Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

Entirely different things. :roll_eyes:

You failed at comparisons.


Sure, lets take something which players had to work (in some cases) really hard for and open it up for everybody with a fat bank account to buy with a credit card swipe.

Limited time is limited time. Sorry for the folks who didn’t earn it, and even bigger sorry to the folks who missed it completely, but there are plenty of other options for appearances and plenty more challenges in the future, I am sure.

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Well I’m sorry but that’s still not a good reason to bring those things back. The Mage Tower was specifically designed for the Legion iteration of class design which includes the Artifact Weapon and Legendaries. For instance that MM challenge that would be a breeze if we still had Sidewinders and Marked Shot now becomes harder and a completely different challenge because those abilities have been removed.

I think it’s a silly request to tell Blizzard

“Hey I know you guys are working on Shadowlands but I want you to work on the Mage Tower from Legion so I can have a chance at the skin too”

instead of requesting for a new challenge and new skins for people to go after each expansion instead of having to wait for them to randomly announce a goal for players to rise to.


Pretty ironic.

Unfortunally wont happen cause those would lose their snowflake status, and they love to gloat bout how they got somethings others cant obtain anymore.

There is alot of mogs from vanilla to bfa that you can use!

That is the entire point of “limited time availability”, “collector’s edition”, etc

I don’t think you know what that means.

Wouldn’t snowflake status mean getting what everyone else has?

You posed it as a topic for discussion. We’re discussing it but you just don’t like the response. Your request is a very selfish request to make challenge mode rewards that some people worked very hard to achieve into some cheap, PTW instant gratification for you. If you like the concept of challenge modes, do the BFA challenge mode that they’ll likely roll out in 8.3

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No, no, and no.

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Or it could be more about something that you feel good about that you achieved and feel happy about your characters appearance. Not everything’s about you feeling belittled solely because we have something you don’t.

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I don’t want to sound rude, but no. I only got the druid Challenge modes would of liked to of gotten my locks but other things came up. it was exclusive to that time, there was plenty of time for people to get them. you chose to play 2 hours a month instead of working toward the goal of the appearance. it wont be handed to you. it’s a matter of you missed out. it sucks but it is what it is. you can always wait for Classic Legion servers

They are reskins of vanilla armor. So yah your argument is mooted

Buddy, almost all the heritage armor out is for races that weren’t even around in vanilla. You can quit BSing, they’re nothing like vanilla armor.

No heritage armor is a reskin of any vanilla armor. This is unbelievable. looool

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Here is my main from Legion. Feel free to see for yourself.

If it was as easy as studying something and then executing every guild would clear Mythic no problemo. That doesn’t reflect reality.

This should’ve been the crux of your argument. Regardless, a plethora of players still couldnt obtain their appearances even with these nerfs.

I see this as comparing collecting bear asses in Nazjatar for heroic raid loot equally to chain running +10 or doing the actual raid for gear of a near similar fashion. No, I don’t agree.

And where has this claim been made anywhere in this thread? Enjoying exclusivity and prestige is not the same as feeling superior because of it. Different words have different meanings.

Because you’re assuming as if this would occur in a vacuum, that most players share your opinion and the minority of us that met the terms Blizzard laid out for obtaining them would be a small dissenting voice

Again, what you state would not reflect reality. The principle of outright lying about something players poured dozens of hours into would reverberate throughout their entire userbase. You’re Pandora attempting to justify your reasons for Blizzard opening your box right now, I hope you see it.

I forget how many skins I got. Still don’t care if it came back.

Then again my sense of self worth isn’t based on having achievements or shinies others don’t have. Only pathetic people need to have internet shinies and keep other people from getting them so it doesn’t take away from their shiny snowflakeness .

Edit - It would have to be a new challenge since there is no way to replicate the old mage tower challenges. Simply “scaling down” a player isn’t sufficient since there were significant class changes that would either make the challenges impossible or trivial by today.


There are quite a few rewards players have missed because they were
not playing. I dont have any mage tower items because I wasnt playing
then either. I also say I should not have a chance at them because
I missed out.

They should have a mage tower like challenge every expansion
that offers different rewards for each expansion.

If they ever do decide to bring it back. It needs to be scaled
to ilvl so it can never be beaten simply because one out
levels it.

This is the primary reason why it wouldn’t happen. I’d rather then bring back the tower with new skins.

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  • seeing you’re the only one who actually believes MT was harder than KJ I’ll wont argue

  • coordinating 20+ people in group content vs solo content . Not even remotely the same thing

  • And a plethora of people still didn’t kill kJ after nerfs, but I guarantee a large percentage of people completed MT more so than KJ.

  • Nice downplay but on some classes you literally do MT on a few wipes. My monk was completed after the 30th wipe. Ask me how long did it took to get Balance of Power during progression.

  • they whole “it’s exclusive and should stay that way” argument

  • seeing that this isn’t an isolated request and it polled guarantee majority would want another shot at it.