Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

Ive said the same thing about 1000 times in here.
Someone who would argue against this point is clearly up to something no good.


honestly even giving forum users the ability to flag posts is more of a time waste for mods than it is constructive.

see this OP: there is an EXPRESS AND DIRECT message in OP FROM A MODERATOR that this thread has been re-opened


like if you want the forums to be better, stop wasting the mods time by forcing them to spend their valuable time un-hiding posts that they already re-opened.

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Can the mods silence people who are bringing up battltags? Itā€™s a straight up NO. Stop derailing the topic and trying to get it taken down.


Never underestimate the obsession of the modern day internet stalker.

I have a friend whose Btag is also his instagram/twitter handle. It would be very easy to do a google search of him as well.

I personally want Btags so people stop accusing me of sockpuppeting or being ā€œX personā€™sā€ alt. The ā€œalt postingā€ paranoia people have has reached ridiculous levels despite the fact that blues have always said it isnā€™t really that common. Btags would prove this once and for all so we can move on from that paranoid conspiracy.

However, I do recognize and understand the concerns you share. I think it is more important that everyone feels comfortable and safe. And we really donā€™t have any reason to believe that Btags would dramatically improve the climate of the forums. Even other forums that use Btags have just as much trolling. It seems like people reference those forums but have no actual experience using them:

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It was a joke. :roll_eyes:

Sadly they invite the behavior by telling them they dont want to inhibit flagging for fear of driving off legit flaggers.
A problem that wouldnt exist if they got rid of the asinine ā€˜inappropriateā€™ and ā€˜trollingā€™ kind of ā€˜violationsā€™ and made the rules crystal clear so that WE cannot confuse what is and isnt a violation of the rules.

ā€˜trollingā€™ is such an abject joke of a violation because it defines NOTHING, lol.
ā€˜trollingā€™ in here is anything I dont like. So they flag it, usng the flag as a downvote, troll a moderator, waste the mods time who restores it becaues there is no violation.
The real troll then flags it again, mod sees it, restores it againā€¦lather rinse repeat until the poor mod has had enough of it and just deletes to shut the crap up about it lol.

Get rid of the ambiguous ā€˜violationsā€™, make the rules crytal clear, take out the interpretation factor entirely.
Then make it a violation to flag posts that dont break any rules.

False flaggers get a 30 day vacation a few times guaranteed they stop trollling moderation with it.


Unless you donā€™t like what another player has to say, then you can pull up their logs and mock them for it.

Your behavior is reprehensible.


itā€™s just an incredible waste of moderatorsā€™ time to continually flag a post over and over - hoping that the mods will eventually just remove it because they are tired of having to answer the flags.

if there were punishment for false flagging then people would behave better and more people would attempt to engage in genuine conversation because people wonā€™t feel bullied when they post an opinion that disagrees with certain people.


like when i post in the account wide ignore thread, itā€™s a guaranteed flag to literally every post i write.

when i post in other threads throughout the entire forum? never got one flag lol.

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hopefully the mods finally get tired of it and penalize those people.

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Is that the reason why you delete any flagged post. So you can go around accusing people of ā€œfalsely flaggingā€ post because you donā€™t like being flagged.

It is a good thing that Blizzard does not give people forum vacations for simply flagging.


As opposed to you mocking and harassing another player with their logs? Thatā€™s how you deal with people disagreeing with you, right?

Luckily, that doesnā€™t matter. Moderation can still see what theyā€™ve posted and they can still be actioned for it.


not sure how to put thisā€¦the ā€˜concernā€™ I have isnt for myself.
I had a cop one time ask me if I was fearful for MY life or safety.
I told him noā€¦lolā€¦Im not. Ive dealt with stalking sorts before. They are meaningless to me personally. I know how to deal with them IF they are dumb enough to come calling.
Im concerned about people like my wife and other more laid back sorts who dont know how to deal with juvenile minded trolls /stalkers.

Right now they are false flagging a list of other posts, and I can see the poor mod has likely just had it with them so is deleting posts againā€¦which is the worst thing they can doā€¦give the harasser/stalker what they wantā€¦just encourages them to keep harassing othersā€¦which is why this group is still in here playing their childish games and over on twitter using derogatory names for us in here.

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but flag abuse is against the CoC and given that one person only has 5 flags per 24 hours, when someone gets over 20 of their posts flagged and hidden in under 60 seconds, thatā€™s a guarantee there is flag abuse going on.


Yeah, I know. I donā€™t get why they make it such a big deal anyways being flagged. I get a lot of my post flagged anyways, isnā€™t the end of the world for me.

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Yes, when you switch to alts to mass flag the same post over and over again.

As stated by Vrak.

But you donā€™t know who is flagging, and it is wrong to assume that people are switching between alts to flag over and over.


Well one of them is an obvious troll and Liolang is a very aggressive person, so the obvious answer is that thereā€™s a cabal of forum users thatā€™s out to get them and make you click a button to read their posts.

The absolute horror.

Itā€™s completely impossible that they could just be saying inappropriate things and that people who use the forums and read their posts think that their posts are breaking the rules.

Absolutely impossible. Right?


And which group would that be?

Lol, I donā€™t use Twitter. 0/10 for the attempt.


this thread is literally about the topic of being harassed and so wanting anonymous posting to be ā€˜saferā€™
I didnt miss that fact

Can the mods silence people who are asking for anonymous posting? Itā€™s a straight up NO.

Itā€™s not derailing. OP is asking for anonymous posting and people are giving their own opinions of why thatā€™s a bad idea and why battletags should be implemented.

The thread SHOULD be shut down because itā€™s a joke, but thatā€™s not why weā€™re here. Weā€™re here to stop the spread of misinformation that anonymous posting is safe when itā€™s been PROVED that itā€™s not.

If you canā€™t handle people having a different opinion and you want the mods to silence them for you, you shouldnā€™t be online, man.