Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

They should make the ones who got it already have it be a Feat of Strength title. Then just make the Mage Tower scale so you can’t bulldoze it but have to beat the mechanics and let others who came along later at least EARN the skins, they just don’t get the FoS title. I don’t see any harm in that.

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nope, not gonna happen


People who are obsessed with exclusivity or such, they could just give an achievement to those that got them in Legion (one for each weapon) or idk mark the Appearance name (the purple message) with like a star or something to mark it has owned since Legion

They could just re-release them and design the challenge around the current class designs, hell even make an event like thing by releasing new appearances each expansion and making you own some kind of currency to buy them and making the older ones more expensive


no sorry

in theory they could retune the tower to bfa but they already said they wont

its a challenge skin, not a faceroll the next expansion skin

they already said they are not going to retune the tower

They were one-time Feats of Strength. Not having played the game during doesn’t grant you special access to be able to acquire them.

This goes for MoP, WoD, and Legion challenge appearances.

Like i said, design the challenge to fit the current class design, it would still be hard to get them

And Blizzard says many things


they do say a lot of things, wouldnt hold my breath for this one though

I’m mad that we can’t mix/match the artifacts we got. I love the flail, but the shield clashes with my transmog. I wish I could use a different shield, but alas, I can’t mog it like in Legion. Why not just make it a regular skin? I DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS LOGIC.


While were at it give my lock the Black Harvest title since I quit in Pandaria and didn’t get the green fire until later and lets also give back the mount from SoO thats no longer obtainable and lets give out all the gladiator mounts that are gone and appearances, and the MoP challenge appearances and the WoD ones.

I wanted the tank skins for my paladin and damn near broke a keyboard getting it but man did it feel good getting it and that was a character I leveled solely for getting the tower skins. Same with my DK. I wanted them, put in the time and frustration and earned them during the content. I desperately want the druid tank skin but oh well. I didn’t level him during Legion and didnt get it.

Oh well.

Got the skins for my Warlock and Hunter.

The only thing that bothers me is that if I decide to level up alts, they will never have the skin. I can’t see myself playing a DH or a Druid now knowing I can’t have their best mogg/form

No. This was advertised the whole time as being a limited event ending when BfA prepatch came out. So, no. Sorry you missed your chance, but, no.

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both requests are selfish and self-centered tbh.

There are easy ethical arguments for and against exclusivity. Mostly comes down to personal preference.

If they did a TW thing with it and squished player stats I’d have no problem with it. Also take away the achievement for doing it. Like they did with warlocks and green fire. You can still get green fire but you can’t get the achievement and title.

I also said that, give a FoS to those that got them back then

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I feel for your plight. I really and truly do.

However, limited time is limited time. I was u subbed duri g the 10th anniversary core hound mount. Should I still be able to get it?

A story. When I saw the Zandalari druid forms, I knew that mome t my Tauren druid was done. I would srill tank our Heroic alt runs of Tomb and Argus for variety still, however. But I knew outside of that the toon was going nowhere. I had all the legendaries on him and excluding mythic raiding gear I was geared to the teeth.

But it did not matter I would not play him come next expansion. So i did not bother with mage tower for wear bear form. Why should I? I was not playing the toon any more once BFA launched.

It was a few days after the Mage Tower went away j learned the mog was account wide. I didn’t know. I could have had my form still. But I don’t. And I can’t get it.

And you know what? That is quite OK. Was I bummed? Yup. However j got over it and life moves on.

It is not that big a deal


To be fair thats a bad example considering how awful it was to even get it…

Perhaps. I don’t have a point of reference as I was not around.

Same could be said about the OP though, considering they were not around for mage tower

I know they were hard but they could just bring them back with an updated challenge (so people dont just roll trough them) and FoS for those that got them when they got first released so they keep their exclusivity for getting them back then

I am all for another mage tower event. Give different rewards or skins for completing it.

I did it on this guy in one spec only cuz the only other alt with fear able to even be competitive was my druid. And yeah see story above.

I would love a new challenge for new exclusive appearances I can throw myself into. And challenge myself to leave my comfort zone on alts.

However I do feel the old appearances should be exclusive. And I am saying that as somebody that missed out too

And missing out is ok.

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