Can we keep Remix forever please?

I really want Legion Remix next <3


You there, in the rafters!
My sacred library has become possessed by the Sha!
See how they form every letter of these sacred scrolls; corrupting them, defiling them!
I beseech you kind strangers. Cleanse this place of their foul presence. Lay our stories to rest.

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Is it really that strange to you that people just like playing games? lol


I have had a ton of fun playing Remix. I hope they do a rotation of other expansions with it.

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Games have set longevity due to generally limited replayability.

When the content is too repetitive and/or too easy, then yes, it’s really strange to me.

I can’t fathom why some people replay the same game (or read the same book, watch the same movie) dozens of times. There must be something related to feelings there somehow, that I can’t grasp.

Note that does not apply to PvP games, or different challenge runs etc. Just the base game. Like people running the same raid over and over and over ad nauseam for no rewards. There are some people do it to help others though, so that’s a goal in itself, but I’m talking about those who genuinely find it fun to rerun the same raids again, again and again, with no social factor involved, no long term goal, like mount farming, nothing.

Which is why we even get expansions and additions to the game over time.

There is also a fine line between too easy, to avoid boredom, and too hard, to avoid stress.
Time required can also be a measure of difficulty.

MoP Remix has been fun, but depending on each person’s goals, it has been enough time to “complete” it, even if I myself have a little bit more to do (finish Kun-Lai, farm the more obnoxious reps, finish buying stuff).

I’m really looking forward to the next Remix event though.

I have only logged once, for under 2 minutes, to check my heirloom tab.

I think the working theory is theyre going to do something like this during the end of xp drought every time now

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Plunderstorm sucked

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lol ~ Y’all have fun with that. Happy you are enjoying it, but personally glad there’s a live game still to play. Remix is too silly for my tastes.

Do you really think you would enjoy it long term? Not judging, just asking. Like right now it’s lol change of pace, but would you want a mode with zero challenges as your forever game? A game where DPS doesn’t care if tank tanks, where tank doesn’t care if DPS runs ahead, a game where no one cares if anyone heals, and where 80% of the players are mostly there to spectate while 20% zergs the cardboard-standup opponents who don’t really fight back?

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Nah, it’s fun for a short romp but there’s no balance and no long term future for it, either. This game mode is not healthy as anything more than an event for this style of game.


I’ve been just the opposite, only logging to remix long enough to zerg dailies and buy mounts. But that’s ok, right? We are not all the same and don’t have to all like the same games.


The numbers could be adjusted to make it last a little longer.
If these systems were to be the new normal, then there wouldn’t be a need to be so OP so fast.

A gradual build up to this from S1 so that everyone in S4 could be this OP,sure why not.

I love the bronze gearing system, the gemming system, tinkers,well pretty much all of it.

Nah - all of WoW is just a game, and all of it is silly in the grand scheme of things. I won’t judge anyone for what flavor of silly they prefer. Personally, I like my games to provide at least some challenge. Like chess, which I also enjoy - a good chess partner is one who’s well matched, with both of you winning about equally as often so the other feels challenged. If one player always wins, that gets boring, right? But hey - if you want to play a chess computer, and set the difficulty so low you can beat it every time, you do you!

I like the remix systems.

The bronze gearing system is the best we’ve ever had.

I’d love to play another remix,tho MoP was the perfect place for it so any other choice will always be 2nd best :slight_smile:

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i haven’t touched retail since event started lol


The only way they would even consider keeping this mode would be to remove what makes this mode fun, the overpowered gem and cloak system. Being absurdly overpowered does not make for a good permanent game mode.

There is nothing much account wide in remix though so there is lots of replayability if you like to play various classes

not everyone plays for challenge - I would be happy with the amount of challenge in remix forever.

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There is nothing like mastering a class in remix either, most of your damage is tinkers.
And I play all classes, both in retail and remix.

I think forever is a long time. Seriously 3 months feels about right. Once you’ve conquered the entire expansion, farmed all the goodies, and have run every instance 50 - 90 times, it’s going to get old quick. So for the mode to last you’re going to have to change expansions. If you did 4 events per year, that’s still just a couple years worth of content.

They probably should try to run at least one if not two of these per year for a few years during slow times in retail. I would definitely participate.

That defeats the purpose of creating this mode, enjoying this mode and requesting more. What you’re talking about is just more classic versions. That’s not what this is nor is it what they’re asking for more of.

There’s nothing wrong with the gems and cloak for a 90 day romp through old content with new goodies. There’s no reason to remove them only to make remix nothing more than classic. None of the people that really enjoyed this would want it replaced with that.

There really is very little difference between remix and just playing MoP chromie time outside of being massively overpowered and a handful of event only cosmetics. What are you going to do after getting said cosmetics if this had been permanent? Just steamroll everything like you can already do in retail?

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