Can we keep Remix forever please?


I would be down for some sort of ā€œperk systemā€ in the retail game, where the perks or some of the meta-gems from remix. It would kind of work like Diablo three where there is your talents then there are three perks you can choose from that could make your class a little bit more different and unique.

Iā€™m with you - this mode is very fun.

At minimum, I would love to see some of it come over to Retail. Being able to choose which rewards I get based on some sort of currency (rather than a specific drop in a specific raid). I would also like speed to remain high. Must. Go. Zoooooooooom.

And haste. Haste is fun. :smiling_face:

I mean itā€™s fun, but I want to see some baseline improvements. Iā€™d still play it without, but like now, Iā€™m kinda just done and over it and chasing weapon mogs with no recourse other than blind luck for LFR specifically is starting to legit pliss me the frick off more than not.

Iā€™d be fine with weapon arsenals organized by weapon type and even paying 50-100k per weapon so long as it gave EVERY weapon and tint for that weapon type. Iā€™d also be fine with each vendor having a random weapon that when purchased (say for 500-1k) giving you a random one when bought for that content level.

I also want to see remix toons able to mail each other gems but I guess itā€™s plausible warband stuff could cover that.

There should also be a bronze dump for those of us who bought out everything to either buy random threads/spools.

Iā€™d also want to see smarter spawning and tagging rules for rares and bosses (world and instance)ā€¦basically if you are in the instance physically, you get credit for everything no matter the distance and if you are within say a 100 yard radius of a world boss/rare, like centaur hunts, you get credit and loot automatically.

And as nice cherry on topā€¦auto look like plunderstorm gold but better. Make it a 30 yard radius or whatever or just like FFXIV and just goes straight to the bags.

I really do enjoy remix and I could definitely see myself playing this mode if it were always active and the expansion changed seasonally. Iā€™ve had very little desire to log into retail recently because remix gives me a feeling of constant progression. I can do what I want, regardless of content and progress my character. The only thing missing is PvP in some form. What if the PvP was Plunderstorm and the plunder you looted was bronze and you kept it after finishing the match?

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I now have a full roster of lv70 ally alts and will have access to to my remaining heritage sets when this ends.


people arenā€™t doing it for no rewards though - they are doing it to progress their character or account

yeah, please donā€™t take away my speed. Itā€™s gonna be so boring playing without it :frowning:

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Unlock it for every expansion and access it through chromie-time.

You may be on the spectrum! I dunno. Iā€™m pretty sure I am too (to some lesser degree), mainly the ADHD part of it. But yeah, I was similar, just a 90s kid instead of 80s. Being brought up on Nintendo hard was definitely a challenge as a kid but it made things way easier as time went on. But ironically while as a kid I spedran stuff like Mega Man X or Quake 2, I donā€™t do that today. Instead I think that part of me likes to zoom through this game mode. Not exactly to time myself or the challenge intrinsically to it, but just to go fast and be powerful.

That said I actually liked being super weak at max level with base gear as it made me use CDā€™s and actually dodge stuff. That didnā€™t last long, but oh well. Iā€™m not sure how WoW needs or even has gatekeeping options? Attunements were that but it never returned. Maybe your gatekeeping PoV is different than that though, actually interested to see what you mean by that.

And yeah, Story Mode difficulty is nice. While I donā€™t care for it, itā€™s great that people can at least experience the full story without needing anything but a bit of time. Sans the mythic exclusive boss and / or phase.

It is mind-numbing! Well, a lot of things start to become mind numbing to any skill level player. Even Mythic raiders and high rated PvP - stuff can get pretty boring after awhile. Thatā€™s how I felt in Overwatch 1 when a lot of people played the same tanks or same DPS within certain patches. You can think outside the box in some of these cases and make it bit more fun for yourself (Challenges or handicaps) but that only goes so far IMO.

Most anything can get to that stage, but thatā€™s not necessarily a bad thing. Just human nature to accomplish goals and repeat them for idle entertainment.

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I just hope this pops up for more expansions. Remix is probably of the best things Iā€™ve done in WoW, since the game was released. Not sure how it can be balanced permanently, but perhaps characters can have a one-way ticket to leave the Remix timeline to get to the normal, retail WoW, when someone feels done with Remix, or levelled an alt that they want to play in normal WoW.

I just came in like last week to get a few mounts I donā€™t have. I played the heck out of original Pandaria so everything is kinda just familiar repeats. Of course itā€™s been stupid easy to level and all the ā€œdangerousā€ areas of the game were nuthin.

But now that I made it to 70 without good gear, itā€™s going to be a struggle to finish the campaigns and stuff. I would like accessories but not sure about going into raids, even LFR. Not having to pay repair bills makes it nice to not fear dying (solo scenarios are quite painful).

So no, I donā€™t need this Remix to stay forever. Other xpac ones maybe - if they come out, Iā€™ll play those.

Still 2 months left so Iā€™ll keep going a bit longer for the few toys and things I donā€™t already have from Years ago.

Wish I can bring my unleveled alts to Remix to actually level them without the effort needed in Retail. >_<

My idea on this:

Permanent Remix, but players have a choice at any given time. They can leave remix and join retail, but they canā€™t come back.

Cloak is 100% account-wide, and all characters contribute to it. To offset this, the amount of stats you get from your cloak is lvl-based. At lvl 10, youā€™ll only get the minimal 900 stam 100 mainstat 100 xp as it currently goes, and that bonus stays the same until 25. After level 25, you begin seeing a percentage of the real stats of the cloak, gradually increasing until 100% at whatever the current lvl cap is. That way, lvl 20s arenā€™t the most powerful characters in the universe, but you donā€™t have to farm the same cloak over and over again for each alt. Every character you reach 70 with will be incredibly strong, but theyā€™ll still need to upgrade their gear each time.

When you transfer from remix, you get gear and gold based on your ilvl in remix (not your cloak). So if you want a stronger retail character start, you can farm in remix to get it. Or you can just transfer as soon as you reach 70 (80? 90? Whatever the cap is)

Eventually, more expacs can be added to remix and it will gradually take the place of Chromieā€™s timewalking campaigns.

Just a thought.


Yeah i really like this. Plz keep.

By that logic, shouldnā€™t you only play WoW during the final season? Those last few months are enough time to complete the story and gear up.

This community does world tours to help people get their neck piece: Raid Signups and help

Add Sparklepony#11104 if you need some help getting your ring/trinket.

If this was the way Chromie-Time played it would be amazing. Get locked to a single expansion and canā€™t leave. You can level up and play the content and when you get tired of it you hit max level and leave and they can change all the gear to appropriate ilvl items for the expansion. I have a feeling some people would stay in one expansion forever, or make alts for every expansion but that would make all the expansions remain relevant and give people their ā€œWotLKā€ server they want.

People would probably make 8 alts per expansion just to run for fun. ā€œHey guys itā€™s raid night! Letā€™s blast through some Icecrown and then hit the new retail raid after!ā€

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™ll be doing, yes.

At the very least I really want them to keep adapting it to other expansions. This is by far my favorite event weā€™ve ever had in WoW.

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Remix + SoD (without the aversion to QoL).

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