue to feed into elitism. Which isn’t going to attract much of a playerbase in the long run if a lot of the features in game just being a one expansion time thing.

It doesn’t hurt me if someone got it after the face (and they could very well have Mage Tower scale)


It’s is an overly broad generalization but I’m not sure it’s political. Probably it should be millennials that just got let out of their parents helicopters.

That being said, what’s the deal with millennials always going on and begging for weird races, eye color things, more store options and a bunch of other non game play nonsense?