Can we keep Remix forever please?

Can we keep this game play mode please!!




id always keep playing this if it never went away


I would likely stay subbed if they rotated rewards and xpacs around.

Heck they could even add extra specs and classes to remix without breaking the live game.

Pretty much everything the fun private servers used to do they could do with blizzard polish.


I’ve had more fun with Remix than I have in the regular game for years, honestly. I’d keep playing if it was a permanent feature. Level and max gear ALL the things!


This was a lot of fun. I hope they keep doing different events. I enjoyed plunderstorm.

Retail would be better with some of the features from remix being full time retail features


I’m staying, I’ll find a way. No, really, I’ll hire a professional :rofl:

But yeah, I’d stay.

Dip my hat in retail occasionally.

If they were to add multiple versions of Remix and keep them going, I’d be for that too. I just don’t know if it is feasible for Blizz to have these up at all times.

Also I wouldn’t mind if this became a once per year/per expansion type of thing either.


What would you do after capping ilvl 476 all characters?
Buying everything with bronze is already a reality, and I’m about to finish loremaster on this remix main.
Deleting everything gets old fast when there is no rewards to look forward to.

If we could extend remix to other expansions, with added rewards, it would be a fair proposition, but forever stuck in panda jail with nothing new to look forward to doesn’t sound much fun.

A revamped UI/system for gems would be required too, amongst many other small QoL changes, but the core experience is indeed solid and more fun than retail.

It’s also interesting how it’s harder than high non-bragging M+ as a lvl 58 → fresh ungeared 70.
Finshing some solo scenarios was a real struggle.

We need new metas/tinkers and more than one cogwheel (Without abusing a certain addon) too. Stat gems have been extremely “meh” though, we should ditch them all for more tinkers/meta/cogs.

They could also be more interesting, based on Torghast powers or class abilities.

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If Remix was going to be a long-term thing, the devs would’ve killed a lot of the fun aspects of it already. It’s only fun & absurd because it’s limited-time, sadly.


I haven’t had anything to spend Bronze on in a week n I still run raids everyday ad farm threads from rares, elites, n regular mobs. Or I’ll go back to finishing quest lines. Rep farm. There’s tons to do. N if it was permanent, I could make 2 of eachh class n spec, or more.

Like I said, once you’re “done” (no more reps, one-time quests, gearing, bronze rewards), then what?

Kudos to you if you can do the same raids all day everyday and derive fun from it while looking forward to nothing but the grind.

There is not “tons to do” after you’re “done”. There is just the same thing over and over again.

You could try doing challenges at that point (ironman, remove X tinkers, remove meta, remove X pieces of gear, remove X talent points etc.) to increase longevity, like people do in SP games, which is what this will probably become, but it’d be better to simply play other games/do something else on the long run IMO.

A variety of ironman FoS would be an awesome addition to a future remix. That’s a great idea

I do all raids everyday on N and Heroic and Mythic depending on the day, SoO I do it on all 3 everyday

Strictly for fun? Not chasing any items at all?
I can understand you’re helping players gear with your organized raids and what not, but that’s still a lot of SoO.

already got all remix items on all 4 settings do it for fun now :slight_smile:

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You would be personally better served, in my opinion, playing some other game.
But if that’s your current idea of fun, knock yourself out.

The crux of the matter is whether it would be worth it for Blizzard to keep their remix tech up for players who would play it exclusively.

Considering they share the same space as regular realms, it would probably be fine.

I’ve bought everything I want, now I buy gems and give legendaries to unsuspecting levelers.


I would like to see Remix’s used at the end of an expansion to tide us over during the usual “dead” time. A different expansion remixed each time.


It’s definitely been a blast playing this mode. I’m getting races leveled that I had never leveled in 19 years of playing, completing raids (in groups) that I did not during the original run of MoP, and playing around with various combinations of gems.

I think I’ve logged into my retail characters for a total of 15 minutes since remix launched.


As much as I love this event and MoP in general, once I have all of the mounts, mogs and even toys I think I’ll be done, unless I am still leveling some alts. Just like retail, once I get to end game, I don’t do things like the same raids or dungeons over and over and over, it’s painfully boring to me. I think remix would just be the same once you have everything you can get and I wouldn’t see the point in continuing.
Thankfully I think I’ll get all of the mounts and mogs I want within the next few weeks, and then anything after that will be leveling alts and maybe getting some toys, although toys aren’t that much of a draw for me.

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