idk if you look at roadmap which is blizzard released
they show us like lvl 60 sod + runes + mc raid then we got za zg for cata
and it supposed to fireland first before next phase of sod which is they gonna have PTR for bwl soon and we still need to wait 2 month till fireland
if you look at za zg its not like 1 phase it just catch up and you want it longer than 2 month that insane
just have ptr ready for fireland and release and extend it since people need to get their legendary and more content
i know war within just released but you cant complete ignore people who still play cata
bring justice to us
What do you think the chances are that they will release anything this soon after TWW dropped? Because I think it’s a negative 100% chance. If anything, they will take away things
i know but like you want keep cata alive but pretend to ignore all of the players there and focusin on SoD and war within
war within is fine but they release BWL PTR before fireland is kinda cringe
PTR for firelands will be out in the next 2 weeks SoD was supposed to get bwl before cata gets firelands so makes sense that ptr was released first.
Firelands is 7 weeks away.
where does it say BWL was supposed to be before Firelands? the roadmap literally says Firelands before SoD 60 content update
thats why i create this post litreally they makin cata dead r now
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Remember this?
Minute 21:00
In the age of social media they still havent found a way to “communicate”.
They “started to ramp up” and how many months after? nothing. Zero…
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Its because they know their baby is just a corpse… and if they just keep pumping content into it and the heart beats just once they can claim it lives…
Nope. Horde needs this as long as possible.
they only clear maybe 180 honor max in TB and WG. They need time to get even 4K honor banked up for next season pvp gear honor banking lol.
I touch up a horde DK. She has many losses to run out to cap the 4k lol. And they only come every 3 hours. and there is the BE paladin who’d be here next week maybe leveing right now.
I pray for defence both of these. Its runs out this crap way faster.
But yeah SOD and TWW. Ion needs his ego stroked and they need numbers since they catfished…err missed so much stuff in alpha and beta testing. I go the retail section to see what the new change out the blue is. Rarely do I leave disappointed.
Really glad I didn’t preorder. Maybe I get this when it hits 50% off?
The more Cata is/feels dead, the more people may turn towards TWW, and join everyone else.
Or at least, that’s the sense I get.
Feels like it doesn’t it. While retail pvp is not all that great, At least its “epics” have equal sides.
For me its not working. I read up now only tailors see fabric drops.
I’ve gotten too use to taking different chars out for a spin for the night and whatever fabric they get goes to tailor. Be they smith, lw, engineer it was all good.
Something about a 15 fabirc max too. SL then DF had me really not like its crafting. TWW took that to new levels.
You can just run RDFs and convert valor and justice (or whatever the lower one is, i forget) into Conquest and Honor. You can get as much as u want super fast with no dependency on winning BGs (this patch, it would have sucked last patch, but now it’s ezpz o.o)
I will look into that for horde. Hope is there (CTA) weekend brings better runs. Not much, but some is there.
I don’t even need to win. I’d take a good even match up. not 4 on 1.
fl wont save cata, see you in kung fu panda.
prob wont be kungfu panda if they made cata like this lol
Firelands will release in October. We know that for at least 4 months now. Also, Dragon Soul is expected to release in January 2025.
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bump bump bump ptr next week ?
I’m curious here… how many people legit tested the first server? only 2 threads on the PTR section created by the same person… not looking good for a PTR that people is looking forward to maybe in “hopes” to get things fixed…
Or people complete gave up on the idea of having things fixed and changed for this second release of this expansion?
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The PTR right now only has the new daily quest hub. Not too many people want to do that on live, let alone on PTR.