Can we give Void Elves the Green Eyes?

Alliance side being mostly Human centric is why I’ve always hated it, even with like buildings in almost every zone it’s always Human and it’s like yeah no because I prefer Night Elf and Draenei architecture more.

Also I like Night Elves but not as much as other elves they rank as my third behind Blood Elves and Nightborne, lol.


Have you been on AD lately? The server literally lost the remaining Horde-belves over to Alliance. Merging everything together would make the most sense at this point, it’s no wonder that the former players wish to have the same customization options as the Horde Sin’dorei.

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Yeah, but on the flip side, Horde is all orc. Garrisons are orcish, the armor for the military is orcish… doesn’t make much sense to see an elf mage wearing unga bunga orc spikes.

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I will agree to some degree but usually we tend to be the faction that gets variety where Alliance is more all about getting the same things again and again and again and it’s usually again and as I said Human centric.


Whats funny is that in this same clip (at around 7mins), we get confirmation that high elves are indeed already playable and have been since TBC. Guess this is something we can all acknowledge now.

“Blood elves are our high elves” -Chris Metzen.


Womp womp

Now what?

No, I don’t. I’ve been enjoying the game very much the past few months with my friends! And I know many people are very excited for the Worldsoul Saga


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My character looks very good, I get PMs complimenting her all the time! Same with my Helf Mage and Warlock and Rogue and Hunter! Our hairstyles are higher quality than yours and I quite like them :smiley: Yours are all outdated, both style wise and model wise, and I very much do not want them. But if you love them that’s great! Everyone should be happy!


No, no more elf stuff ever you have already gotten enough learn to be grateful.

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Definitely not.

We need to keep some unique racial features.


They already do…


k. Don’t beleive you though.

but you didn’t answer my question on what the point of having high elves would be?

Because people have wanted them for a long, long, time and Void Elves did not fill that fantasy for them. And so people keep asking for the thing that they want. Don’t really get how this is a hard concept?


To be fair, implementation would be an important part of it.

For example, let’s say Blizzard adds High Elves, but, they use the Nozdormu and Alexstraza models instead of the existing Thalassian models. Sure, we’d get High Elves, but they’d provide a visually distinct appearance from the existing variants of Blood and Void Elves.

Why do they look different? I don’t know, why do Kul Tirans look so different from humans? Different lifestyle I suppose. Or they could go with the old favorite of throwing a new eeveelution at us “High Elves, now with 100% more Azerite.”

If they’re added but look different, that would eliminate a lot of complaints at the idea of adding them as they are now. It’s the lore that would need to be touched on to provide an explanation.



Can void elves finally be at peace with not having every freaking customization Blood Elves already have?


give void elves. ALL THE CUSTOMIZATIONS.

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This seems like a fair compromise

That’s not really funny, it’s just standard information. I don’t believe that anyone has ever seriously claimed that the Blood Elves were not the High Elves from previous games.

Now, the people who don’t understand that there was a divide between the various groups of Thalassian Elves, and that one stuck with the name “High Elf” while another took the name “Blood Elf” seem to be the larger issue.

Blizzard themselves acknowledge that the two groups are different, even going so far as to put up a “Warcraft Encyclopedia” that contained pages concerning the two, and their differences: (courtesy of the wayback machine: Warcraft Encyclopedia) This was released in 2006, before The Burning Crusade was even released in 2007.

When people talk about High Elves, in relation to current WoW events, they are not talking about the Blood Elves. If you’re talking about historical High Elves, that’s a different thing. But I see way too many people acting willfully ignorant on the subject.

Doesn’t matter that much, though, because Void Elves are “close enough” for me.


Of course they are, but you don’t get to play the actual High Elf experience from the Alliance, which is the catch.

Besides, Kael’thas officially also tells in a story, that they are no High Elves more but Blood Elves. In other words, a politically different group. And people want the oldschool classic group to be their Blood Elves, which is somewhat understandable. That’s why both races will likely merged in Midnight.

I wouldn’t really waste my time fighting with a bitter person, where every posting is predictable. Besides, you all should play something else than elves at this point. Perhaps a dwarf or troll for once. The two human barbie races with pointy ears aren’t worth the forum trouble anymore.


You can only be a “real” High Elf, without Horde-ties on Alliance and be a Silver Covenant or Alliance-city/zone player. That’s the big main difference between the already same race.


The Horde already says that they don’t want the elves. Just make a third faction for Midnight that encompasses all of the elves and watch them dominate all other factions lol XD

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Blizzard should add these high elf customizations to the void elves because they are missing.