Can We Not Have 5+ Premade Group Running in EBGs in DF? Here are the protocols

Hi Folks,

It is becoming crazy that 80% of the EBGs I played last night were premade (20+ members in the same “big” queue) or partially premade (between 6 and 19 members inclusively in the same “big” queue).

Therefore, I am thinking what about let’s have a protocol saying “In the honor of gaming fairness, you cannot run premade that involves more than 5 members queue for the same EBG. If you want to have more than 5 members player together, you can run PvE dungeon raid.

Also, I think we also need another protocol that bans all raid and instance leaders in EBG for the sake of equality. For example, if someone is a leader using the raid warning to instruct me to do something, say go assassinate Anenga in Ashran, in this case I would feel threatened because a leader is telling me to do something, but my cowardice tells me not to do it because I don’t want to get ganked at Alliance base, but the instruction of the raid leader is supreme and should be obeyed, but I am a fan of The Boys and in that TV series there is a character who likes to say “I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT”, so you guys can see that I am conflicted. So the best way is to either remove raid leader in EBGs or raid leaders cannot say a thing in EBGs.

Regarding the second protocol mentioned above, last night a few guys, including raid leader, in IoC told me not to get DOCKs flag but I told them “I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT” and took the flag 6 times which forced our team to kill 18 glaives, some of them were angry but what could they do? “I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT”!

I am going to write these two protocols up and explain in excruciating details and have them sent to WoW game developers.


You cap docks after being explicitly asked not to is gameplay sabotage and will be reported as such. People should be grateful for leaders, as it’s not an easy job. Why do we lead? Because no one else will do it. If no one does it, we fight on the roads and bicker. I play to win. That means me and my officers giving raid warnings on where reinforcements are needed. And I have zero interest in pve and will of course be doing epics in DF.


Hi Torturekilla,

Yes, I think you’re right, the 2nd protocol is not needed. However, the 1st protocol is definitely needed, it is really unfair for a pug to fight a fully-fledged and on-Discord 30+ premade team.

“I don’t want people to que battlegrounds together, so they can have enjoyable battleground experiences.”
“I also want to troll battlegrounds, and try to cost my team the win by consistently respawning the other teams vehicles.”

So the best way is to either remove raid leader in EBGs or raid leaders cannot say a thing in EBGs.

I can honestly see Blizz looking at the above, and saying this is a reasonable post, and removing instance talk from battlegrounds.

If Blizz took action to deal with people griefing their team in battlegrounds, premades wouldn’t be as prevalent as they are now I personally believe. A week ago I que’d probably 8 or 9 epics early on my Alliance character. Every bg, multiple people would jump in cannons and just sit there. I don’t know if they ever fixed the issue of being unable to kick them, but losing up to a quarter of your team at the start feels awful.

and on-Discord 30+ premade team.

I’m in premades on both sides, and have never once been in voice with them. Just follow instructions written in instance chat.


Says the member of the usual suspects that only run with a full 40…that’s funny. I solo q, sometimes have even less than one full group, sometimes we have 6 grps, but not often.

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Dear Torturekilla,

Fairly certain your community runs 2 or 3 premade teams every night. They usually have between 10 and 25 members in each EBG team.

I will tell you in game.

I just did one that had me and two others. So three ppl. Right now we’ve got 17.

Did Blizz change it so that you can queue a raid for EBGs instead of just a premade party of 5? Or are people still exploiting in order to get premades larger than the cap of 5 into EBGs?


Is this serious?


Since 9.0, more than 5 players can use exploit to queue into the same EBG. All the premades I have seen are using this exploit to get as many players as possible, which is really unfair.

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I got in more bgs than I wanted to with the other horde community today. We weren’t synching queues either. Queue synching has been going on for a loooong time.

Hi Torturekilla,

Queue synching must be prohibited, this is really unfair because it promotes premade vs. pug.

I don’t think your “protocols” are going to fly. And for the record, “I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT” will always be the reason players want to play with people of their own choice. If you can’t understand that, you really don’t deserve to win.

Or… just let people who queue solo face other solo players and let fate decide instead of a pre-determined Premade decide if the BGs going to be a win or a loss.

Its not the solo players fault you cant pvp solo.

I’m assuming that this is a troll post, but I’ll take the bait anyway. And no, I won’t reply a second time (to the OP. Other people are still on the table). I don’t trust people who hide their public profile, y’know?

  1. Gets angry that someone is taking the time out of their day to lead 39 other players to try to achieve a win, then demands that those people not be allowed to talk at all? :white_check_mark:.

  2. Admits to gameplay sabotage just to spite said person in one of the most shameless and reprehensible manners I’ve ever seen or read about? :white_check_mark:. Also, it’s not a bright idea to openly admit to breaking the TOS on the forum.

  3. Thinks that taking AWAY the ability to turn a game around with proper leadership is a good idea, when all it would do is revert epics to a zergfest similar to what I’m seeing in Classic Wintergrasp (which is impossible to lead to begin with)? :white_check_mark:.

Perhaps, OP, instead of flaming people that premade queue, you should join a premade BG community yourself and make friends to queue said BGs with. Since, you know, this is an MMO and not a single-player game. With the behavior you’re admitting to, however, I’m not sure anyone will want to have you in their group if you’re that antagonistic to anyone trying to win.

Just my 2¢.


I think the message of the thread has gone over your head…

The OP doesn’t want to face premades as a non-premade (solo queue) and shouldnt have to resort to seeking out his own premades to face premades.

From your own novel you’ve wrote I can already tell your the sort of player that resorts to only BGn with 3 or 5 other people to pvp. and that is sad.

Fella, you’re literally level 29.

Maybe let the adults discuss the max level PVP, and you can stick to the posts talking about low level PVP, sound good?


I’d advise to look at the armory of players before you resort to personal attacks and insults, jumping to conclusions that someone is incompetent and can’t win without friends. If you paid any attention, you’d realize that my experience in PVP isn’t from premade queues. I also go out of my way to lead BGs that I join, especially Ashran, and have wrote entire guides about how to win these maps after the fact.

Granted, it’s not like you would know that last part about me even with my armory, but that further drives home the point. I don’t know who you are, nor do I particularly care to since you want to make personal attacks without informing yourself of people’s skill level. It takes 60 seconds to check someone’s EXP on the armory or check-pvp.


He’s literally just a random level 29 who probably hasn’t played a single max-level BG in his life.

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All this talk about doing whatever it takes to win is so weird. I just do the bgs cause it beats battle pet leveling or farming for cosmetics

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