Can We Not Have 5+ Premade Group Running in EBGs in DF? Here are the protocols

Hey, we played together last night and we were lucky that we didn’t encounter premades, such as $@$.

Hello Munrozzi,

I just want to say that your transmog sucks. have a good day.

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Hi Sir,

Now it is morning, I told you to play in the morning in our last night’s AV and see how Alliance fares. Now is your chance.

ahh, yes. i remember your toxic whisp. lol…

U think i want to be sitting at a bunker for 2 hours+ when i could of done 10-15 epics in that timeframe compared to the 1 for 2700 honor? lol…no

He did and he got spanked hard by us :stuck_out_tongue:

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They have Horde toons and they merc. I get whispers of oh it’s u and stuff. So, they play just to do things like this (whine). Mercs die first in my book and I expect the same if I merc (which is rare).

Yes then shortly after i got SAS that did the same thing, decided to just wait it out for 2 and a half hours. and we won. what you guys are doing is degenerate gameplay and is beyond toxic for both sides. but ya ill play along.

Just admit that I’m better at AV. :wink: It’s like chess. I am very patient. SAS quits if they lose the team fight, DJL doesn’t.

Lol defending premading against PUGS so hard now Alec, you must be triggered, as the other dude said … “check my armory” this is just a character that my login automatically goes to on the wow forums.

But sure Alec keep defending the pre-made against Pugs you always do and when you come up against another pre-made you fold and get gy camped.

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I think it’s much more fun when you end up grouped with a premade. At least you’ll have someone who will call out a strat: the games where two premade clashes are the best and the most memorable by a landslide. I don’t understand why you want to take this away from players. I feel like if you had your way, we would end up considering Shadowlands as the good ol’ days.

But I’m biased as I often roll with a premade group because it’s fun.


Premade vs premade should be the standard. You shouldn’t have a 5 man premade + 5 randoms VS 10 randoms, thats where the unfairness comes into play

We are talking about EBGs in this thread, not 10 mans.

It was an example. Obviously a 40 man pre-made going against a 40 man random is even more unfair to a standard solo queuer

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Cause it’s nauseating having to fight premades in a random

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Seemingly everyone is calling you out for what you are… sad

Hi Sir,

Even though I respect Ms Inemia a lot and I even have her name on my friend list in BNet, but when I go to sleep, there is a voice whispering in my ear saying she will become my archenemy in DF due to her support and defense of premade, similar to Doors and Swghoulz being my archenemies in SL due to their support of having low level gear players in EBGs.

Therefore, I can’t wait to see how it turns out in DF.

Note: Oh I think everyone should have their archenemies or potential archenemies called out before DF starts. I remember back in 2004/2005/2006, there were hundreds of rivalries and beefs going on each server everyday and it was really fun to play. You log on WoW and your job was to find your archenemies and murder them in game. This kind of culture should return to present-day WoW.

everyone will have equal gear

Dear Ms. Inemia,

But premade > equal gear in Random BGs and EBGs.

And I bet you will run premade tonight, so I won’t merc Alliance tonight.