Can we keep transmog in Vanilla?

04/24/2018 11:42 PMPosted by Difford
04/18/2018 10:24 AMPosted by Pelias
Good idea ! Keep transmog,flying and heirlooms, but other than that keep it strictly vanilla, bugs and all , or it won't be the same.

No. You guys wanted Classic, you're getting it. You can't cheat and have the best parts of live + Classic.

Haha, I knew these type of requests would happen. No you can't have everything.

Can't wait for scales to drop from people's eyes and realise the QoL changes we've had over the years.

I'm 110% positive Pelias was being sarcastic.
04/24/2018 11:42 PMPosted by Difford
04/18/2018 10:24 AMPosted by Pelias
Good idea ! Keep transmog,flying and heirlooms, but other than that keep it strictly vanilla, bugs and all , or it won't be the same.

No. You guys wanted Classic, you're getting it. You can't cheat and have the best parts of live + Classic.

Haha, I knew these type of requests would happen. No you can't have everything.

Can't wait for scales to drop from people's eyes and realise the QoL changes we've had over the years.

"best parts" of live. I LOLd hard on that one. Live is complete and utter trash... it has no good parts at all.

Thanks for that tho...hilarious
I hope they keep transmog...

The community complained for YEARS trying to get some sort of aesthetic change implemented to help combat the 'Clown Costume' syndrome created by mismatched gear... Why would any one want to go back to that?
04/25/2018 02:37 PMPosted by Äger
I hope they keep transmog...

The community complained for YEARS trying to get some sort of aesthetic change implemented to help combat the 'Clown Costume' syndrome created by mismatched gear... Why would any one want to go back to that?

It's a nostalgia thing for some people. We had an interesting discussion earlier where at least one person felt it was more immersive. That was their subjective opinion and experience. I have played mostly on RP realms since BC where we all used Transmog to look unique and fabulous without necessarily trying to look like super powerful goku expy's in full bleeding edge tier. So my perception is that transmog only adds to immersion. Your mileage may vary on this one I guess.

I don't like transmog, per se. I think it's clunky, half-assed, and has some arbitrary and pointless restrictions. I think many other games did it way better.
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Who said anything about good looking? A character might want to role play in ugly rags.
What surprises me, is how many people don’t role play in a damn RPG. Most of you think it’s some action game.

Well guess what, wearing certain items can go a long way to bring your character and their story alive.

Maybe COD is more your thing?

What better tells the story of your character by seing instantly your unmatching set of armor where you recognize the shoulders from Naxx, the weapon from AQ40 and the Helm from BWL?

Tmog does not have its place in Vanilla. It would screw the economy, disrupt directly the gameplay (how to assess your opponent strength).
Plus the items available are too limited, in the end, instead of having all the mages looking alike with their tier, you will have all the mages, warlocks and priests looking similar.

You want to role play? You did as we used to, you keep the role play sets in your bag and take it out in between breaks in raids, in capitals, or whenever you want. I said it before and I'll say it again; We adapt to Vanilla, not the other way round

To assess your opponent?

Let’s be honest and real here. I’m a hunter in tier 3, and you’re a warrior in tier 1.
Exactly how will the outcome of you seeing my t3 change what’s about to happen to you, when I bend you over that stump over there and give you some tender loving?

And what about orb of deception? What about savory deviate delight? Oh noes! You can’t see what I’m wearing!!
Guess I bette mount up and run, or bubble hearth!
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What better tells the story of your character by seing instantly your unmatching set of armor where you recognize the shoulders from Naxx, the weapon from AQ40 and the Helm from BWL?

Tmog does not have its place in Vanilla. It would screw the economy, disrupt directly the gameplay (how to assess your opponent strength).
Plus the items available are too limited, in the end, instead of having all the mages looking alike with their tier, you will have all the mages, warlocks and priests looking similar.

You want to role play? You did as we used to, you keep the role play sets in your bag and take it out in between breaks in raids, in capitals, or whenever you want. I said it before and I'll say it again; We adapt to Vanilla, not the other way round

To assess your opponent?

Let’s be honest and real here. I’m a hunter in tier 3, and you’re a warrior in tier 1.
Exactly how will the outcome of you seeing my t3 change what’s about to happen to you, when I bend you over that stump over there and give you some tender loving?

And what about orb of deception? What about savory deviate delight? Oh noes! You can’t see what I’m wearing!!
Guess I bette mount up and run, or bubble hearth!

If the warrior is in a position to choose whether to engage, that's where decisions get made. If the hunter, as the far stronger one, is the one making that decision instead, then what the warrior knows is meaningless in any context because we're talking about a situation where they have no agency to begin with.

No-one in their right mind would try to attack someone in T3 unless they also had amazing gear or had some other compelling reason to think they'd win. That's the point.

Orb of Deception was a trinket and extremely impractical to use in that way. Using a deviate delight is actually useful in that context, and would effectively conceal your strength, assuming that the player in question is willing to pay for it.
04/25/2018 05:54 PMPosted by Kosumi

To assess your opponent?

Let’s be honest and real here. I’m a hunter in tier 3, and you’re a warrior in tier 1.
Exactly how will the outcome of you seeing my t3 change what’s about to happen to you, when I bend you over that stump over there and give you some tender loving?

And what about orb of deception? What about savory deviate delight? Oh noes! You can’t see what I’m wearing!!
Guess I bette mount up and run, or bubble hearth!

If the warrior is in a position to choose whether to engage, that's where decisions get made. If the hunter, as the far stronger one, is the one making that decision instead, then what the warrior knows is meaningless in any context because we're talking about a situation where they have no agency to begin with.

No-one in their right mind would try to attack someone in T3 unless they also had amazing gear or had some other compelling reason to think they'd win. That's the point.

Orb of Deception was a trinket and extremely impractical to use in that way. Using a deviate delight is actually useful in that context, and would effectively conceal your strength, assuming that the player in question is willing to pay for it.

It was a rhetorical question. My point being, in a world of Warcraft, you don’t get to choose whether or not your adversaries want to attack, and if they do, there’s often very little you can do about it.
In fact, we might see less cowardice and more PvP if we have tmog.
Orb and deviate completely invalidate this argument anyways.
God forbid I trigger anyone, but transmogging to me is in the same category as Barbie dolls and tea parties.
04/26/2018 06:00 AMPosted by BudtreC235D0
God forbid I trigger anyone, but transmogging to me is in the same category as Barbie dolls and tea parties.

Are you really insecure in your masculinity? =(
Poor thing, probably never washes his clothes, wears one cowboy boot and a tennis shoe, red and black socks, spandex shorts and a tank top that’s so covered in mustard stains he looks like a painter, throw in an old musty top hat and I give you budtre!
Because dressing to an occasion, or for style is the same as playing with barbies.
Can you please keep to retail?
In classic everyone looked as they were, it added to charm of the game. Horde looked like horde back then.

Xmogs really ruined that. Please no xmogs.
Oh look another troll post. These forums are a cesspool. I really hope Blizzard restricts users of the Classic forums to people who actually pay for the game once it comes out.
04/26/2018 06:00 AMPosted by BudtreC235D0
God forbid I trigger anyone, but transmogging to me is in the same category as Barbie dolls and tea parties.

In a sense RPG games are playing dress up. Are you a Ken doll or a Barbie?
04/24/2018 02:26 PMPosted by Qwuiksap
It's not even about attractive. Its about RP! A warrior looking like a clown is no warrior.
Okay, Starman's bird head aside, which is tier gear anyway, the only way to tmog is DOWN. If your warrior looks like a clown he's not wearing the best gear. So you want to transmog him to even worse gear? Or what am I missing?

Seriously, I just don't understand transmog in Vanilla.
04/26/2018 07:23 PMPosted by Mordegast
Because dressing to an occasion, or for style is the same as playing with barbies.
Dude, what?
04/18/2018 08:22 AMPosted by Overpowdered
It's probably the best change ever put into the game and is one of the only things that wouldn't change how the community interacts with one another, the way a built in quest helper, or LFG system might. Simply adds a little fun and flavor to your character.

This bait got 268 replies, OP is a master baiter
04/18/2018 08:22 AMPosted by Overpowdered
It's probably the best change ever put into the game and is one of the only things that wouldn't change how the community interacts with one another, the way a built in quest helper, or LFG system might. Simply adds a little fun and flavor to your character.

It may be a great change (and it is is!) but it wasn't part of vanilla WoW. I hope the "classic server(s) " duplicate, as closely as possible, vanilla WoW. Isn't that the point of the whole exercise? :)
04/27/2018 07:43 PMPosted by Plum
04/26/2018 07:23 PMPosted by Mordegast
Because dressing to an occasion, or for style is the same as playing with barbies.
Dude, what?

Yeah quote me out of context. GJ. I love stupid people!

You get a stupid people! You get a stupid one! You get one! Stupid people for everyone! We need Oprah in here NOW
I don't get transmog, It's not something u do in game, It's just a freaking menu. Maybe if it were done in game RPG-like, were u had to actually do something immersive, Oh wait u can do that already. Equips the gear. Done.
04/27/2018 09:55 AMPosted by Xeldzheir
Oh look another troll post. These forums are a cesspool. I really hope Blizzard restricts users of the Classic forums to people who actually pay for the game once it comes out.
I don't support transmogs but this isn't a troll post, having a different opinion than you doesn't make someone a troll.