Can we just get rid of this broken Group Finder tool?

You’re only mad cause Blizzard doesn’t listen to you.

They’re listening to the actual Classic community that got us Classic to begin with. The community that’s staunchly against RDF.


Sure it does. But granted, it’s also less likely on massively large servers :woman_shrugging:

Why are you posting here? Clearly you havent tried to queue for a less popular dungeon like mech or bot. 4+ hours in queue as healer.


I believe that is what is supposed to happen. I do not believe that is what happens. But, that’s fine that you do. :slight_smile:

There is literally a timer showing you how long the post has been up.

Another day, another thread.

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That’s nice. :slight_smile:

The tool works great for what it’s supposed to work for.

It does not work great for random pugging.

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So for the vast majority of classic players it doesn’t happen.


Then make RDF realm specific… You’d come across people on your realm only. Instead they resort to an unnecessary and needlessly complicated method of grouping… If the whole argument is “We wanna run into the same people” then the solution is right there staring you in the face.

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The same solution exists with cross realm RDF, nothing about RDF prevents people from continuing to group as they do now.


It works great for random pugging, that’s what it was made for.


Keep on parroting that disingenuous argument.


Not really, it’s significantly worse for random pugging than RDF.

And those problems will only get worse as we get further into wrath classic.

Oh if RDF is the game you are incapable of using chat or the LFG Tool?


Call your friends to upvote you.


Maybe just don’t try to force queue unpopular dungeons during prepatch?

If you insist, just set it and forget it. Same as you would with RDF.

Better yet. Make some damn friends! They’ll run with you. My in game buddies are running stuff with me every day to gear up alts.

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That’s not the question tho. RDF doesn’t exist. The question is if it’s better for pugging than the /LFG channel.

Fortunately, they’re splitting up large servers.

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There’s nothing wrong with the new LFG tool, it works great. If you want to make a millionth thread demanding LFD just make one. You don’t have to pretend the LFG tool is bad to do so.

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It works perfectly well for pugging