Anyone that did the Void Elf Storyline knows that we’re literally Blood Elves.
Also, there are Silvermoon Scholars in Telogrus Rift being recruited into the Ren’dorei in the same way High Elves are, meaning we can play both High Elves & Blood Elves that were not present for the initial Void Explosion (hence High Elf customizations).
Blood Elves have their unique golden eyes from the Sunwell. They won’t miss the green.
There is already a premise for this,
Valeera Sanguinar
Valeera Sanguinar is quoted to embrace her Blood Elf heritage in honor of the fallen, while at the same time being loyal to the House of Wrynn.
I will be loyal to the Alliance, but let me embrace my Blood Elf heritage

EDIT, Clarity: 1/27/24 6:11 AM EST
I was not saying Valeera is a Void Elf, the point is that Valeera is welcomed into the Alliance while at the same time being allowed to embrace her Blood Elf Heritage, even wearing full Blood Elf themed clothing.
Expats can embrace their people’s culture while at the same time being opposed to their people’s government.
A Blood Elf embracing their culture doesn’t make them any less of a Loyal member of the Alliance.
Sure. Give Blood Elves the tentacle hair in return though.
Oh god yes please. The blood elf meltdown here would be glorious to watch.
Alright logistically it makes sense that maybe not the eyes were changed during the velf scene. There were a bunch of Blood Elves there.
So the premise is there that Velves should have green eyes but it’s likely they won’t do it - the skin color was already them bending their original idea.
I’m all for giving more customization options to races…but oh boy the Backlash among a group of Sin’dorei players would be able to be seen from Space.
Soon. Very soon. The void elves become void walkers. And will walk among us but only as fades. Faceless terrors of teeth and only malice.
Then we find ourselves in the upside down. Stranger things have been seen.

Sure, honestly Blood elves should be Alliance anyway.
I was going to make a comment about how that does’t make sense.
But Blizzard did make the void elves that joined the Alliance former blood elves. And void elves can choose to make their appearance be their pre-void elf states, which mean green eyes.
So yeah. Why not. The only one that actually couldn’t work is the golden Light eyes.
I personally don’t care for Green eyes and would rather we get the original High Elf eyes with white scleras and pupils in different shades of blue, purple, etc.
At this point, they should have made high elves the allied race and just made void elf a customization.
I know the lore but that would have been the best way to do that from what I’ve noticed of all the things folks want for elves.
How about just giving everyone every conceivable eye color?
It really just never ends…
Give Void Elves green eyes and green skin so they can be called “Snot Elves” 
This can’t be said enough honestly because it really is true.
I love drama, so I want to say yes. But void + fel = big explosion.
From known troll posters? Of course not.
When? I know Light and Void don’t play nice together but Fel?
Not as volatile as light and void, but it still makes something unstable. It’s why it’s a popular projectile when something needs to be super destructive, and regular hellfire isn’t enough. There is a boss from WoD that was infused with both iirc