Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

It’s a really nicely done flail. Sadly, the challenge appearance for destro warlocks is lacking and I rarely find a suitable mog to pair it with, not being an edgy teen.

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I feel like they gave the mage challenge appearance assignment to accomplished designers and they tossed the warlock challenge appearance assignments to that basement dweller that makes everyone shudder when he passes by.

WOW’s redheaded stepchild in so many ways.

I understand completely, but talking of sad, I was unable to see you current Mog game, it looks good from your avatar and I’m not going snooping if you are shy.

I also agree with your sentiment about such events, they are indeed there to suck you in, OMG look at that weapon mog…and bam incoming sub to take advantage of that ‘limited time shiney’ it also gives players like myself something to lord over other players, feeding my ego and smashing the hopes and dreams of those that dare unsub, or something like that. :rofl:


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There it is. I’ve grown accustomed to mh/oh mog combos because the only way I can stave mog is Legion artifacts.

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I love the irony of a majority of the responses.

I earned it, I deserve it, you didn’t - so you don’t. Stop being so selfish, geez.

There really isn’t a justifiable argument to be made in favor of keeping them exclusive at this point. The argument tends to boil down to a perceived lack of fairness, but that can be applied to both sides, which invalidates the argument.

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And you have curly toes on your boots!

Love the colours, and I have fun with mogging main hand/off hand stuff, some of the off hand stuff is pretty amazing! :grinning:

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I love the Wrathion boots. We need more Black dragon mogs in this game. :grin:


You know what they do notice? The Bro Bear form from the Tower. I bet the majority of the requests from posters asking for the Tower to come back want the Guardian forms.


sure when they bring back all other removed stuff like mop cm sets, mop cloak, wod weapons/ring and stuff

so basically never.

I’d really rather work on a tuned Mage Tower, even if the skins aren’t available. I’m so bored with the game right now :confused:

As much as I regret not bothering with any other skins other than my main’s, these things should never return. I still bugs me that they brought back the ZA mount, even if it’s a washed out version of the original.

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Its bugs you that others can have X thing , bwahahahaha i mean come on , you sad when mcdonalds brings back a limited time meal or dipping sauce >? Lots of limited and exclusive stuff is marketing strats , sideffect is how pathetic humans become to protect that exclusiveness bwahahahahah

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Scarcity creates value, and time limited rewards that are awarded by skill are inspirational to players, and are exactly the things that push the playerbase into bettering themselves. This is something that is desperately needed for the long term health of an MMO.

It goes far beyond people not wanting you to have their stuff.

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OP. It isn’t Blizzard’s fault you didn’t have a PC. They should not bring them back just because you now have a PC to get them. There are a lot of things I wished I could get but I wasn’t playing at the time they were available. My loss. I sucked it up and so can you.

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It would be awesome, I have the hunter ones but never got the warrior ones. But sadly it’ll never happen.

If you’ll do anything - buy an account that has it.

Mage tower skins are now driving illegal account sales, and the problem will only get worse.

I would’ve rolled and boosted a guardian druid if I could get the mage tower skins. It and warlock are the only two 120’s I don’t have. But due to that I can’t be bothered with guardian.

Silly system really. I payed for legion and afk subbed for most of it too. Was just too busy with work to play.

There’s fierce 200 IO opposition against it though. Scrubs are proud of what they consider a difficult and hard earned reward, lol.

The scarcity / value argument would hold up if classes (and the game) had enough depth to it that players mained classes for years.

Unfortunately, that isn’t how wow works. There’s little depth. In BFA the majority of higher end players have basically geared out most classes in the game, and main new toons for each patch.

Even utter casuals usually have 3-4.

So, in the environment its in, it’s a stupid system. Reality is you can have an utter noob have a skin that a much better player simply can’t achieve, because they didn’t play X class in the former expansion. And that’s just dumb.

Reality is, mage tower unlocks are more likely to be parked than being mained currently. And current mains are less likely to have them than peoples parked alts.

and more rare.

In tge real world you can get collectors edition items after the fact though. You just have to pay money.

The point is people want it that weren’t playing at the time. Too bad so sad I should have gotten it? I didn’t even know it was a thing to get. It’s not like I chose not to get it. I literally had no concept of it until it was too late.

It was recommended to me by blizzard. Didn’t read the date nor does it matter. You are here now. We are all here now and that’s what matters.