Can we give Void Elves the Green Eyes?

Again gold eyes are due to the sun well.


Void elves have high elf customizations, they should also have golden eyes.

I find it funny because threads like this really show that this standard information is quickly forgotten just to get a very specific group exactly what they want, which is no more no less everything that blood elves have, just on Alliance.

What they want has always been there since TBC, but are unable to get over the fact that the devs intended them to be different from the traditional fantasy.


asians tend to view elves as asian. europeans tend to view them as european. they appeal to many people who prefer archers, rangers and magic classes. this is why they are popular. its not to spite people who dont have the preference.

It’s 100% true that choosing to call yourself a “High Elf” vs a “Blood Elf” is mostly political at this point.

However, and I don’t like to bring IRL into here too much, but the best example I can think of is the divide between Mainland China & Taiwan, where after the Cultural Revolution the losing faction of the war fled to Taiwan and renamed their people.

Problem is, initially the high majority of people residing within Taiwan at the time still called themselves and culturally identified as Chinese, despite being viciously opposed to the government of Mainland China. It would take literal decades for the majority of those within Taiwan to identify as “Taiwanese,” though even today a large chunk of the population still does not do this.

For this reason, while it may be true that over a long period of time Blood Elves within the Alliance may rename themselves to create less friction, at the moment it has only been a few years at most since this new divide and as a result is unlikely they’d change of their entire identity.

Even with that, there may be a chance that Alliance Blood Elves (such as Valeera Sanguinar) may never change their identity as the Alliance becomes less exclusive. Calling yourself a Blood Elf can be a sign of loyalty to your government, but it can also solely be a sign of respect towards those that passed away, and Valeera has shown that both reasons to identify as a Blood Elf are not mutually exclusive.

An IRL example of this is people who are Russian. No spoiler alert needed for anyone that has even glanced at a history book to know that the United States and Russia have been historic enemies for the past few decades.

Despite this however, there are many Russians within the United States who are proud Americans. A U.S Citizen stating they are Russian and embracing their culture can still be extremely patriotic and loyal to the United States (and they often are). This even occured within World War II, where many Germans fled to the United States and aided our military against the German Government.

With all that being said though, I do agree with you that there are some limitations.

For example, while Germans came to the United States and aided us during World War II, they weren’t going around waving German Flags around or talking about how their country is the greatest, but they still called themselves German and embraces their Culture.

A nation’s culture typically predates any ruling Government or Regime. Just because an opposition government takes over and some expats relocate doesn’t mean they can’t still embrace the culture that predated said government.

It’s 100% possible where during Garrosh’s reign (where Lor’themar was literally in talks with Varian about rejoining the Alliance), and then after Sylvanas that Blood Elves would begin to defect to the Alliance (as we currently see ingame within Telogrus Rift), but still keep their identity.

Another factor is that it’s been a forgotten narrative that Blood Elves are fiercly supportive and grateful towards the Draenei. If it wasn’t for Velen using his abilities to extract M’uru and reignite the Sunwell, the Blood Elves may have all becomes wretched. The Blood Elves & Draenei have a very special relationship.

This part really just isn’t true. The whole point of Magister Umbric studying the Void was because he believed it could be used to defend Silvermoon.

The Scourge Invasion of Quel’thalas left many traumatized in addition to creating a burning passion for never wanting to be vulnerable again. Studying the Void to harness it’s power was seen as a move to “cover all bases,” tho Umbric was casted out as Magister Rommath believed the risks were greater than the possible benefits

Even after Exile, Umbric has dialogue about him longing for Silvermoon, with hopes to return one day. You can even still see the embrace of Blood Elf Culture within Telogrus Rift by just walking around and seeing all the furniture design, it is very reminiscent of the Inns you see in Silvermoon City, Falconwing Square, and the top floor of Fairbreeze Village.

Despite this though, i’m not saying we need to give Void Elves a bunch of Blood Elf assets.

All we really need are the Green Eyes options so we can finally acknowledge that there are Blood Elves within and fighting for the Alliance.

Side note

I am so sorry for the LONG and LATE response. I finally got time to just lay in bed for a bit and chill on my phone lol.

Also, just to clarify i’m not 100% disagreeing with you, just some minor disgareement that may be subjective even. You obviously have a lot of lore knowledge too and I even learned reading your post.


They need the green eyes an just a lot more options in general.

New / more hairstyles for instance. Look at night elves option screens and then make a void elf.

Just look at the counterpart to void elves. Nightborne seem to have even more options than night elves now. :sweat_smile:
There is just no love for void elves whatsoever. No city, no modified model, almost no lore, last minute addition, still almost no customization options and the one they have look awful for the most part.

Honestly, you put way too much passion into this.
What you’re writing is of course correct, but you’re arguing here with people, who do nothing but hurl insults and want to forbid others from using certain colors among other stuff.
Honestly, I bet they’ve never touched any other game in their lives besides WoW. Otherwise, they would know how childish such behavior is. Everywhere else, things like color palettes and even shared hairstyles have been standard for over a decade. Logically, it means more options for everyone.
WoW players, on the other hand, seem genuinely afraid of losing something when others have access to the same things. Things that you really only find in this community. :sweat_smile:


No worries! You promised a response later and you certainly delivered :slight_smile:

Oh for sure. I love actual discussions of lore like this. You are right about the void elves and their longing for home. Covering all bases is really the more apt description of their studies. I guess when it came to them being secretive about it I was thinking too much in terms of their studies being their whole focus. But really it was just meant as a means to help their people. Umbric says himself, “Prince Kael’thas proposed one way. I sought out another.”

I find the elves probably the most interesting race in WoW because blizzard have actually fleshed out some of their fractured groups. It makes for a lot of ambiguity and speculation, but I find that stuff fun.


Except you don’t.

You have alleria customizations, another velf.


Can we give Void Elves customizations that are based on them being Void Elves instead?


No, these are high elf customizations to RP a high elf.
When paladins are available for all races, I would like to RP a high elf paladin with golden eyes.

So you want them to have a new model?

That was a ship sailed off already when VE got the HE customizations. Although it was sonething i once supported on, it would just be pointless to do that now unless they have yet another mutation, but then they would not be high elves you want.

Model limitations at the time. How ever blizzard surpassed that limit with body toggles with dracthyr, they just need to be nudged more on letting other races on model options.



At this point I’d rather they consolidated Void Elves and Blood Elves into just one race at character creation, let players pick their racials and nameplate, and their faction. I see no reason to add a new race at all.

However, I think its valid to add another variant of elf under the condition that they provide visual distinctness, and we have some in-game models which can be used as a basis to provide that.

Speaking for only myself again, assuming for a moment that all the High Elves in, let’s say Dalaran, were transformed into these Alexstraza/Nozdormu models, then yes, those are the elves I would like to play. I’d have been a lot more tolerant of Void Elves if they’d just been the Silver Covenant transformed, instead of these neverbeforeheardof Blood Elves, for example. Some tragic accident, and they’re corrupted. Wouldn’t need much more than that, really.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with League of Legends but there’s a champion named “Vel’koz” who is basically a Void Monster, and he has a skin you can buy from the “Arclight” line which is basically Paladin skin. This skin gives him cool gold/light themed tentacles.

I know Blood Elves got the Gold Eyes, but it would be cool if they got some light-themed tattoos, hair streaks, etc to reflect the Holy Power coming from the Sunwell.

Personally, would be liberating for me as a Blood Elf player since late-TBC. When I play my Void Elf I know it’s a Blood Elf, not a High Elf.

Blood Elves struggled with near-extinction and eventually pulled themselves up with so much struggle, meanwhile “High Elves” denounced Silvermoon and talked crap from the comfort of their Alliance homes. I would never want to play a Post-Scourge Invasion “High Elf.” Blood Elves did what they had to do to survive.

At this point the band aid is already pulled. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think they should just pour Blood Elf assets onto Void Elves, but simply giving them their Green Eyes would be a nice subtle lore nod towards where Void Elves originated from.

Why do you stand between myself and the gates of Heaven

I’m a Sin’dorei player tho :raised_hand:

Tho admittedly, I faction changed during Shadowlands prepatch. It was fun getting to play Alliance for the first time and going through BFA zones with my Void Elf headcanoning that I was a Blood Elf that defected (well, technically that’s what Void Elves literally are).

Drustvar was beatiful, and it was nice to have actual Inns and not just huts with straw beds.

Have you seen what Void Elves turn into when they get the “Inner Child” buff? from the Experimental Anima Cell? :purple_heart:

I’m gonna be honest, I think Chris Metzen making Blood Elves Horde during TBC was one of the best decisions in story history, it wasn’t just different to be different but narratively made sense.

If you listen to his Q&A during Blizzcon talking about the Blood Elves, the premise was such a breathe of fresh air.

In hindsight though they probably should have just made “Thalassian Elves” a Neutral Race, with the choice of Blood Elves who remained loyal to Silvermoon and High Elves who denounced their government.

Yeah it’s so weird that the premise of our race is Blood Elves who faction changed again, but we’re only allowed to make ourselves look like High Elves.

100% on the no Golden Eyes also, that’s directly from living near the Sunwell for too long, should stay Blood Elf exclusive.

<Insert “Why not both” GIF here>

That’s basically what they’ve done with Blood Elves tbh, with Blood Elf customizations being the base with “Holy Elf” customizations being added as a side-option (golden eyes) due to the story.

Say sike rn

I’m not against it, only thing is Thalassian Elf eye colors tend to be effected heavily by the magic being used within their environment. To be honest, I’m not sure what the story-reason for this is.

I think they just wanted to avoid making all Elves have Green Skin like they did to Orcs lol, so they only did the eyes.

The Void is Endless

Leper Elves

We’re both Blood Elves, give me that Mountain Dew Eye Color.


Require us to purchase a Shaving Kit for $10 from the Cash Shop to remove them.


And it kills me every time
When you fall in line
Living in a lie
So perfectly designed
I see it in your eyes
I know you wonder why
Your thoughts were such a crime

:notes: :notes: :notes:

Where’s Green

I’m not 100% sure if the Green Eyes get “cleansed” or if they fade away over time or anything :person_shrugging: , I was under the impression that the eye color change is permanent kind of like Green Orc Skin, unless you have a lot of direct-exposure to the Sunwell (like Liadrin) then your eye color turns Gold.

I would love more information on this topic tbh cause i’m not too knowledgeable on how eye color changes post-sunwell raid.

I can always count on you appearing to fight against my hopes and dreams, and I wouldn’t want it any other way :person_fencing:

I was exclusively a Horde player until I had to hear Nalthanos talking too many times. Promptly unlocked Void Elves and hopped over to the Blue Side, Nalth was absolutely unbearable to listen to throughout the War Campaign.

I also loved Teldrassil, me and my friends would always sneak into there and screw around that lake near Dolanaar (with the lake and boat), was a fun place to just chill and chat. When I came back and saw Teldrassil turned into charcoal I was so sad, I know you can talk to Chromie to go back in time, but I have a personal policy of not wanting to “go back in the past.”

Kind of why I don’t play classic, I loved WOTLK but I did not touch Classic WOTLK. I love and cherish my memories from back in the day, and I don’t want to try to relive those memories through an experience that I know will be no where the same.

I’m excited to play through the expansions that I did not get to play though, if Classic continues past Cata.

You guys should get more “Holy Elf” customizations to be honest. Blood Elves at this point are the antithesis to Void Elves.

I would love to see exclusive Blood Elf customizations that are Holy based such as tattoos, hair styles, hair streaks, highlights, etc.

Because so many Void Elves want to customize as and pretend to be High Elves, meanwhile I can’t have my Green Eyes even though I acknowledge i’m literally playing an Alliance Blood Elf.

I don’t think this is a bad thing too be honest. Intraracial Conflicts are always more interesting anyways, kind of like the Pandaren conflict during MOP.



Genuinely can’t stand him, not gonna use past tense because Seething Shore is still in rotation for random battlegrounds.

When I came back to the game after quitting in Cata, my very first toon was the same thing I left the game on, Night Elf Druid. When I hit level 50 and tried to use the flightpath from Moonglade to Teldrassil and was told I couldn’t and learned what happened, I was a bit distraught to be honest. I used to like Sylvannas, but then that was a thing that happened ans no more did I like her. :dracthyr_a1:

I still have Zidormi send me back and vibe in Teldrassil, I love that zone too much not to.

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Actually you are a Void Elf even your character says Void Elf, plus Void Elves have gotten more than enough in the customization department already especially vs other Allied Races so I think you will live without the green either use the blue, purple or white or red if you use Dark Ranger skin.

It’s time for Kul Tiran, Vulpera, Dark Iron Dwarves and Mechagnomes to get new customization stuff.


Don’t care, I am allowed to express my opinions when people ping me in threads like this so I’m allowed like many others to say I feel Void Elves have gotten enough because they have, either be happy with what you got or don’t because the bottom line is Void Elves don’t need 100% of the same customizations as Blood Elves and you will live without green eyes or golden eyes.


I am not satisfied because the void elves did not receive new customizations (hairstyles, beards, jewelry,
tattoos…) like the 3 other Legion allied races.
So I can continue to ask what I would like for the void elves. :hugs:

Good for you and I will continue again like many others to point out that Void Elves have gotten more than enough already customization wise, cool how that works huh that we can think differently and still express opinions on a public forum.