Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

I just wish Blizzard would be consistent on removing things or not.

Are raid boss titles exclusive to when they’re current? No, you can get them any time afterwards.

Is transmog from raids/dungeons exclusive to when they’re current? No, you can do them after.

Are mounts exclusive to when they’re current? Depends. Raid & achievement mounts can be acquired afterwards, but Arena mounts are restricted to when they’re active. Tundra Mammoth you can still by, but Brutosaur is going away.

They should just make up their minds and apply it across the board. If people can’t get the Gladiator Mounts, why can they still get The Defiler title? If the Mage Tower skins are gone, why aren’t the tier sets from old raids? Etc.

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I just don’t know how much of exclusivity factors into the final equation. I can certainly understand that making it as trivial as mythic raids are now would trivialize the rewards, and that’s not something I want. Regardless of how “trivial” they were in the last month or two, they weren’t that easy.
Maybe I’d be less wistful towards the mage towers if BFA held my attention as intensely with challenges and rewards. I suppose that’s why Classic was such good timing.

I don’t think all things need to be limited or unlimited. At least they’re usually clear in advance on what is or isn’t.

It would sorta be nice if mythic raid gear remained difficult to obtain, with like timewalking-like item scaling.
I felt a lot of pride in learning mythic Kil’jaeden, mythic Eonar, and learning to tank mythic Aggramar PUGs, even though it was during BFA. but I’m curious what it would have been like if we were forced to deal with that one Kil’jaeden mechanic we skip by DPSing him fast enough. The one where 2 raid members pulse out a spread of projectiles and then spawn an add, and they have to move while the whole raid dances in between the projectiles.
I wish there were more achievements like Herald of the Titans, and with rewards to match.

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I didn’t and it be how it be.

I got most of the ones I wanted, but I also didn’t get the WoD CM weapons because I didn’t have the group I did the mists ones with. It happens.

I personally don’t agree with arbitrarily removing content like that, but it would be hard to call it effectively a “challenge” when the class/spec design of that era is long gone, and scaling can be incredibly wonky at times when it comes to tuning a character down to an appropriate level… especially when you could out-gear the Mage Tower challenges.

… Unless you were a rogue, especially an assassin one, I think that took me like 3 tries in crap gear after hitting 110 lol.

I admit that I think it’s unlikely that they would bring back the mage tower challenge or it’s rewards, but I still think it’s possible it might be economic for Blizzard at some point.
I think if the employees capable of making a Classic Legion engine weren’t busy making a Classic TBC or WotLK engine, Challenge Modes from MoP, WoD, and Legion would be their next job; whether between TBC/WotLK, or after.

and I think it would be very fair to limit the rewards to only be if you completed it at a higher difficulty than it was at the end of Legion when it was significantly easier. Babies like me who did it at the end wouldn’t get the same easy pass to get everything, so it would even more accurately reflect skill.

I had thought if it were a stand-alone challenge, you would just set the difficulty for a certain item level, legendaries, and consumables; possibly with pre-set sets of options, and resulting in a ranking upon completion;
but making a Classic Legion engine just for a stand-alone mage tower challenge wouldn’t be cost-effective. However, a full Classic Legion game would permit the same fairness of requiring you to acquire BIS gear. though the end-expansion system of Legendary acquisition would probably be a good idea. and like I said, if you only got the reward at a higher difficulty than at the end of Legion, it would be pretty ideal.

No. Keep the MT skins as a limited time thing as they were intended to show mastery over your class.

I did the all 3 hunter challeneges with no guides and the only one that didn’t feel like I was soloing normal tomb when it was current was Feltotem.

SV Hunter and Sub rogue alone where the ones that gave me the most problems, clocking in over 300 tries at the SV appearance. But I did it because I knew it was a limited time thing I knew I’d never get again. The only one I regret not getting is the warrior/pally tank appearances, but thats an “oh well” type thing.

That I agree with. Those were major storylines, not limited time challenge modes.

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I won’t ever understand their logic of removing content.

Rewards I can understand. Do not keep the rewards. Keep the story. What’s the point of new players playing through a expac which came out earlier only to be told they are missing a huge chunk of the story?


That’s objectively false. Your accomplishment does not become negated because someone obtains the same thing you did later on.
Do you complain about people farming mounts from previous expansions?
Oh I know, remove ALL cosmetic options from previous expansions.

It ruin the accomplishments of everyone who did it when it was current.
No ashes of alar, or TLPD, or Reins of Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent.


Remove all of it because it invalidates others achievement.

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And were removed with as little reason as the Battle for Undercity scenario that closed out the Angrathar storyline.



When the company says “You can only get this super cool thing within this 2 year time frame and then we’ll take it out forever” it 100% does. Maybe there’s people out there it took 2 years to get that, you’re going to say “SCREW YOUR HARD WORK, I WANT IT FOR FREE!” and say that’s not ruining people’s accomplishments? Be real, man.

No because the company never said “Hey you can’t farm these mounts after the expansion’s over” learn the difference between things that will be unobtainable and remain obtainable throughout the game’s life before you come trying to make a piss poor argument, please.

That’s the most insane straw man I’ve ever seen. How pathetic.

Because they said “This will ONLY be available while It’s current” yes. What exactly are you confused about? Why do you think It’s fair for people to steam roll it with tier 55 and get it without effort?

If you want that, make a thread saying you want that. There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s certain things Blizzard has allowed people to farm and certain things they have allowed to not be farmed. Go make a thread and say “I should be able to get T1 gladiator mounts ANY time in the game!” I mean nobodies telling you you can’t make that suggestion.


I’m more annoyed as a Druid that wasn’t really playing during Legion I’ll just never get those form unlocks.

Weapon skin is one thing, an entirely different shapeshift form is another.

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No. Get them when they’re available. You literally had almost 3 years, dude. There’s literally no way to justify bringing them back.

I worked my butt off to get all the tanking skins, some of the hardest skins to get. Bringing it back would be a slap in the face to me and everyone who tried hard to get them within the given time frame.

Well as a Druid I’ll live with not getting the Mage Tower skins if I can see some light at the end of the tunnel for new forms at all.

Glyphs, covenant rewards, anything. Legion didn’t even do anything for Balance and I am getting slightly tired of either being a giant chicken or constantly glowing.

Sorry buddy, you must be new to WoW. Having new forms for completely new races was a complete surprise / insane to get. Revamping old ones won’t be any time soon if ever or until they re-try a glyph system for aesthetics.

Be glad you get options, buddy.

Druid got a bunch of forms in Legion so it’s not like that’s so far fetched to ask.

Not new, but I don’t really consider 2 things as options. It’s even more annoying with Zandalari getting a completely unique Moonkin model while KT is still using the original skeleton. If Shadowlands is going to bring in more race customization then it’d be nice for at least Balance to get some flavor injected into it. I’d love to see them revisit glyphs, but who knows.

You must be fun at parties

Really? Complaining that every new form doesn’t have a 100% new skeleton is now the new norm? That is the most entitled, whiny, BS I’ve ever read…

I can agree with that. They should never have taken away customization options, but they haven’t with moonkins. Like I was saying earlier, be happy you at least can turn into a humanoid form. Back in the day it was fat moon chicken or bust.

Insert generic non-witty over-used retort that’s essentially meaningless, like you just did here


I got the ones I wanted which were Laser cat and hulk bear. They were pretty easy to get and I managed to get them on a highmountain druid alt with random gear on. The tank one took a few tries but the cat I got on the second try only because one of the rocks that drop from the ceiling and roll towards the other end of the room didn’t render in, so I just took a massive amount of damage from an invisible entity.

I’d be ok if they brought them back though, they really weren’t that difficult to get and i think it’s pretty funny that there are so many people that think they did some incredibly hard content to get them. I’d argue that the difficulty was close to like normal raid difficulty.