Can we just get rid of this broken Group Finder tool?

RDF never stopped anyone from forming groups on their own. It is helpful for low and mid pop servers. I have been using the LFG tool on beta and now in pre patch and tbh I prefer the RDF tool from original wrath … this was not bad at start … it was into Cata and beyond when the ‘social aspect’ was disrupted. This was not due to RDF it was do to people being rude and unsocial … that has nothing to do with RDF … it has to do with people and the way they will play with others… period!
If you want a better social aspect in the game maybe BE NICER TO PEOPLE!



Hey, I’m not stating an anti-RDF stance. I personally don’t really care about it either way, I’m just kind of sick of the whole conversation at this point. I mean, c’mon… who cares?

I literally said the opposite of what you just said but ok. I said remove the tool, because its causing the issue they were trying to avoid from adding rdf, players becoming anti-social.

They should add something similar to LFG Bulletin Board because its a highly effective tool and that is what they said they are trying to replicate with the new lfg tool.

Or a server locked version of rdf with no dungeon teleporting or bonus reward. Just a system to allow people to queue and will prioritize people who have been in the queue longer. As of right now i can sit in the queue for hours as a healer along with several other healers who have been in queue a significantly less amount of time but they get picked before me either because they are higher on the list for whatever reason or the tank prefers “their class” over “my class”.

If queue times are long now for dungeons like mech bot and arc. What is going to happen to the already known unpopular dungeon in Wrath like The Oculus and Halls of Stone.

It is the question though as RDF is at this point a legitimate classic feature of wrath.

So discussing it’s effectiveness vs a post wrath feature like the LFG Tool(which is a bastardized version of the retail tool) is entirely relevant.

The original iteration of the tool was more like bulletin board but people wanted it to be more like the retail M+ tool. They’re changing it based on feedback.

So you are just asking for a watered down LFD that lets you just press a button and wait to be put in a dungeon without any social interaction while saying you don’t want players to become anti social? As I said - why pretend the existing tool is bad if what you want is LFD?

People will have the agency to make their own groups to do them as they have done for the last three years. Forcing people to do that content isn’t going to improve anything.

There’s two issues.

First they shouldn’t have to iterate on it, they should have just copied and pasted the retail tool. They had to actively go out of their way to make it worse.

Second, regardless of how much they iterate on it for the purposes of just pugging a random dungeon it will never be as effective as RDF.

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Because RDF achieves the same thing but works better. Since the end result is the same I want the tool that works the best to get there.

Which they shouldn’t have to do at all as they could have simply copy pasted the retail tool, but instead they went out of their way to make it worse.

LOL the daily heroic would like a word with out on that.

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I agree rip it out, and put in RDF, the right tool already exists

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I mean just have both available. They’re both good tools for what they’re designed for.

RDF is for pugging when you just want to smash a dungeon. The LFG Tool is for content where you care about preforming your group.

Different tools for different uses.


RDF doesn’t give you any agency or require any social interaction. The lack of those things mainly on megaservers is a problem sure - but is the solution to double down on it?

A word on what? Even the hardest daily heroics got done every day by plenty of pugs.

Hmm… so what you’re saying is people were in fact forced to do content they would otherwise avoid.

Ironically RDF gives you more agency there as you can simply drop and requeue if you don’t like your daily.

It’s not a problem though, it’s just the result of dungeons being designed as puggable fire and forget content.

what are you smoking, most common way in Wrath to use RDF was to ask your guild, hey I’m gonna run heroics anyone wanna come. Or to whisper a random tank to ask them if they wanted to do some heroics and ask to join them. Guess what this will still exist in Wrath Classic if we get RDF.

Go log in retail and make a vid yourself manually making a PUG group for RFK. Post it here and your point is proven.


Yes it will prove our point that chat pugging content that is that easy is simply not popular.

How did this even turn into another RDF post? I was suggesting the removal of the system entirely. Its broken and causes more problems on average than it solves. A simple LFG channel with enforced rules about not arguing politics or why blizzard sucks would be better.


Because sadly the tool is still better than the LFG Channel, it’s just not as good as what we should actually have.

Nobody was forced because you can’t randomly appear in an oculus with 0 capacity to opt out of it. You have to find or make a group, get invited and go to the dungeon. LFD just puts you there like it or not.

This isn’t retail, even the small dungeons are ideally going to have social interactions in them. The solution to lack of those things isn’t to make it totally pointless to do so by adding a tool requiring 0 communication and cross realm with people you’ll never see again.

anecdotes don’t really do your position any favours. And personally I like the process of forming a group. If I wanted it the LFD way I can play retail to experience that.

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Ya but the moment you bring RDF into it the babies start to cry, 1 thing at a time. Remove the garbage then we can discuss rebuilding.

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you’re in a Wrath Classic thread … why are you mentioning retail

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then form your own damn group, there is zero valid reason for Blizzard to not give us RDF, there is zero logical reason to do so. You social butterflies can still all queue together into RDF after you invite them to your party.

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