Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

Yeah, damn those people who who either werent playing during legion, are new players, moved regions, made new accounts or simply werent playing x class during legion XD

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People who want skins to be available again dont want them because they want some delusional sense of achievement, they simply like a good mog item because it looks good for their characters

I don’t care about those players. Is it unfortunate? Sure. Is it their fault? No. But when something is advertised as time sensitive content, it is time sensitive content. End of discussion.


That has nothing to do with what I said. People keep saying

“Come’on it’s just a skin”

but are here flailing their arms at the fact that they’re being told no. In fact you cannot have this skin.


Well gold makers also dont care about the people who cry about the removal of brutosaur ah mount, they should just git gud ;^)

Self admittedly there are some artifact skins that I should have tried, but my chance has passed. I’m content enough with those skins that I was able to get.

But least I can say that I got all of the fel gear mogs.

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I don’t care about the Brutosaur either. I care that Blizzard didn’t convey it would be time sensitive ahead of time. That’s a failure to communicate.

Mage towers, on the other hand, we knew since implementation that they would be time sensitive. That’s not a failure to communicate. I’ve been consistent in that being my issue with it. Feel free to check my history.


Most people who are crying about it now are some of the worst players so not sure what you’re on about.


He’s absolutely right. By the time they released the prepatch with the artifact overload, those challenges were completely trivial. They were pretty much participation trophies at that point.

Also I got all 36 and I think they should come back. So no, it’s not “the worst players”

The skins stopped being special by the Argus patch, when you could severely outgear them and trivialize the actual challenge.

Your a troll and quite tired of you. Yes every set item that is now heritage armor was the first set armors in vanilla for each class. It obviously wasn’t called heritage armor in vanilla because there was no such thing.

Alright. Then there’s no real reason why it’s a problem that the skins are exclusive if it was that easy.


I have several friends who came back for classic. When they see me with those skins, I have to explain to them that they can’t get them any more.

It’s a stupid, pointless way for players to make hierarchies among themselves.

Hierachies? No one in their right mind uses Mage Tower as a means to stand tall over others.


You literally saw the person I was responding to use it as a means of implying anyone who doesn’t have them is a “bad player.” That’s the exact mentality I’m talking about

I didn’t literally see anything. You’re going to have to point it out to me. Because context of how it was said is important.


It’s the post just above my first one, the one you first replied to.

Nope. Sorry the two don’t line up. What he’s talking about is people who are crying about the issue. That includes you too. A player who has all 36 appearances. And I somewhat agree with them. Not the worst players, but definitely not one of my favorites. Far from it.


Strange, I don’t recall “crying” about anything. I joined a discussion with my opinion. But people like you will use “crying” as a means of disarming any kind of discussion you don’t like. Clearly we aren’t getting anywhere with this, so you can enjoy your night.

[Dungeon Set 1(8 pieces)

The items that form these sets may be found in the lvl 58-60 instances ([Stratholme], [UpperBlackrock_Spire), and [Lower Blackrock Spire] vanilla-), set pieces have level requirements of 52-58. The pieces occupy the chest, feet, hands, head, legs, shoulders, waist, and wrist slots.

[Dungeon Set 2 (8 pieces)

Since Patch 1.10, the items from dungeon set 1 can be upgraded by a quest chain, to form the dungeon set 2. Dungeon Set 2 pieces have no level requirements, however the quest chain needed to obtain them requires level 58. The pieces occupy the chest, feet, hands, head, legs, shoulders, waist, and wrist slots.

Those set items became heritage armor.

Except I didn’t use it that way. I’m explaining what was said and how it was a “you’re either on this side or the other” situation. You took that and tried to twist it as them saying people who don’t have the appearance are bad players which was not conveyed in their post.

And I’m not disarming anything. My stance is that Blizzard stated that it was going away from the moment it became active therefore that’s how it should be. I don’t make pushes in the game for Blizzard to say “Haha! Gotcha! Mage Tower skins are available again!”

I will! And I’ll be here watching this thread. Good night! :grin:

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