Can We Not Have 5+ Premade Group Running in EBGs in DF? Here are the protocols

Sure. Repetitive argument on both sides. Nothing changes.

Q syncing as been used since Classic my dude. My Guild Blood Angels own Alterac Valleys for days using 20-30 man premades. was awesome, but if we could so could anyone else.

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How about, no!

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Totally agree

Then people(you etc) should have no problem when performing such actions as premading as facing other premades who are doing the same, instead of facing a bunch of PUGS…

they should just make it easy to form 40 man pre made raids. we could use lfg for it and join the discords then. Otherwise its really just luck if you fight against one or with one because you need so many people to queue at the same time to get into the same bg.

The early years of AV were specifically suited for joining a full raid group. The fights then would often last hours, and sometimes days. You could also join not being at full level cap…which made for some really interesting mixes. Throw in active quests, objectives and original Korrak and it made for arguably the best years of BG’s.

Every time someone mentions that it reminds me of how on my old battlegroup, it was always Horde that was using AV Enabler/Rath strat.

Those were painful days for me, lol.

Awww…I was actually playing a Horde Rogue through most of vanilla. for awhile I was Q,ing below level cap, and was just enjoying running around sapping Alli. That Rogue died about as quick as my Hunter does today : /.

Queue times would take way too long, at least for Horde they are already super long. Did a few 5 man’s with my boy Franq and every team we went against was literally a 10 man premade from Sargeras in Regular (not epic) BGs, we didn’t gripe and make a thread complaining about it, as a matter of fact we went 2-2.

So a pre-made vs a premade ended up being similar in the win/loss scenario… how unsurprising.

Now throw in 10 PUGS and see how your premade or the “10 man” premade would fair.

Actually no, it was a 5 man (random people pretty much) against a 10 man team that I know runs rated, so not the same.

You must of had some decent PUGS on your side then. But the point still stands, do you think in that BG the PUGS would have had any chance of winning had it not been for your 5 man premade?

Yeah had Franq, Fedor, Tumultz, and really good MM hunter (name doesn’t ring a bell right now). No the pugs would have gotten destroyed and bad.

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OK, can they provide links in game or info to join then?
Have still not come across any inviting.

Just post on your retail main and one of them will pick you up. There’s a few regulars on this forum from both factions.

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Yeah, just ask for a link if ya see me.

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OK, thanks guys. I have seen you a few times, Torturekilla, just from the other side, haha. Have not yet seen Alec.

Is Snowcrest your retail main? Never seen you in-game either.

I’m willing to whisper someone in-game for a link, or wait to see if there’s a broad invitation like “Hey, feel free to join our community.”

As for posting on my ‘retail main’ i’ll have a few ‘mains’ but am still working on leveling them. So you’ll just have to enjoy my lovely orcy DK going forward. There’s no reason to post on my ‘retail main’ and curious why you’re so curious.

I can’t exactly reach out to you to offer and invite if I don’t know who you are.

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