Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

I think I’m tired of reading you making the same troll topic every couple of days.


Why do you keep reading it then?


yes…they do…and they lie about doing it.
I had ONE post flagged three times, restored TWICE while I was sitting here the other day.
CLEARLY NO violation.
CLEARLY they saw it restored…yet chose to continue to troll our mods here by flagging it AGAIN knowing it was restored.

They KNOW the are doing it.
And I think moderation is starting to see that they are using the flag as a trolling /harassment weapon in here.

I cant even count how many times my posts have been flagged and restored.
Even more, the ones that were multi flagged, restored and then our poor mods here finally just delete the post to get them to stop behaving like they do.

That group IS MOST of the chaos on this forum. They are way worse than the T person(s) who only show up a time or two in a given year in here and are quickly dealt with.

I know it.
YOu know it
THEY know it.
Their own twitter feeds, which I spent a lot of time screen shotting last evening, tell us all we need to know about the issues they have with this forum and its members.


Guys i want to troll with no repercussions or people calling me out on my bullcrap

help blizzard, help me make a sock puppet so i wont be embarrassed when i talk out my bum and people call me on it, thanks!


All I’ma say is that twitter guy is a bit of a wackadoodle

I got no intention of looking at their twitter, but from what I’ve been told it’s just endless tweets about every post in a thread, all while getting 0 interactions

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Same and I really don’t understand how this is allowed to continue. OP is clearly here to troll and bait people into arguments without providing any real evidence as to why anonymous is a good idea.

They’ve been asked repeatedly to show proof of their claims and they refuse while demanding proof from the opposition who, mind you, HAS shown proof.

The fact that these threads keep getting nuked but she’s allowed to keep making them anyway, adding NO new information and just saying the same thing on repeat is appalling to me.

A clear troll who gets flagged for trolling only for her posts to be restored over and over. It’s so dumb.

Meanwhile, people are spreading misinformation, calling people stalkers, claiming that being told to game end is an opinion, but it’s all allowed to be said. How is that not trolling?


its WAY worse than B’s twitter.
I checked a few others out on twitter and yeah…NO game ID in here EVER.


I don’t know nothing about anyone else wow forums tweeting and I intend to keep it that way

Unless they’re tweeting about me, in which case I hope they got my good side

Jk, I only have good sides :kissing_heart:


Personally, I dont give a hozen rump about any of them at all in any conceivable way.
But Ive dealt with stalkers online since the web became a thing and also in real life.
Literally dealing with a stalker here in town this past week who has been at it on and off for 3 freaking years now.
I know the mentallity. I know the behavior. I know the warning signs after dealing with it for so long.

What surprised me was seeing one of them who Ive had a lot of good interactions with not being who they seem to be at all. heartbreaking that now that I looked, I cant unsee the vomitous stuff they were saying elsewhere. I cant look at them the same ever again over it in here.

It comes down to yes to ignores…NO to any more account info in here

The second btags are publicly seen in here is the day I stop posting entirely and likely close out this unneeded bnet account


A person can have different opinions but there needs to be some discussion and not “oh this isn’t this” and “Oh maybe it is this” and it just all over the place.

Also what flags? I’ve been out of flags for like 22 hours with 8 hours left to go. We get I think… 4? 5? idk and I try to save them for absolutely horrible stuff.


Like shaving a vulpera fully? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You do not do that. It gets breezy.

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Don’t worry, I bought you this adorable christmas sweater!


But I only do it when also running away and hiding all the taco’s :sob:


yes i would imagine that a large portion of the forum users would never post on the wow forums again if btags were added and it would also make new players hesistant about visiting and engaging with the forums

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Yeah, I can imagine making anything up too when not knowing the full outcome.




Because they don’t have a beachball to protect them.


I think a large portion here would at least be concerned or hesitant once the make the connection that now the people harassing us in here have our PUBLIC IN GAME ID to make those connections with for sure.

I know Im leaving if the profile stalking sort can now see my in game ID.
Ill stop posting and change my battletag and if that new one shows I’ll close this account out entirely.

A few in here have proven they cant be trusted over their own behavior on this forum and elsewhere


what is there to be ‘protected’ from, one has to ask.

Sounds like one knows there is some reason one would want to be protected …and from whom one needs protection from.

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