Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

Once again… not even remotely the same and all of that stuff was moved because… say it with me now… it was always available before.

The fact that you’re trying to compare a dungeon set to a challenge mode appearance is nonsensical.


And they continued to roflstomp them well into the next two expansions until they were revamped in Cata and that gear was moved to a vendor.

How are you not understanding this??

A dungeon isn’t a freaking challenge mode.

I think my cat could understand this isn’t a comparison.

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I will live with the dishonor of never getting off my duff for the Frost Mage skin and for failing the Windwalker Monk one.

Live with your failures as I do.


This guy gets it.

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When you’re sitting there, wondering if you should complain about something that was a limited time event, be like this guy.

Be like Astronomer.


I wouldn’t mind seeing a time walking version of the towers and during this short window you could earn the skins but the window would only be that one week.

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If playing 15 years ago doesn’t make you “ special “ or Exclusive. Because you had other things going on or you just didn’t play the game. Than content from 2 or 3 years ago definitely doesn’t make you “ special “ what so ever. If you didn’t play at the time the content was available you shouldn’t have access to it at all. You don’t get to make the argument both ways pick one it’s everyone gets everything or you only get what you yourself played for. I really don’t care what you pick but it cannot be both.

Don’t let us get them again in game. let me just pay for it. Save me the effort please.

It’s already like that. Because guess what?

There’s different types of content.

Amazing how that works.

Elite PvP and challenge mode PvE have been limited time to that season or expansion since their inception. Dungeons and raids are not limited time and never have been.


Which is one of the worst things about BFA. Even though it’s had some amazing raid content, it’s been so utterly forgettable.

It’s basically “Tomb of Sargeras, the expansion”.

But I heard we’re getting a lame, probably BfA exclusive cloak.

No :octopus:

No, don’t. Nothing but yourself is to blame for not doing it. Many people earned those apperances because they knew it was going away. It devalues the effort they put in and such, as well as devalues blizz’s word. Keep things removed, removed.


Because they were.

That’s not their problem. Time limited items and rewards are time limited for a reason - To give rarity and prestige for those that earned them when the material was current. If anyone can go get them later when it is significantly easier it gives those rewards the value of old lead paint chips.

Then you’ve made this discussion for no reason?


Everyone wants everything everyone else has and feels they should have it.

This constant cry of entitlement is what made this expansion the worst one ever.

Stop. Just. Full. Stop.

Want the gear? Work for it.
Want the allied race? Work for it.
Want the pre-purchase Tmog? Work for it.
Want something that isn’t available anymore? Get over it.

Newsflash: There should be rewards in game for time played and effort put into it. If you log on for an hour a day you shouldn’t have the same rewards as someone who commits more time to the game. Sorry for your “real life commitments” but that doesn’t mean you should log on to an MMO and have everything handed to you on a bloody silver platter.

I’d rather they bring back the MoP Cloak/WoD ring.


Wouldnt mind if they came back at reskins, but maybe not the original ones - and those that have gotten it, gets the new ones for free


Nope. Not today. Tomorrow is not looking good.

Woah, pump the brakes…you’re comparing…a drivers license… that has nothing to do with video games at all…to an item in a game that Blizzard literally said “After this expansion you won’t be able to get this” for almost 3+ years?

I seriously hope you’re joking…for your sake. That’s honestly the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard to date on the forums…and I frequently reply to ridiculous people for fun.

That’s your opinion. You can go create a game where you allow locked away hard to get items available to everyone who wants to willy nilly get them, but myself and Blizzard 100% disagree with you.

That’s like saying “We should just allow anyone to get any gladiator mount in the game still! We shouldn’t have any sense of accomplishment or achievement in the game or otherwise other players will feel bad!”

People like you are why the game’s going down hill, imo. I’m sure you support giving the alliance end-game raiding gear for 8 weeks straight so they can dominate in OPTIONAL world PvP because they won’t stop crying. :roll_eyes:

I managed to get all three challenges done on my shaman. I got a couple done on my druid.

There are easy ethical arguments for and against exclusivity. Mostly comes down to personal preference.

What are the arguments? I’m not familiar with this. If it comes down to personal preference, then it’s not really that important, is it?
Blizzard would only change their mind if it were economically worth it VS those same employees working on something else. I suppose employees who could do this task would probably be working on Classic servers for TBC and WotLK, so unless they have down time between expansion where minor fixes don’t require them to be intensely working, they might be able to. If not, perhaps reviving expansions for the purpose of the 3 Challenge Modes + Mythic raids & PVP might be the right timeline.