Can we please get another chance at Legion mage tower weapon skins?!

  1. Mage Tower was a prep battle, let’s stop pretend like it was height of difficulty of Legion. Balance of power required way more patience and commitment.
    Even one of the skins unlock of Mage Tower was harder than the fight like killing Kiljade on heroic/Mythic I believe.

  2. well it would be unfortunate for you if they ever return it. If you are not going to act like that expect others not to care about your exclusives or time you put in.

  3. you’re going way off topic here All that exclusiveness is to make you feel special nothing more nothing less. Removing stuff doesn’t make anything better. Other industries do this all the time they remove stuff, wait years then bring it back as a one time exclusive, and make ton of cash from the rush.

If someone wants a similar skin then I don’t see the big deal in creating a way to get it back. It adds more customization to the game and give some people things to do. And only con I see it makes some people upset because someone else has a similar skin to them.

As someone who has none of the mage tower appearance but would like them, no. They need to stay gone from the game. Those that earned them when they could be gotten deserve to be able to preserve the things they worked for.

Maybe at some point down the road in a time walking event in a few years perhaps but not right now and not in the immediate future.

No thanks. I only want the old one.

How sad is it that so many people get defensive and upset over other people who didnt have the opportunity to get something request to do so?
Dont act like you guys havent done the same. Everyone at some point has had something they wanted and couldnt get and wished for it to come back.

Mark my words though. It will be an option in the future. One way or another.

How would they not be preserved? They got them years before anyone now would be given the chance. And you people keep missing the point; Not everyone was even around then to attempt to get them.

I personally didnt even have a computer back then. So I should just not ever have the opportunity to earn, keyword, EARN, a SKIN that has no affect on the game other than my characters personal appearance? A skin that 99% of people would never even know how I acquired it? Its just sad that people would be so defensive about this. Sad as in pathetic.

Oh, right, because requesting a chance to experience old content and get rewards is “immature” and “childish.”
You’re hilarious.

Guess they should remove timewalking dungeons and all old content as well since if you werent playing to experience it when it was active then you dont deserve to. Right?

I say no. I never bothered to get them. They are for people who cared and/or are veterans of a broken expansion. By your logic EVERYTHING should be made available again since not everyone played in Vanilla or other times. NO THANKS

I got all of mine on the very last day. It was so easy. haha #ArtifactPowerCheese

That’s too bad. Not everyone gets everything.

That’s a you problem.

Correct. If you’re not around when the limited time offer is going on, for whatever reason, you don’t get the rewards. Not a hard concept.


Mage Tower was a prep battle? That’s it huh? Just bring the right stuff and collect your appearances easy come easy go? :sob:

I killed KJ multiple times when he was current and led dozens of heroic pugs to ensure others could as well… KJ on heroic was drastically easier than completing the tank challenge on my DK for instance.

Honestly im entertaining this conversation but im okay putting this on wax… I am 1000% certain the appearances are never returning just like the challenge sets and im in no way concerned about that. Im just entertaining the conversation, that’s it.

Off topic to illustrate a point which you follow up by highlighting in your next sentence:

Yep. 100%. Similarly to my Warlord’s Deathwheel I personally don’t like the look of but sometimes whip out in BG’s. It’s no longer obtainable which skyrockets its perceived value and that exclusivity makes me feel special.

And again this seems to be the cause of our difference in opinion… As much as you believe removing things doesn’t contribute to positive change I don’t believe removing small things in rare cases subtracts either.

The way different industries sustain themselves outside of the gaming industry is an unsustainable practice to adopt widescale. I dont even feel like I need to provide further justification for this. You don’t operate an MMO as you would a clothing company.

Because you’re tanking the value of the appearances for the players that poured countless hours into struggling to obtain them as well as deceptively influencing your player base by falsely having them subscribe to the challenge under the guise of exclusivity. That’s not just scummy behavior, I honestly think it might be illegal. You’re also advocating for Blizzard to kill off any remaining goodwill they have left by blatantly lying and reintroducing content that was stated to be available for a limited time as a cash grab.

Do I need to explain why that is absolutely terrible for business as well?

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You will never, ever, ever get a chance at them again.

  1. did you kill KJ before or after the nerf and when it was relevant.

  2. yes it was a prep you had guides laying out what legendaries you need, what kind of pots, talents, gear. And the phases layed out on a map. It was all about execution at that point. And when MT got nerf it was hilariously more so.

Some classes had it more easier than others

Balance of power literally felt like you were doing a legendary quest chain.

  1. Yet you don’t operate a game where you make small % of the playerbase feel above others.

  2. that’s just your opinion man only a small percentage of people would be invalidated by some skin coming back in a different form.

Eh, it wasn’t the height of difficulty, there was a raid tier after the MT BUT…the only fight that was a prep fight was Agatha, in that you wanted to be sure to bring a sylvan elixir, the Argussian Reach holy damage elixir etc. But the rest?

  1. Kruul - do the wraith and Decay aura dance, don’t stand in front of infernals, DO NOT use your mitigation or CDs until P2 and for all that is unholy interrupt Twisted Reflection. No prep.

  2. Healing challenge - I dunno, be actually good at the game. I didn’t clear it.

  3. Feltotem - congrats on your free weapon mog

  4. Twins - do you know how to kite ? Because oops you’re dead. Sorry. But no prep.

  5. Xylem - show me you know how to handle a burn phase. SOME prep, knowing which talents to swap out to.

  6. Sigrin -memorize this 8 minute battle script. Execute it with 90% accuracy oh you just got trucked by some Val’kyr. I guess that could be considered prep?

That is the point, if you weren’t in the game you are not entitled to just be able to get them because you want them. That is part of the history of the game.

I am not defensive…i just don’t think people are entitled to something because they weren’t around when a specific event happened. Many things over time have been removed from the game, that is part of what makes them special.

What i find pathetic is people thinking they are entitled to have a shot at something because they didn’t play the game then…to bad. Just like you aren’t entitled to anything in real life just because you weren’t there, you aren’t entitled to something that has passed in the game just because you weren’t there to get it.

The very definition of ENTITLEMENT.

Heritage armor wasn’t around in vanilla, though…and it was never stated to be such a reward. If it was, I’d have them all and I’d agree, though. I’m glad they came out now and don’t look like vanilla armor, though.

No. No paying with real money, gold, marks of honor, or whatever currency for old removed stuff.

If Blizzard wants to bring it back, the only way it should be earned is the same way it was earned the first time (yes I am aware of nethershard costs). Replicate the event/challenge to make it as facsimile as possible from when it was last available and prevent it from becoming trivialized. That is all you should ask for. And yes I am in the camp of people that think that the majority of content should not be removed, and that Blizzard should think more long-term (like 10+ year) when it comes to class/game design, so that we don’t have constant resets every expansion. Resets that would (and do) make balancing old content practically a fool’s errand.

As of now, people play the game on a patch by patch basis and when that content has run its course, they usually up and quit/raidlog. By having a more comprehensive game that has all the prior removed content (like why aren’t the old vanilla zones accessible via zidormi, we have plenty of instances of it working properly), Blizzard can more readily keep people logged in because there fundamentally is more to do.

coughs up drink

I’m sorry this is a ridiculous claim. KJ on Heroic was actually harder than some of the bosses on Mythic. And there’s no way in hell that anything from the Mage Tower is anything close in terms of difficulty of killing KJ on Heroic and sure as hell not in Mythic.

And gifting everyone everything because they can’t stand being told no makes it to where no rewards mean anything. Seeing a Corrupted Ashbringer turns heads. Like you said, Mage Tower was a “prep battle” so then there’s no reasoning behind why someone could not do it.

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  1. yes I said that why you making sound like I said KJ was easy? You needed to kill KJ for a MT skin.

  2. no one shad gifting only you think brining back a similar skin = gifting

If that’s what you mean then I misunderstood and apologize for misreading what you said.

I’m sorry can you retype this? I have no idea what you’re trying to say.

Sorry didn’t proof read

I meant bringing back similar skins doesn’t mean it’s gifted. In my opinion some skins have unique weapons design that it criminal it didn’t continue in other weapon designs.

Like Prot Pally And warriors Flail. Something every Plate wearer been asking for hidden behind a exclusive is just bad design.

I haven’t because I respect other peoples’ accomplishments. I did not do WoD CM’s. I wish I had. I will not ask for them to return. Other than WoD CM’s, I have achieved everything I have wanted. Your inability to respect other peoples’ trophies due to your own inability to achieve something, or inability to play, is no one’s fault but your own.