Can we keep Remix forever please?

What you basically described is the existing gearing up system in retail, minus set stats and effects on gear.

Tinker gems take the effect of passive set bonuses, passive trinkets, and weapon enchants. Cogwheel and Meta gems replace on-use trinket effects.

The only other difference (aside from the OP cloak) is the gear upgrading: you can’t upgrade 1 piece of gear from the lowest bit to the highest. You have different gear tracks, and different currencies for each. Introducing this method would have the “it has to be hard to have meaning” crowd blow their tops as anyone could get the best mythic-level gear without stepping foot into a mythic dungeon or raid.

Hard going back to retail feels like slow motion


Personally I find the opposite to be much weirder.

People who play games in which they don’t find the play pattern fun, but play them simply to attain cosmetic pixels in the game they apparently don’t enjoy.
The default should always be “I play this game because it is enjoyable to me as a recreation”.

The moment a game stops being fun for me, for what ever reason (usually reduced social engagement from friends no longer playing) I stop playing it and either a) play a different game or b) do something entirely different and non-game related

Logging in to a game you no longer find fun, just because you need the mount, or pet, or other cosmetic is a toxic habit too many of us fall into too easily, and i’m absolutely guilty of it myself which is why I’m a bit more critical of how I spend my recreation these days.

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I mean that’s fair, challenge - risk - reward is pretty common within games, as are failure states. But honestly I’ve noticed that often people are either A) Unwilling or too inexperienced at the game B) Don’t want any challenge. So the stuff any “GAMER” level of person takes for granted or seems braindead easy may not be so easy for absolute newbies.

I’m sure teenage (or child) you wasn’t any better than those LFR sillies who take 30 years to figure out what the hell is going on lol

So I’d also try and look at it where not everyone is going to be on the same level of play, or even wanting that level of play. Speedrunners are the literal epitome of replaying things ad nauseum - and while there are challenges, tricks and other rewards in that style of player (casual, hobby, or pro) - there has to be the first two for there to even be an audience IMO. Gonna always have the players who just play to play, and that’s what they enjoy lol.

Personally speaking I like engagement - which I think is actually what a lot of people enjoy over difficulty. Engaging your players in ways that often don’t even have any fail states or things to overcome except get out of bad and press W.

Which is totally fair. Some people wanna turn their brain on and fight a really difficult boss / NPC, others want the thrill of unpredictability within PvP, or even the chaos and ecstatic nature of PvEvP games (Survival or scavenger games and all that). Others, understandably, also want to turn their brain off and just enjoy the pretty pixels on screen doing pretty spells. Smash pretty lit up button, brrrrr, dopamine injection and repeat. I make it sound like these people are simple-minded but often not, they just don’t wanna complicate their gameplay anymore than they have to in the first place.

Just a different type of player, really.

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Nah, you and the other froggers gotta lose all that effort eventually.

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I am actually really loving cata at the moment. It is so fun ,. I havent tried MOP remix

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I think it’d be fun to get changing “sandbox” style games that are for cosmetics, OP powers, and fun. A broken game has been the most fun I had in ages. Quick raid clears etc. It’s way better then the boring slog of regular WOW

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If we keep Remix, youre just going to reach your ceiling/cap then ask for more. I mean, people were asking for more on Day 1.


I feel like MoP remix will have run it’d course for most after thr 90 day time limit hits. A more refined remix later down the line would also be cool, but I’d be more interested in seeing what else they can cook up w/ alternate game modes.

nope not even i hit cap id stop id just do it again on another toon

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I never stated that “playing for cosmetics” was the goal, just that there is no extended goal for rerunning the same content. Those are very different notions.
The core gameplay, in this case, the combat, is what should be fun for the players.

What you “enjoy as a recreation” may vary wildly though.
I have seen posters in GD that hate WoW’s combat.

Weirder still is to have you actually agree with me while implying a disagreement.

You would be wrong. I’ve been gaming since I was 3 yo (on those old screen green CRT tube 386 PCs… fun times). Games were hard back then by design, specially when it came to punishing the smallest mistakes.

At the same time, I have a hard time figuring out some behavioral patterns and comprehending things that don’t adhere to some sort of logic. I guess I’m in the spectrum, just not diagnosed.

I know some people are great at some activities and not so amazing at others, and that not every game is for everyone. WoW lacks sufficient gatekeeping to deter “non-gamers” from content they’re not meant to be engaging with IMHO.

AI Dungeons and Story mode raids in Twin are some great examples of pushing accessibility.

Their goal is not the gameplay, but beating the timer of the current record.
I clearly stated that I find it weird, as in I can’t understand, when people replay for no reason other than the pure gameplay loop when there is zero challenge involved.

That’s literal “mind numbing” in my books.

Yes, like we’ve seen, the topic creator is one of those players.

There are simpler and, IMO, better games than WoW for that, while progressing on the game even.

I’d suggest any “musou” game over Wow for this, specially Dynasty Warriors 8XL Complete or Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate DE.

I also get that some players might be more comfortable just playing WoW as it’s ready and it’s “just there”, but it’s a shame that their lack of drive to try other games limit their gameplay scope.

I agree.

Remix is a fun system that actually makes me want to play. I’m on my third Remix character and am still enjoying it.

BUT I’d want them to expand it and do other remixes. Like can you imagine a WoTLK Remix or a BC Remix? FFS would be amazing.

It would be awesome to enable people who want to farm the ability to obtain hard to get drops like pets, transmog, toys and/or mounts.

If Blizzard had implemented the Remix system earlier, it would have solved the leveling slog, IMO. But better late than never.

Please Blizzard - bring on BC or WOTLK Remix!

Me and a friend of mind starting doing different things, such as just the two of us clearing MSV,HOF,TOES heroic. There are a couple bosses that will provide some challenge, such as Sha Phase 2. Empress mind control had to be creatively dealt with.
Heroic ToT will be next, but he was locked out yesterday. I think we can do Heroic SoO too possibly.

But even stuff like this isn’t going to be enough for a permanent version, that I am sure of at least for me. I can’t say for everyone else.

For the people who don’t bother becoming absurdly overpowered, maybe.

I’d rather they remix as many xpacs as they can over the next few years… then make them the default leveling experience / new “Chromie Time” once they’ve mastered the formula.

Fair enough, but it’s only been a few weeks.
Will you still feel this way after several months?
More power to you if you do, but I question the mode’s staying power. We shall see, i guess. :slight_smile:

I’d rather they let us use classic leveling, then transfer those characters over. I miss the days when leveling was content in and for itself, when I could explore parts of the map I’d never seen (or seen only once, years ago). But that’s me. Still, if they can transfer over Remix toons, why not Classic?

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Yep sure will the game play is fun unlimited fun actually

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For you - enjoy it. I try to limit my remix time to 30m/day or less, just enough to run dailies and buy a couple things. Hoping to have that finished this week.

A guildie of mine has already done this lol! He has an army of Remix alts!

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