Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

Do you not know what you’re asking for? You’re asking to become fully anonymous on the forums, by asking for anonymous posting. Being anonymous means you have no profile, you have no posting history, you have no avatar to post from, and you’re free to use the forums to spread hate speech, start with harassment, or just flat out troll the forums.

What part of “anonymous” do you not understand?

Oh, that’s ironic, since you’ve just ignored everything everyone has asked you, and just twisted everything around to suit your own agenda. Hey, you’re also defending the person who created the thread with a real life threat too.


my topic is pretty much asking option to fully hide armory, which we already have in a users setting menu, to opt and make profile PRIVATE. Yet it not fully utilized to prevent from checking your armory in other ways. It is simple.

Also, be able to hide your real (characters) name , which could be randomly generated like they did in overwatch2 streamers future, or could just my race name + class i am playing.

Literally nothing else. yet people keep bringing outside world problems into my topic and trying to twist those ideas like there is no tomorrow.

I mean if you ignore the first part of your post


The problem is exactly the same you have people in here who want more of your private and public personal account information and do you think those people want you have an anonymity in here?

So while you believe that this is separate issues it’s not. You have people in here who stalk and harass who want more of your information showing in here these people are not going to go along with you having your armory hidden or posting anonymously because they are the profile stalkers

So this is all very much related

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At this point, I’m convinced that you truly believe you’re a night elf named Nelfas in real life, thus your belief that such information is private information and should be hidden.

None of this is true. You are not a night elf. Your character is not personal information, it is a fake character owned by blizzard, not you.

If you’re that desperate to be “anonymous” just go somewhere else because that will never happen here. Blizzard is not that dumb.


Good morning everyone, just here to post my daily support to have a system on the forums that enhances people’s privacy.

have a lovely day :slight_smile:

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Yes, that’s why people before my topic also asked for more privacy options. And blizzard actually keeps implementing such feautures.

Hello, thank you sharing this. :heart:

Yes, make your forum profile page private. Doesn’t hide your armory, doesn’t hide your post. Both can be either searched from the WoW main home page or the forum search function. You can not hide your armory, and you can not hide any of your post. Asking for anonymous posting is asking to hide everything and to become fully anonymous. Do you not know what you’re asking for.

Because the “outside world problems” aren’t excluded from the WoW Forums. What part of that do you not even understand.

Starting to really get sick of your harassment towards others Liolang

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.

Seriously, enough is enough.


Ironically what you’ll see in here is the very people that do the most harassing literally telling you that they need more tools to keep this place more accountable by them of course lol.

Meanwhile they are the disruption on this forum. You watch and see when this topic comes up again about being able to see your in-game account ID how much turmoil gets caused in this forum by them if you disagree with them. They will start flag bombing your posts getting them restored flag bombing them again. They’ll be restored two or three times like I had happened the other day while I was literally sitting there watching it

They called disruption in here because they can’t handle being proven wrong and they don’t like you disagreeing with them
Which just makes them act even worse demanding that they get your in-game public identification in here claiming that they need it now because you disagreed with them and you are being problematic when in reality it’s them being the problem by demanding the information that they don’t need in the first place

now I don’t know about this anonymous posting that you’re talking about I don’t really have any opinions either way. I think this forum is perfectly fine as it is other than people abusing the flag should be permanently banned in here after about the third or fourth time it happens

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I see the flag bomb crew got the OP again. It’s sad that people aren’t allowed differing opinions without the flag bomb crew doing what they do.


Hey, wasn’t me. I haven’t even flagged the opening post once.


This is another reason that btags shouldn’t happen. Any time btag PlayerGuy#7728 makes a post the flag bomb crew will come along and flag them in hopes to get them suspended and silenced.


Yea you guys really do flag anything that has a different opinion than yours

Lost count how many times I was flagged simply for wanting account wide ignores


Except for the fact that it is up to Blizzard to fully decide if the post does violate the Code of Conduct, not anyone else. I mean, what is the goal here?

Lost count how many “your post has been hidden” and “your post have been restored” notifications before I placed my forum profile on hidden.


I dunno who “you guys” is but I’m not part of the flag bomb crew. I didn’t even care about these anon and btag threads until someone admitted that they’d use btags to harass posters.

I think I’m tired of reading you making the same troll topic every couple of days.


Why do you keep reading it then?


yes…they do…and they lie about doing it.
I had ONE post flagged three times, restored TWICE while I was sitting here the other day.
CLEARLY NO violation.
CLEARLY they saw it restored…yet chose to continue to troll our mods here by flagging it AGAIN knowing it was restored.

They KNOW the are doing it.
And I think moderation is starting to see that they are using the flag as a trolling /harassment weapon in here.

I cant even count how many times my posts have been flagged and restored.
Even more, the ones that were multi flagged, restored and then our poor mods here finally just delete the post to get them to stop behaving like they do.

That group IS MOST of the chaos on this forum. They are way worse than the T person(s) who only show up a time or two in a given year in here and are quickly dealt with.

I know it.
YOu know it
THEY know it.
Their own twitter feeds, which I spent a lot of time screen shotting last evening, tell us all we need to know about the issues they have with this forum and its members.


Guys i want to troll with no repercussions or people calling me out on my bullcrap

help blizzard, help me make a sock puppet so i wont be embarrassed when i talk out my bum and people call me on it, thanks!


All I’ma say is that twitter guy is a bit of a wackadoodle

I got no intention of looking at their twitter, but from what I’ve been told it’s just endless tweets about every post in a thread, all while getting 0 interactions

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