Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

uh…because its our IN GAME PUBLIC ID?
And those who behave like they do in here are demanding it?

If the person stalking me IRL currrently asks for my home address or some other identifier, rest assured Im NOT willingly handing mroe over to them…including my car tag number, as someone hysterically tried to use as a BAD example in here the other day.

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Battle tags would be a simple and easy solution across the WoW forums.

It’s Blizzard’s design to use them both in-game and on the forums (as we all know, they’re used on all the other Blizz forums) and are our publically available gamer tag.

It’s why when we choose it, Blizzard explains that this is a public tag that others can see.

Funny enough, when you choose your btag, it does not say that it will only be used in-game, because they know they’re used out of game too.


Except that it is not just your in-game public ID. It is your self chosen Blizzard ID for all Blizzard platforms and services.

The definition is in the Support article.

A BattleTag™ is a player-chosen nickname that identifies your account in our games, websites, community forums, and more. Only one BattleTag can be associated with a account.


I do think the WoW Forums should just use BTags anyways, like every other Blizzard owned forum. Would help a lot on moderation if I recall correctly.


lmao…btags can be used BY THE SOFTWARE to accomplish anything moderation needs to do here…you all do NOT NEED TO SEE them on this forum for ANY valid purpose.
Saying otherwise confirms that you have no clue how this forum works and likely have an agenda with our btags once you have them in here.


It would be the opposite. No one wants to deal with the trouble anonymous posting brings and if they made it more anonymous than it already is, less people would post here.

Those with bad intentions will flock here.

Those who actually like being here will leave because it’ll be no different from reddit or 4chan.

If you want the forums to die, vote for anon posting.


Ah yes, a nefarious agenda that offers more in-game privacy, and functions like every other Blizzard forum has since 2009.

You can review all those years of forum data and tell us what nefarious agenda people have with Battletags. Also tell us what nefarious agenda has been exceuted with Gammertags, Steam tags, or any other single ID game name from every other major game company.


yeah…and we can see what THIS community did to the poor gent with the REALID issue some time back CONFIRMING the BEHAVIOR, as if we dont already have a harassment and profile stalking issue on this forum already lol

AS STATED…YOU HAVE NO VALID REASON or argument to SEE my Btag in here…PERIOD.

Ive been running forums for longer than this game has existed friend, I KNOW what is required for forum securiity…and YOU seeing MORE of someones account info ISNT required…again…PERIOD.

edit…actually, just checked…the first forum I set up was late 2001ish. Well before World of Warcraft existed.
So I think in 20 some years of doing it, I know what ISNT required for the safety of forum members…


Real ID is a real life name. Battletag is a fake nickname you make up just like your character name.

Not the same thing at all. Not even remotely.

NOBODY thinks it is a good idea to use real life information here nor is anyone suggesting we do.

I suspect your forums did not have infinite new names an account could post with. You had one forum account with a name the person selected. That is how forums are generally set up.


a battletag is an avenue that allows people to contact us via bnet by sending friend requests…

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I don’t think people seem to realize this, especially with all the misinformation the anon side has been spreading.

I’ve seen people who believed this (the this being that battletags are dangerous personal information and not just a username) and, once they were shown that it is, in fact, incorrect, they suddenly had no issues with battle tags.

The problem, in my opinion, is that these people don’t like being wrong. They can’t stand it. So, when they realize they’re wrong, instead of acting like adults and admitting that they got it wrong, they double down so they don’t look like fools.

In the end, they end up looking like bigger fools because they’re throwing reality out the window just to keep their ego in tact :dracthyr_shrug:


it is not incorrect to say this:

that is 100% true, what don’t you understand about that?

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And its in game…not here. Which is why they scream to see it in here.
The more I talk to this crowd the more they say and the more I know they CANNOT be allowed to have our public in game ID in here.
The one gent literally admitted he’d come looking in game for someone and another said he believed if they got you banned in HERE that your game account should be banned as well. lmao.

Theyve made it clear that they need to keep you ‘accountable’…the same guy calling us derogatory names over on twitter wants to keep YOU accountable here lmao
HARD pass.


the irony lmao
as stated…

we dont trust you with our realID…we DONT trust you with our Btag.
Is that simple enough?

To be fair, a lot of people do use their first name as their battletag. I saw a lot of this in plunderstorm where people had btags such as “Matt” or “Nick”.

Luckily it’s typically only their first name.

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this group of people really want btags so they can hold people accountable for disagreeing with them, they have made that quite clear.

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I was telling the wife about this joke topic a bit ago.
We’re driving down the road and I pointed at a house and I asked her…“if i wanted to keep that man living in that house ‘accountable’…how does that even work?”
Its NOT MY job to hold anyone here accountable…or that man down the road.
What would I have to do to keep him accountable? scream at him? cuss at him? WHAT is the actual act that holds him accountable? lmao.

So when they say they want to hold you accountable in here with your btag, what does that look like in reality?
Well, they already stalk and harass in here…so I think giving them another tool to use would be seriousy bad idea ,lol…especially given that THEY HAVE SAID that tool is our in game public ID lol

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If I remember correctly, doesn’t it say NOT to use personal information when making a btag? :thinking: It’s been a long time since I made one, so I may be wrong.

If they do add battletags to the forums, though, they can easily be changed to something random that isn’t their real name. It’s not like it’s a permanent thing.


the people who should hold others accountable on this forum are BLIZZARD AND BLIZZARD’S MODERATORS.

we don’t need forum users trying to police the forums, moderators do that.


I had to change my main bnet ID over this crap topic, lol
Ihad two words in there that if google searched I was literrally the second result because the word combination was so obscure.
once they had that, it was VERY easy to connect a few dots and literally find my phone number…our names…our PO Box and so our local area here.

I didnt think in a million years when I started this game that stalking and harassment was going to be a thing or frankly Id never have started playing WoW in the first place having already dealt with so many stalker sorts over the years