Are Most Forum Users Just Trolls?

Serious question. It seems like most people that comment on threads are just trolling and insulting other people, repeating “skill issue” and “git gud” ad-nauseum, calling others stupid. Of course nothing ever happens to these users and they continue to do this for years and years on end because Blizzard doesn’t care.
Why is this forum such a cesspool of trolls?


because everyone else left


Literally every thread I make about literally any topic is just immediately filled with trolls within actual seconds spamming “l + ratio”, “skill issue”, various insults, mind games, etc. They don’t even read anything in the actual thread at all either.

Like at any given time there’s people just staring at the forums and refreshing the page looking for new threads that pop up to instantly go in and start trolling. They also back each other up and gang up on people, liking each other’s posts and even reporting people that talk back to them.

I abandon most threads I make because they just get filled to the brim of mostly trolls insulting me. I see every other person’s thread devolve into this too.


Yes. Because these forums don’t have anything posted from normal people-because they’re playing the game and enjoying it. And the people who are…deficient in IQ wish the game to die, and hope that the people who enjoy playing the game suffer, because doomers are just…well, let’s just say not the most intellectually capable of beings lol.

So the trolls thrive in the echo chamber. And it’s also why the devs ignore the forums becuase there’s so much stupidity. If you’re intelligent-you’re shouted down by the intellectually stunted.


It’s because the Forums are a extreme vocal minority and aren’t taken seriously anymore to the point the devs don’t even look at the forums. They look at Reddit and Twitter for Feedback these days.

TLDR: no one cares about a bunch of people crying about stuff when they are below high plat and want everything in the world catered to them.


Most Forum Users Just Trolls?

All. All forum users.


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As much as I would like to say yes… Unfortunately, no. The vast majority of people on this forum are dead serious.

Weren’t you just complaining about not being able to hit a character who’s only spinning in place?
Like bro, of course people are gonna say that’s a skill issue because it either is, or it’s some variant of netcode spaghetti making a mess of things.
There are two options.

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Sounds like a skill issue to me


Forums trolls has been around since ages at least they were reasonable, but Overwatch trolls are upgraded version trolls just like OW 2.

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Its filled with addicts who are angry at their vice. Most truely dont like this game but it gives them the dopamine hit they need. So as much as they dislike it, theyll never stop playing, and Blizz knows it.

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I’m a little cheeky at times, but I wouldn’t call myself a troll.

Others have deemed me as such in the past, though. :sweat_smile: I simply like discussing things I’m interested in with other people.

Sometimes I overshare, or am too honest, and I think people take that as trolling, idk.



I said multiple times that I would shoot Mercy with characters such as Reaper, Dva, JQ, etc at near point blank at center mass and other locations on her body while she is spinning and the shots do not connect. That is not a skill issue, the shots literally do not hit when they should because there’s some glitchy buggines going on.

People did not read this and instead opted to troll and say I’m bad at the game and then go on to sarcastically complain about everything being too hard to hit.

This crap is in every thread I make, and others.

I dunno which forum you’re looking at, but most of the replies to any worthwhile thread are usually constructive in some way, albeit a bit abrasive.

There are a few curt or meme responses, but not nearly enough to suggest a majority.

Well it also stands to reason that when someone gives you worthwhile advice (such as on how to avoid toxicity), you don’t immediately turn around and start to unleash the very thing you claim to be against upon those individuals.

Nah, you were literally talking down to me and denying everything I said because I did not provide “statistics and proof”. Your advice was the same advice literally everyone says for toxicity: report, block, mute. That’s it. Me and everyone else that plays this game knows that. The point of the post was that the game is more toxic now.

You then played mind games by telling me to quote the exact part of your post I was referencing like you can’t tell.
Then you went on to troll and say my post was satire. So you’re literally who I was speaking of in that post, and this one: a troll. Trying to hide it by speaking “intelligently”, but you’re just a troll. You also insinuated I am at fault for the increased toxicity in the community by making posts calling out toxicity. Literally blaming me for others being toxic, like I made them that way.

Also nice job following me from post to post just to do it more.

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I mean this is to be expected. Nothing is ever 100% agreed upon or liked.

Every single thread I make has people attacking me or missing the point too. But the majority of comments are neutral or positive. You have to just accept there are going to be people who perceive your take negatively.

Also, keep in mind people who aggressively insult you are probably insecure as flip deep down. I also might be a bit sadistic because when someone gets really mad to the point they call me an idiot or w/e, I lol IRL. XD I don’t try to make them mad, but it’s still funny when they get that emotionally charged over a take.

I know you can’t choose how you react to things like this, though. It hits people differently. But I think a good start is just understanding that these people don’t matter.


I mean, literally all the input I have is spin to win has never saved me from impending death.
Could it be wonky spaghetti code for OW2? Possible since spin didn’t seem to save her from anything in July.

Without any record of anything happening you should expect people to doubt/completely disregard your recount of events. Hence reflexive “Skill issue”, no one else is saying Mercy spin is regularly preventing an otherwise sure kill, you don’t provide evidence beyond “this is what happened trust me”. There’s really no reason to believe you or your story, but OW2 has been a mess of bugs and wonk so I wouldn’t be surprised to hear there’s yet another.

I don’t mind people disagreeing with me or saying their experience is different, but they just went in there to call me stupid and troll so
There’s a big difference between “I haven’t experienced this idk man, all my shots hit Mercy when she’s spinning” and “L + Ratio git gud scrub”

Trando you can save your fingers, I’m not going to read your posts anymore as I know exactly what will be in them.

There is, and that’s why those people should be ignored.

I know being insulted doesn’t feel great. But I think it helps to picture these people as obese, sweaty, Cheeto-beards living in their parents’ basement, angry at life so they’re projecting their insecurities on people anonymously.

There is never an opinion worth listening to that comes in the form of a degrading, self-righteous insult.

Again, I know you can’t control your emotional reaction to it. But taking power away from the words helps tremendously in softening the blow.