Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

A very small portion of Legions gameplay experience is gone. “Gutted” is an exaggeration.

Unrelated. BFAs issues has nothing to do with the idea of exclusivity.

How about we make Cutting Edge and AoTC available too!!! Wait no! I want to be able to earn the mounts from Cutting Edge and AoTC because all I have to do is buy some WoW tokens and pay for carries.

Blizzard please make Cutting Edge and AoTC available too if you give in to these mage tower demands!!!

(I would love another chance to earn more Mage Tower skins. I barely scraped by with getting the appearance on my warrior, but I missed out on the druid kitty!)

I understand why there are people against bringing them back, though. They were considered “time sensitive” after all. But! I enjoy the challenge and the ability to gain more epic transmog. I wish Blizz created more content like it… but alas.

I was also referring to the Artifact, Path of the Titans etc.

Also the MoP Legendary cloak quest line is a big one. I return’d to WoW and wanted to know who this new character was, I was very disappointed that his origin had been removed out of the game.

Removing content is OK because they’ll always add new content, right? BFA took more than it gave.

Personal opinion here, but BFA gave little to nothing in comparison to other expansions.

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Well as someone with all but 1 tanking MT appearance, i say let em have their chance. You dont see me throwing a god damn fit because of people going back and farming ICC for mogs.

aw man, i would like a bfa mage tower too. The legion one was great, arms warrior mage tower ez clap with double leap legendary shoulders

ICC mogs weren’t advertised to be removed when the tier was over.

I would much rather them add new cool cosmetics to earn than introduce old ones. I personally feel like every expansion should have exclusives that you can only earn during said expansion. Non-raid of course. Raid-only-exclusives lock too many players out of the chance. Mage tower was brilliant. Need more of that in the game.


Quoted for truth.


I’m a troll because you have no idea what you’re talking about? yeah, okay…

No, they didn’t. You’re wrong. None of those pieces were reused for any heritage armor. If your goal was to troll me and get me to waste a few mins of my time by double checking then you won, you got me, I went and checked.

Your right I was mistaking heritage and heirloom. But the point remains that the look of an item from all the way back to the start of this game is now available to anyone at all.

You’re trying to compare a dungeon set to a limited time challenge mode. That is not a comparison. At all.


Now you’re just arguing semantics whether I should have something that was available 15 years ago or something I should have access to that was available only 3 years ago. The argument here is exclusivity not what the content was that what you gain from doing the content

How about we stop with the “I want everything in the game that’s ever been in the game” and preserve some of the uniqueness of each expansion.

This type of “I want it all” mentality is why we lost water walking on some mounts and got stupid mount gear in the first place cause people complained about having to farm old rep.

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The beauties of this life are fleeting. The rarity of these items is just yet another reason why Legion leaves its legacy as, what I think, is the greatest WoW expansion of all time (even including some of the glaring flaws).

It’s not semantics. Dungeon gear has never been limited time. Ever. The only reason the dungeon sets from Scholo and Strat were moved to a vendor is because those dungeons were revamped and they wanted to make sure that the sets which were always available, were still available.

The argument is that a limited time challenge mode rewards a limited time cosmetic from completing a challenge mode. You trying to throw in some random dungeon set into the argument makes zero sense.

People spent months and months trying to get an appearance from completing a challenge. And you come in with “but Vanilla dungeon sets!”



Go run upper Blackrock spire from vanilla. It isn’t even there anymore. It’s WoD now. The dungeon is gone.

Because nobody took months and months getting dungeon sets back in vanilla??