04/22/2018 09:36 AMPosted by
I'd love to be able to mog my gear in Classic
Please stay on live
Cherry picking and quoting others out of context in order to make it appear as if they said something they did not in fact say is pretty dishonest. But you already knew that.
100% NO to transmog in any way, shape, or form in vanilla.
What a horrible, short sighted idea that is fundamentally against the spirit of Classic.
Wear your ugly mismatched gear as is and stop complaining.
04/18/2018 09:08 AMPosted by
Because people are already complaining about the 50g to switch up talents. Now who's going to pay 1500g for some green item?
Isn't that just supply and demand? If I put a green item on the AH for 35g and nobody buys it, I'm going to put it up again for 30g. If that doesn't work, I'll try 25. Eventually the common ground between desire for profit from the seller and disposable gold from the buyer will meet somewhere. I would think BoE's for transmog would only help to drive a WoW economy, even if minimally. No different from ore or cloth.
This is like gear gentrification. Greens and blues with decent stats are expensive enough for low-level characters without transmog inflating the price of everything on the server.
04/23/2018 07:19 PMPosted by
The power assessment is cowardice. Period. Maybe you can tell me why this wasn't brought up in cata when tmog was intrduced?
If its such a game changer why didnt anyone point this out back then?
There's actually an answer for this. You couldn't show enemy HP as an absolute value in vanilla, only a %. Meaning that if you saw an enemy player, your only ways of readily assessing how strong they were were level (which, from memory, would still be ?? if they were too high above you) and gear.
By the time Cata rolled around, HP scaled pretty predictably with ilvl and you could approximate how powerful they were by combining their class/spec and HP, so long as you had absolute values turned on.
Thank you!
Now this makes sense.
I still think it's a weak arguement that has two factions pitted against each other in all out hatred but at least I know why that never came up. Lol.
I feel a bloodthirsty orc is just that. That's immersion. That's RPing your character.
100% NO to transmog in any way, shape, or form in vanilla.
What a horrible, short sighted idea that is fundamentally against the spirit of Classic.
Wear your ugly mismatched gear as is and stop complaining.
When you buy my pc, pay for my sub, internet, and electricity ill stop complaining.
Please define the "spirit" of vanilla. Start with how it's a real RPG....
Isn't that just supply and demand? If I put a green item on the AH for 35g and nobody buys it, I'm going to put it up again for 30g. If that doesn't work, I'll try 25. Eventually the common ground between desire for profit from the seller and disposable gold from the buyer will meet somewhere. I would think BoE's for transmog would only help to drive a WoW economy, even if minimally. No different from ore or cloth.
This is like gear gentrification. Greens and blues with decent stats are expensive enough for low-level characters without transmog inflating the price of everything on the server.
Except most low level characters don't buy gear. Some do for alts but most shy away from it as its pretty much a waste knowing in 5 levels it will be replaced.
Quest gear is more than sufficient for leveling.
Also it won't do anything to the economy if you bought the skins from a vendor. It doesn't have to be done the same as retail.
04/24/2018 03:28 AMPosted by
Also it won't do anything to the economy if you bought the skins from a vendor. It doesn't have to be done the same as retail.
The great thing is, it doesn't have to be done at all.
04/24/2018 03:28 AMPosted by
This is like gear gentrification. Greens and blues with decent stats are expensive enough for low-level characters without transmog inflating the price of everything on the server.
Except most low level characters don't buy gear. Some do for alts but most shy away from it as its pretty much a waste knowing in 5 levels it will be replaced.
Quest gear is more than sufficient for leveling.
Also it won't do anything to the economy if you bought the skins from a vendor. It doesn't have to be done the same as retail.
there are points where you will buy gear.
For example I've gotten to lvl 32 on Elysium and had a lvl 7 ring, I saw a decent lvl 24 ring on the AH for about 30s and bought it.
There is a point where you will find you have 1-2 severely out leveled items on, that's when you look to the AH
Obviously troll post... or someone that started playing wow a couple years ago.
Transmog is like LFG LFR or flying or level 20 mounts... if Blizz implements any of those they will alienate a huge group of people
Go play legion. It has transmogs available for you.
04/23/2018 09:15 AMPosted by
It's just not an RPG when discussing tmog or the way your character looks. Got it.
I understand that how your character looks is part of your role play fantasy. I support your need. Vanilla wow has a mechanism by which you can control your character's appearance. Equip the gear. Simple. No new magic required. Wear the gear you want to be seen in. Managing your character's appearance comes with further rp elements - your character's stats are built by the gear you have equipped. Carry a 'city set' in your bags.
Except RP isn't limited to the city. So on RPPVP servers where I expect to run into highway men, cutthroats, and robbers I'm expected to wear my "city" garb and switch before combat? Lol. Yea that's immersion there.
Hold on one sec while idon my combat armor. Lol.
Wonder if the rogues will pop out and give me a chance to change?....
I am actually aghast by how many people seem to have a need for their character to be good looking to enjoy a game.
It certainly depicts really well how our current society works nowadays.
Who said anything about good looking? A character might want to role play in ugly rags.
What surprises me, is how many people don’t role play in a damn RPG. Most of you think it’s some action game.
Well guess what, wearing certain items can go a long way to bring your character and their story alive.
Maybe COD is more your thing?
This and more of this! I never understood why some would ridicule RPers while playing an RPG. That goes back to UO for me.
Then again I don't understand why people roll PvP servers that don't PvP either.
04/24/2018 07:18 AMPosted by
Go play legion. It has transmogs available for you.
You go play legion. You can level to 60 and lock your XP.
Trasnmog existed.....
pirate/ninja costume from the Savory Fish
Orb of deception.
What more do you need?
04/24/2018 08:24 AMPosted by
Except RP isn't limited to the city. So on RPPVP servers where I expect to run into highway men, cutthroats, and robbers I'm expected to wear my "city" garb and switch before combat? Lol. Yea that's immersion there.
You don't have to switch before combat - you can just die quickly. The gear that you want to wear is more attractive to you than the gear that works best. Take your choice, nobody is stopping you. You are the one that wants game rules to be changed to accommodate your appearance desires. It's just another example of life hardships that were part of Vanilla. In retail, decision consequences were removed bit by bit.
In WoW Vanilla - player attributes were delivered with the gear you had equipped. That is how the game works. It is fundamental.
04/24/2018 08:24 AMPosted by
Except RP isn't limited to the city. So on RPPVP servers where I expect to run into highway men, cutthroats, and robbers I'm expected to wear my "city" garb and switch before combat? Lol. Yea that's immersion there.
You don't have to switch before combat - you can just die quickly. The gear that you want to wear is more attractive to you than the gear that works best. Take your choice, nobody is stopping you. You are the one that wants game rules to be changed to accommodate your appearance desires. It's just another example of life hardships that were part of Vanilla. In retail, decision consequences were removed bit by bit.
In WoW Vanilla - player attributes were delivered with the gear you had equipped. That is how the game works. It is fundamental.
It's not even about attractive. Its about RP! A warrior looking like a clown is no warrior. A hunter looking like a clown is no hunter. A mage...is still a man in a dress. lol couldnt resist that one.
Immersion doesnt mean i get my butt kicked every time i'm out in the world doing random RP.
It's honestly dumb AF. The game has so many choices for gear yet most of it is low level garbo at level 60. No way i should have to give up my stats to give my character the look i want that matches my backstory.
Thats not RPG. Thats pretending to be an RPG with an open invite to seal club RP'ers in the open world.
Back when I used transmogs I would get the worst looking gear to make me look weak, then kick butt with it on.
It's honestly dumb AF. The game has so many choices for gear yet most of it is low level garbo at level 60. No way i should have to give up my stats to give my character the look i want that matches my backstory.
Thats not RPG. Thats pretending to be an RPG with an open invite to seal club RP'ers in the open world.
Man, everybody wants to change !@#$. And everybody thinks their issue somehow qualifies as a drop dead emergency. Transmog as you want it was not a Vanilla feature. It doesn't belong in Classic. Get over it. How did you RP in Vanilla? That's how you must do it in Classic. Simple.
It's honestly dumb AF. The game has so many choices for gear yet most of it is low level garbo at level 60. No way i should have to give up my stats to give my character the look i want that matches my backstory.
Thats not RPG. Thats pretending to be an RPG with an open invite to seal club RP'ers in the open world.
Man, everybody wants to change !@#$. And everybody thinks their issue somehow qualifies as a drop dead emergency. Transmog as you want it was not a Vanilla feature. It doesn't belong in Classic. Get over it. How did you RP in Vanilla? That's how you must do it in Classic. Simple.
I don't see anyone claiming its an emergency. Its a suggestion.
These are the conversations some of us want to have.
At least people have actual reasons for suggesting. Not just because.
People asked for vanilla for how long?
How long do you think this is going to run before more people are asking for things to be changed?
So tmog isn't your thing. Don't use it if it's added.
Do you play an RP server?
If they put it on RP realms only how would that effect people who don't roll an RP realm? It wouldn't.
If they just added a dye feature what does the color of thunderfury change? Nothing but the hue of some pixels.
It's an RP feature missing from a game that is supposed to be a "real" RPG.
04/18/2018 10:24 AMPosted by
Good idea ! Keep transmog,flying and heirlooms, but other than that keep it strictly vanilla, bugs and all , or it won't be the same.
No. You guys wanted Classic, you're getting it. You can't cheat and have the best parts of live + Classic.
Haha, I knew these type of requests would happen. No you can't have everything.
Can't wait for scales to drop from people's eyes and realise the QoL changes we've had over the years.