Can we please get a clear out of inactive names?

I’m tired of having to come up with fancy alt code characters when the person that has the name I want hasn’t played since BFA.


It’s automatic now. If the person’s account (not their characters) has been inactive for two expansions or four years
so you might have to wait

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On the flip side there’s people who’ll quit for a bit, come back to their names purged and just kind of lose interest in playing again. I’m not sure what the perfect middle ground is.

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Find a way to use similar tech from D3 that let’s me and a friend have characters with the same names because it integrates the battletag somehow behind the scenes.

If the “you guys don’t have phones?” guys can do it, so can WoW!


If someone quit for years and someone that has been paying for years wants that name, I know who I would give priority to.


Or they could give our characters last names like in FF and SW.


That too, I honestly wouldn’t argue with either


I’ve got a last name. It’s Jenkins.


You guys should give this a read on inactive names. It’s pretty messed up:

Initially I wasn’t going to bring it to the GD attention but I think this is something that needs to seriously change.


That just seems like such a pointlessly long time :frowning:


i think not it might give time to players to keep the name if they returned

In FFXIV, you can buy a plot of land for houses which can be hundreds of thousands to millions of gold. Even though you “own” this land, as soon after your sub lapses, the game reclaims the plot from you and puts it back up on the market. People literally go nuts and take time off work and camp out online when plots go up for sale because it is expected that plots get sold in seconds of being available.

WoW keeping names for 2 expansions is quite absurd.


This…is not compelling. :dracthyr_a1:

Maybe, but losing my char name if my sub lapses for even a minute doesn’t sound good.


I’m curious how many good names are taken by level 1 characters people made just to reserve the name.

battlenet account… not wow account.
such a stupid policy. :expressionless:


Frankly I’m surprised anyone wants to live in Cincinnati, let alone name themselves after it.


They are a finite resource (which is stupid but I digress). Why should someone get to have a permanent lock on something when they may very well never be coming back and active players are left with nothing? Even IRL the state will end up reclaiming property if left abandoned and taxes unpaid.

I think giving someone a year to get subbed again is plenty long enough.

Edit - I don’t remember when FFXIV reclaims plots from unsubbed accounts. It isn’t immediate but I want to say within a few months. Point being is you don’t get to just buy it and walk away for a few expansions and come back to it.

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I have Fear, End, Destroy, Shock, and Awe.

But never used them. Though could maybe make some cool title combos now.

My plan was to play with a buddy as shock and awe way back in the day but then another friend joined so we had snap crackle and pop. God have played this game way too long

This name wasnt taken, no alt codes needed, maybe you just aint the creative type.

  1. Did you actually go to the character creation on the OP’s realm and check, or did you only check armory?
  2. What does creativity have to do with OP’s problem?