Can We Not Have 5+ Premade Group Running in EBGs in DF? Here are the protocols

all depends on what the premade is.

its very easy to point at the very worst example and use that as a strawman to claim all others are the same.

by premade do you mean 40 man full sync with comp theory and ilvl and rating requirements?

by premade do you mean sync’d 5 man groups of various size?

by premade do you mean 2-3 friends who just want to get into a game together for fun?

by premade do you mean anything that isn’t strict solo-queue?

Dear Ms. Inemia,

Let me define the definition of premade in WoW. Below is the definition according WoW Oxford Dictionary,

pronounce /pree-mayd/

A type of group that some, most of all of the team members who are in the community, join the same Random BG or Epic BG using legal or illegal method (exploit). Most of the time, the premade group has the advantage of communication, whether it is on Discord’s voice channel, or in-game or external chat that each member of the group is obliged to follow. In addition, premade groups, most of the time, have leaders who give out instruction for the team members, whether the members are in premade groups or not, to follow, thus the entire team fights uniformly, and that gives them advantage over random groups and pugs.

Premade groups usually have the following traits:

  1. Have a leader who gives out instruction.
  2. On voice-channel on Discord (present) or Teamspeak (2004 to 2008) or Ventrillo (2008 to 2010)
  3. Members belong to the same community on, say Discord.
  4. Using exploited methods to get more than 5+ members into the same group for queueing up EBGs. Note that this exploit is NOT within the team-making design.

Premades have significant advantages over random groups and pugs:

  1. Because everyone is in the same community, they can get a lot of members to the same “big” team.
  2. Being on voice channel is important because it can communicate faster. This is really common in Ranted BGs but now premade is also using the same method. When do you see random group and pug members be in the same voice channel?
  3. Premade team members never have “I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT” mentality, this “I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT” mentality usually happens on random groups and pugs.

As you can see, premade teams have significant advantages over random groups and pugs. If you don’t believe me, so queue up EBGs on your own and see how you fare. Even better, merc Alliance in the morning and see how many wins you can get.

So what is the best way to “end” premade?

It is easy, just stop people from making 5+ member group. Then we won’t be having every dang game is versus premade. This way is fairness to everyone, even to premade players because they can finally fight their opponents on equal terms.

Note: On a personal level, I have a feeling my beef with Ms. Inemia is starting today and it will last for 2 years.

I’ve actually spoken out against people dropping que’s to reque together. My suggestion was after the 2nd or 3rd declined que, to apply a debuff. Personally I don’t see any drop que/reque stuff if the community is split up. People tend to take the pop they get. When I tried Ruin out back in BFA, they would sit in que 3 or 4 times dropping and reque’ing together, and spent nearly equal time in que as in bg. Was an awful experience.

  1. Have a leader who gives out instruction.

Is still one of the important issues for me. I was running solo earlier today, even when people tried to provide instruction others didn’t listen. And it leads to a poor gameplay experience. Nothing enjoyable about a battleground being 24 vs 35+ because one teamfight was lost, and 1/3 of the bg drops, and looking at a map seeing your team spread out across multiple non-win condition related ordeals (fishing in WG or racetrack in Ashran as examples.) As there were no premades in some of these bgs, it’s not a premade problem.

But rather one premades solve. A player led solution, to a player created problem. So I feel that Blizz should be supporting/endorsing/promoting pvp communities, for a better end player experience.

On voice-channel

This is entirely a player problem, and not a premade problem. Unless something recently changed the voice chat for battlegrounds is enabled. Players simply choose not to use it.

so i was thinking about the deserter debuff and how it could be tweaked to be more effective. what if your character was literally teleported to an instanced jail where they must serve the 15 minute time penalty in a jail cell, other players who also afkd would appear in other cells.

the catch is to make it so the buff is account wide and is only cleared when the time is served completely on a single character, and each toon can’t leave jail until it serves a full sentence. so if you log out to change toons after afking, it would put your new toon into jail as well, since you would have to serve the time completely on one toon before the account debuff is cleared, changing toons just wastes your time and locks each new toon you log into in jail for 15 minutes, effectively spreading the deserter debuff, meaning the more you try to avoid consequences, the worse it gets.

breaking premades won’t stop players from solo queue syncing, but i like the idea of dropping 3 queues also giving you deserter.

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WoW never have in-game voice channels, not like Battlefield. I have a question, in your opinion, which way communicates with players faster, typing text in chat or talk on a voice channel on Discord?

Randoms have voice chat, just checked.
Players choose not to use it.

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Wow has had in-game voice for years, it’s just that few use it over something like Discord.

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OMG, you guys are right. I am exploring the in-game voice chat now.

But I still insist that premade is unfair to random groups and pugs.

It is, but that’s just how this sort of thing goes. It’d sure be swell to avoid the 30-40 mans who’ll just farm a GY for 40 minutes, but at least most groups don’t do that and just end quickly.


Most groups are not really looking at anything other than a cooperative win. Unfair is an “unfair” way to categorize premade play if you yourself have the opportunity to join a community. Not you Kennie, speaking in general in response to your answer to rozzie there.

It never ceases to amaze me how many hoops y’all premaders jump through to justify exploiting.

Bottom line: If you were meant to have a group bigger than 5 in random BGs and EBGs, you’d be able to queue in a raid; you wouldn’t have to queue sync.


And if Blizzard was vehemently opposed to it they would have done something about it already. Not our fault you guys don’t have friends.


The age old come back of “you dont have friends hur dur”.

I had to start removing BTAG friends because it was clogging up my Bnet. I can easily scrape together a 5 man premade of really good players but I prefer solo queue, because sometimes I’m just not interested when the queue pops or its Seething Shore and ill just log onto another character.

I dont have those options or freedoms when in a pre-made which I often get invited to.

So your comment regarding friends is grasping at straws there

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Again, you are referring to 10 mans. This thread is about epics. Stay on topic pls & ty.

Interesting, you keep referring to non-EBG BG’s.

I am getting the picture that some people just want everything to be the way they want, and get mad when it doesn’t happen that way. Most of us learn to cope instead of complaining.

RUIN and Cryptids League players crying when the Horde treats them the way they deserve is hilarious.

What I said applies to both normal bgs and epic bgs.

And still applies to your comment regarding “you dont have friends”

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In video games, friends come and go, when they leave, they usually don’t come back. Back in 2004/2005/2006, my Horde guild on Spinebreaker (US-West, 50,000 active players everyday) had 1000 players and where are they now? The server now hardly has more than 2000 active players.

For example, where is Hercx now? She was very active back in 9.0, where is she now? Haven’t seen her for more than a year.

no denials on your part…truth?

I already rebuked it, see above.