Can we just get rid of this broken Group Finder tool?

And back full circle to the original point. Remove the system. Thank you Good Day.

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RDF does not prevent you from A) choosing which dungeons you want B) forming a group first then queuing up.

Maybe learn the basics of the system you are trying to bash.

Where was the LFG tool at launch for TBC again?

Being a developer of regret for your mother mom doesn’t really qualify yours.

So, by having the current group finder now, means it adds more social people? Because hate to say this, but you’re wrong. Dungeon Finder or Group Finder, neither makes people anti-social. People make people Anti-Social. If you think a tool in game makes people Anti-Social, please, go seek help.

Also, here is the question? What is supposed to be the hardest part? The Dungeon or putting the group together?

Literally cant read. Hes said the QoL changes like in TBC. not lfg like TBC. ffs
Like class changes and stuff that happened at the end of TBC.

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How much mythic + have you done? The LFM tab for mythic + is amazing and has created a ton of meaningful social experiences, it doesn’t teleport, it doesn’t automate etc

Jesus Blizzard knows how to rip their fanbase apart. This post is sad times my friends.

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There’s already been a hundred threads about how bad the group finder tool is. Suckle up to daddy Blizzard all you want, but you don’t have to pretend that its even remotely useful.


Oh, you mean the just joining a group with no social interaction? Yeah, you obviously haven’t played retail.


I think you are confusing the LFM tab with RFD/LFR.

It’s ok I know you probably haven’t played the video game you troll on forums all day a lot. I forgive you.

LFD makes people more replaceable and removes any reason to have social interaction from dungeon groups. You cannot group with people from other servers again, there’s no reason to interact with them whatsoever. The idea that this somehow doesn’t change peoples behaviour is a fantasy which totally ignores 14 years of history using that system where it did exactly that. Even retail is moving away from LFD for this reason.

Which one is the hardest part is up to you. That’s called agency. You can choose to be discriminatory to potential group members, to pick classes and people you might like. Stuffing a bunch of people together in a dungeon doesn’t even mean things will be easier, and frankly if you find making a dungeon group harder than a dungeon that’s a you problem.

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I think you’re just trolling at this point. Nothing in game, Retail, or Classic encourages or decourages Social Interaction between players. It is the players themself.

Wanna know how finding a Mythic+ group works? Have RaiderIO, list group, look at people who requested to join, hover over there name, see the details of what they have done, then let them join if your happy. That is it. No social interaction there.

You’re right. Me voicing my opinions is trolling. Not my fault you can’t provide any actual facts.

If you chose to be Anti social, then that is your own fault, not mine. You know I still have friendly conversations through the dungeons using the Dungeon Finder. If you chose to be Anti Social, don’t blame RFD for that.

More than from LFG chat lmaoo

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How about this. You go record a video, upload a video, then come back here, and post that video to prove that the retail group finder is more socialable than LFD.

social interaction is up to players not LFG or RDF
I have mostly good interactions because i try to be nice to people.
Just look at the social interaction on this thread alone.
Golden Rule!!


You cannot group with anyone you met in dungeon finder that doesn’t happen to be from your server again. You cannot see them in the world, you can’t buy their stuff on the AH, join their guild or raid with them. I love the community aspect of classic and talking to people and making friends, but pretending this isn’t any different as you have is just denial at this stage.

Responding to the fact that the system removes all incentives to be social with “you’re antisocial” says a lot. Maybe the reason you don’t see a difference between the two is because you never made any friends?

Have you ever head of adding them as a BNet Friend? You seriously can’t really prove that a tool makes people anti-socialable when in fact people is what choses to be anti-social.

I have. Are you aware that you can’t play the game with people after you add them as Bnet friends? You can’t play the game together. It removes all incentives and no amount of cope and calling other people antisocial is going to change that.

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Agency is being able to make your own decisions, don’t conflate it with circumventing game systems to suit yourself.

Dailies are meant to give play to dungeons that are visited less.

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Same challenge for you bud.