Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

No they didn’t. You can buy replicas of those sets at the DMF for tickets. And heirlooms look like them too. Heritage armors are completely different and way higher quality considering how many years later they were created.


No they weren’t. I know quite a lot of people who still couldn’t get them— especially the healing challenge for some healers. Seven phases and not all were able to get through them with DPS and heals and interrupts. Not everyone is capable of such challenges.

And as evident by the crying threads constantly on this subject, both now and when it was current, it’s pretty obvious many didn’t.

Limited time challenge tuned specifically for that expansion with those specific abilities is just that: limited time.


The only skin I’d say they should bring back, or implement in another way, is the guardian one

That one is unique in that it changes your player model and animations. It’s not just a weapon skin

If they did bring it back though, I’d say alter it in some way to distinguish it from the actual mage tower skin.

They could maybe bring back the original mage tower skins, but not allow the other colors to be unlocked unless you earned it in legion

Those sets most certainly did not become heritage armor. They became heirlooms and DMF sets. :woman_facepalming:t4:


I got my driver’s license when I was 18. If you wanted it, you should have completed the test back when I did. It’s silly to just let anyone have them afterwards.

Is…is that supposed to be an analogy?


Yes, lol. 10 characters

Bad analogy. Your driver’s license is never advertised as time sensitive. Nor is it a trophy. Please be less silly. Unless your intent was to be silly, in which case, carry on.


Your example of not having your drivers licence means that you’re going to have a much harder time in society since the norm is having a form of transportation. Having to take other outlets like a bus or subway can easily lead to several nasty possibilities that have been incidents over the years that have been life threatening and damaging to ones well being.

The other is a skin in a video game.

I’m against any content being removed. Playing through Legion at it’s peak should be plenty.

There’s no reason why Mage Towers couldn’t be retuned for higher levels. Besides some of the encounters were practically handed out for free by the end of legion. I completed the Shadow Priest fight before entering the second phase.

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Yes there is. Because we have to make content for the future. Not constantly rehash, retune, and re-mechanic encounters that have come and gone. And again, when something is advertised as time sensitive, it is time sensitive.

That checks all my boxes for being removed as far as I’m concerned.

Edit: Also your spriest example is how you were supposed to do it with S2M. That doesn’t mean anything.

  • No legendaries
  • No Artifact Weapons
  • No Legion Class Design

^ If these 3 don’t exist, no skins. And it’s ridiculous to ask Blizzard to add in scaling for old content while they’re working on Shadowlands.


You snooze, you lose


You can add new content without removing old. Each expansion has it’s main features gutted from it and it shows.

When you remove content from each area of the world, you lose part of what makes that area special.

WoW only focusing on current content has resulted in most of the world being unappealing.

I don’t think you know what heritage armor is.

Heritage armor is a race only tmog set that you need to do something to unlock. Different requirements for original and allied races.

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Genuinely don’t care about any of that. Content which is advertised as time sensitive is time sensitive. That’s all there is to it.


And that can be fixed by adding new content. Not hanging on to old stuff that a good bit of the playerbase has already made its way through.

There were some that were 100% trivial depending on the class, spec and the challenge they had to do. I found the MM one easy as piss (1st time playing MM, got it on the first go), but doing that on a shadow priest, even with Argus gear was still a challenge for me.

By this logic everyone who played legion would be swimming around with all 36/36 appearances.

God forbid, players want to replay old content or let new players level through a game of gutted features.

How’d that work for BFA?

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this expansion lacks exclusivity entirely
even gladiator the last few seasons has been made accessible by like 5x the amount of players as before

i just hope heritage armor and the soon extinct bruntosaur mount aren’t their only attempts at ‘i played bfa’ rewards

jesus dramatic

cms/magetower/pvpelite sets being unique and prestigious aren’t even CLOSE to ‘gutted features’

you’re being intentionally delusional