Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

Pretty much, and many delude themselves they achieved something while mage towers were a joke, especially once you were argus geared and were facerolling it, they were only challenging when they got released, after people got geared only bad players couldnt get them.


I think blizzard should give another shot and it ain’t gonna kill anybody since there’s nothing wrong giving skins to people who dropped legion due to how bad it was.

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It would kill certain people that put value in “limited” content as if it is some personal achievement, literally anyone could get the mage towers at the end of Legion by seriously overgearing them.

WoD and MoP challenge modes? Easily bought with gold with the ridiculous amounts of sellers in /1 and /2

And the EXCUSE “oh we cant balance them right” is literally just that, an excuse, because balancing implies they would need to be balanced a lot to be a challenge while the truth is they werent challenging when 7.3 came because you overgeared them. Hell they could only make it available for characters that are 110, and they cant pretend the class changes would break anything considering how broken it was to play them with 7.3 gear.

That is why i made a huge thread calling anyone a hypocrite for getting mad at the removal of the brutosaur while very happy to remove all other types of content like mage towers


It’s just a skin man and don’t act like it’s hard work to get it lol.


I’ve earned every single mage tower skin for every single spec.

They should come back, limited edition content is silly.


It’s a skin that was, from the beginning, advertised as time sensitive. There is nothing wrong in wanting Blizzard to honor that. And there is nothing wrong in enjoying trophies and time limited content. To suggest otherwise is silly.


Nah. If you wanted it, you should’ve earned it like the rest of the people back in Legion. This “I’ll buy it” mentality is cancerous to the health of the game. It’s like a tumour that’s been growing since they added the microtransaction store.

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Funny how you dont mention the REASON why things are time limited.

Things shouldnt be time limited, period.

It isnt about skill, anyone could get the appearances, the people who want them back are people who either werent playing during legion, are new players, moved regions, made new accounts or simply werent playing x class during legion.

Once again another person confusing an easy to get mog with some sort of achievement lmao, that is the reason why content is time limited, so delusional people tell themselves they are deserving even though they didnt achieve anything

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I’d rather buy it since it’s just an appearance and it doesn’t really need to be earned since it’s junk now.

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"Should have got them when they were relevant. Time-limiting content makes it special. Why should you just be allowed to go back and get rewards from challenging content after it’s current?"

Nervously glances at the Thunderfury and Thori’dal in my bank that I got in 2018.
Tries not to make eye contact with the Wairglaives of Azzinoth that Demon Hunters were told to go back and get 10 years after they were current content.
Sticks fingers into ears and goes “blah-blah-blah” when people work to get Sulfuras, Val’anyr, Shadowmourne, Dragonwrath, and Fangs of the Father today.

This new era of timelocking items only started in MoP to try and force people to stay in endgame content instead of doing other things before WoD came out. There’s no good reason for it besides greed. People defending this would be the same people defending EA’s “sense of pride and accomplishment” statement.

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The absolute worst mentality to have in a game.


Ahhh yes because artifact weapons are completely useless so what’s the harm of getting a free appearance?


Not the point. The point is you would rather pay when we already pay a subscription based model for someone else’s trophy. That’s a crappy attitude.


Sweetie, no where in my post did I mention the difficulty or the achievement aspect of the Mage Towers. They were limited skins that were relevant during its content patch. People like you are cancer to this game. What are you going to ask for next? AoTC and Cutting Edge be available next expansion lmfao

Everyone gets the same thing so?

Trophy implies achievement

Wrong. Everybody did not get the mage towers done, as is evident by this thread. Mage towers were a trophy. You’ll live without it.


Earning it implies it has difficulty or achievement, instead it is merely time limited so bad players who were merely playing at the time feel special without deserving it

The entitlement is strong in this thread.

Clearly not since you’re requesting to pay money for an appearance. If

then you should be able to function completely fine without it.